50. Game night

The year 2020 had started with literal fireworks for Valeria and Seb, but reality had soon sunk in that, even if they had vowed to each other that it would be the best year of their lives, the world had something else in mind. A new deadly virus had been devastating China and the fear of a global pandemic was getting real, especially as countries closed up their borders as numbers rose. The Chinese GP had already been cancelled even before winter testing.

'I don't have a good feeling about this year' Valeria huffed, as she sat down with Pietro for lunch. She had started her new job as soon as the factory reopened from the Christmas break. She was enjoying being part in the middle of the decision making team, but most of the time she ended up listening to higher ups and managers discussing their own ideas without any input from her.

'I don't either, it's been two weeks you've left me with Fabrizio and I am already looking for another job. He's such a....' he stopped as he saw the afore-mentioned man walk towards their table.

'Pietro, I had an idea for the social media channels, if I forget please remind me when we are back' he said. He walked off straight after without even looking Valeria in the eye.

'Hello and goodbye, I guess' she shrugged. 'what a prick' she whispered.

Busy tonight? Her phone had just buzzed with a message from Lando.

Yeah, Seb's gone home for a few days and I'm gonna be able to play games without feeling judged lol 

 Why? She replied. She and Lando had started chatting quite a lot, she wondered if it was all a strategy from McLaren to lure her in.

Exactly why I was texting you. Wanna play some COD?

Sure, why not. Hit me up on discord and steam, my tag is V4l3r14P.

Wow. Discord AND Steam?! You're definitely not Vettel's fiancée. What time works for you?

Valeria laughed out loud. It was true, Seb had his own way of using technology but she found it empowering. He was only born three years before her but his soul belonged to a different era and that's what made him so special.

Any time after 7 pm, so 6 for you. Just give me time to get home and get set up.

Fair. Let's do around 7.30 Italian time. See ya later x

In a bit, Norris x

By 7.30 Valeria had already taken a shower, had dinner and was setting up her pc. She felt her phone vibrate and saw Seb's face on her screen. She picked up 'evening'

'hey, Schatzi. Just thought I'd see how you were, hope you're not enjoying my absence too much.' He told her.

'I'm all good. Work was OK today, but it's still weird coming home and you're not here. But, I'm about to play games with Lando, which I never get to do when you're around'

'I'm sorry I wanna spend time with you' he joked 'what's that Italian saying you taught me?' Seb chuckled. 'When the cat's not around?'

'The mice dance, yeah.' Valeria laughed. 'How's everyone back home?'

'very well, thanks. Wanna guess what's the first thing my own niece asked me when I met with Stefanie this morning? Wo ist Tante Valeria? Nobody cares about me anymore' he smiled.

Valeria couldn't contain a wide smile herself, Martha had really taken a liking to her and had started calling her Aunt without anyone ever mentioning the word to her.

'she is just too precious, just like her uncle' Valeria said. 'uh, Lando is online. I'll speak to you later, OK?'

'sure, enjoy. Love you'

'love you' Valeria sent him a kiss.

'Norris' she picked up.

'Rosie' he told her. Valeria had decided not to fight the name anymore, actually she had told her grandad about it and he had given Lando official permission to use the name. 'I'm streaming by the way'

'yeah, I know. I get notifications' she told him. 'Great title: COD time with a random Italian. You are the one who organised this' she laughed. 'How's it going, dude?'

'Yeah, alright. Are you any good at this?'

'I'm average'

'damn it, that kill death ratio is really average' Lando laughed.

They played a few games together, Valeria had opened Lando's stream on her phone to keep an eye on the comments as they started another quick game.

'people just realised who you are, Rosie' Lando told her.

'mh? Who did they think I was? I mean, they heard my voice all year' Valeria chuckled. 'oh yeah I see it now, here come the memes. Guys, be original. We've seen them all.' She laughed. 'this mother fucker keeps camping, Lando can you take him down? He's hiding at the top of the house'

'sure, I'll snipe him out of the way'

After a few hours, Lando and Valeria ended up just chatting. He had closed his stream as they caught up about Christmas and new year's.

'How's the atmosphere at work? I know Zak tried to win you over when you and your grandad came to visit the MTC' Lando told her, out of the blue.

'I have a weird feeling around this year, but I'm a worrier, you know? I'm probably just getting old'

'getting?' Lando teased her.

'Valeria couldn't contain a snort. 'Anyway, we'll see. Zak told me my "style" seems more on board with you guys than with Ferrari, I was shocked anyone would wanna work with me to be honest' Valeria confessed. 'I literally just go in and do my job, I wonder why Zak seemed interested'

'you really need to spend more time on socials, people love you. And when it comes to PR, you need a face people like. Like look at me for example, I'm slow but I'm funny, so people still like me'

'you're not slow! You had an amazing rookie year' Valeria interjected. 'I mean, I'm sure you had a lot of pressure but boy you delivered and gained a bit of following in the meantime'

'a bit? 1 million, babey!' he chuckled.

'you're such a Gen Z boy' Valeria teased him. 'anyway, we'll see.'

The two stayed up chatting quite a long while, until Valeria heard her phone ring once more. Mattia's name popped up and her heart stopped. Why was her boss calling her at 10 pm on a school night?

'Lando, Mattia is calling. Gimme five, I'll hit you back

'Sure, I'm just gonna play some rocket league. In a bit, Rosie' Valeria heard the sound of the call being closed over her headphones and swiped to pick up the call.

'Hey Mattia, is everything OK?' she asked.

'well, I have just had a look at a certain twitch...' he started. Mattia went on to say how it didn't look professional on her side and Ferrari's side to have someone like her "fraternising" with other drivers. He also added that they had "allowed" her to keep her friendship with Daniel, but they had already debated talking to her since she seemed to have become friendly with other drivers, like George and Lando.

Valeria couldn't believe her ears. She was shocked and couldn't really say much. She told Mattia she wouldn't stream with Lando again, if that was the issue, but she wouldn't stop being friendly with him. To survive in the world of Formula1 friendly faces are a big plus.

She rang Lando straight again.

'you're not streaming, are you?' she asked, her hand shaking as she tried to put her headphones back on.

'I'm not, no. What's up, Rosie? You sound upset'

Valeria went on telling Lando about her conversation with the TP , repeating Mattia's words to the Brit who seemed as shocked as she was.

'I guess you're quite a high profile figure for them and they are worried, but it's so silly. You literally have said nothing about your work tonight' Lando stated. 'this is the issue most of us have with Ferrari.' He added.

'I know, but I guess just me talking to you is too much? I can't change who I am... you know? I've been around drivers most of my life. I'm fucking marrying one. And I always found myself more at ease around men. It's so stupid to be told who I can be friends with and what I can and can't do by my boss. It's ridiculous' Valeria was simply ranting at this point.

'Rosie, come to McLaren.' Lando said, sounding extremely serious. 'the pressure is high, still, but we enjoy being around each other.. from wheel gunners to marketing, from the TP to catering. I'd suggest you'd think about it. I, for one, would love working with you'

'But... Seb... we live in Italy...'

'circumstances might change, just keep an open mind and don't let Ferrari get you down, OK?'

'Alright, Lando. Thank you.' She finally calmed down. 'I'm sorry this evening ended up being quite shit.'

'it was lovely, Rosie. I'll see you in a couple of weeks at winter testing'

'Sure, I'll make sure to say hi from a distance'

'I'll come hug you right in the Ferrari garage' he joked.

Valeria chuckled as she hung up. Lando was such a character, but he had a heart of gold and he always seemed to find a way to calm her down.

Schatzi, I'm going to sleep now. The kids destroyed me today, I just need a lie down but I'd rather have you here with me. Hope you enjoyed your games with Lando, you're actually not too bad. Seb messaged.

Excuse me? Have you watched us play???

Might have done. Fab showed me Lando's twitch or whatever it's called so I thought I'd keep an eye on you.

You weirdo. I can't believe you actually used technology just for me and I can't believe how much you miss me, to end up doing that! I'll see you soon, my love, Madrid is waiting for us!

Valeria typed the last message with a wide smile. Their one-year anniversary was just around the corner and she couldn't believe how fast and amazing the past year had been. 
