30. Monaco 2014 pt.2

What a horrible quali, today, uh?  

Enjoy the chapter and happy weekend! HB3112

Valeria had woken up to an empty bed and the smell of coffee. She sat up on the bed, wondering if the night before had actually happened.

'Oh, you're finally awake' Jules told her with a smile, as he walked back into the room in his Marussia shirt and a pair of jeans. 'you snored quite a lot last night' he told her, with a smirk.

'Oh, was it loud? Did you hear me from the living room? I am sorry' she replied.

'Nah, I came here to get a cuddle.' He confessed. 'I can't sleep on a sofa bed if I know you're around. You need body warmth, you're always cold' he teased her. 'I made breakfast when you're ready' he added, throwing a shirt and a cap at her before walking out of the room again.

'Classic Jules. Drop a bombshell and walk away.'she thought grabbing a pair of jeans from her suitcase. She threw the shirt Jules gave her on and put the cap on backwards, as she hated how she looked in baseball caps.

'Cute' Jules teased her, as she walked into the kitchen. 'very girly as usual'

'Thanks, pal' she chuckled, hopping onto one foot as she pushed the other one in her battered vans she never untied. 'And you know me, I am fighting gender stereotypes since I was born. Are you still sure you want me around? people will judge'

'meh, let them judge' he stated, with a smile.

They walked out of Jules' apartment and jumped in his car. Jules turned the volume of the radio up as "Future days" by Pearl Jam started playing. He drove through the streets of Monaco, singing along to the lyrics, with Valeria for company.

'Try and sometimes you'll succeed
To make this man of me
All of my stolen missing parts
I've no need for anymore
I believe
And I believe 'cause I can see
Our future days
Days of you and me'

Jules looked at her, as she quietly sang along the lyrics of the song. 

'This always makes me think of you' he said, taking a turn towards the main streets of the city.

'Ain't you just a big ol' romantic?' Valeria teased him, trying to hide her burning cheeks. How could she tell him that every love song she listened to made her think of him?

As they drove by a church they noticed a couple of newlyweds being covered in rice by their guests.

'Do you think we'll ever get married?' Jules asked her out of the blue.

'you mean us me and you or us with two separate people?' she replied, confused.

'Us with other people, you drive me insane at the best of times' Jules smiled.

'maybe. And when we do, we'll make sure we'll warn our future partners about all our flaws' Valeria joked, as her friend parked his car in his reserved spot by the paddock.

'Taz, I've got to rush to do my media bits, but I'll be back in like an hour. You make yourself at home in the motorhome coffee is there' he pointed towards the hospitality area 'just entertain yourself somehow'

'I'll start chatting to everyone , received.' She smiled. "in a bit Bianchi' she said, watching him walk off with his PR assistant.

At the Marussia motorhome, Jules just abandoned me for some PR crap. When are you free? She messaged Dan.

Anytime between now and 1 pm. Come say hi in the garage, I've just finished my track walk. I told people you're allowed in. He replied straight awY.

On my way... if I remember what a garage looks like. Valeria typed as she walked throughout the paddock.

She liked that nobody seemed to pay attention to her when she was alone. Every time she walked anywhere with Jules, she seemed to only catch people staring in confusion and curiosity.

She spotted the red and blue of the red bull garage and she walked in, being greeted by a couple of mechanics working on Dan's car.

'so this is where the magic happens' she stated, as she recognised Dan's curly hair from behind.

'Jesus fucking Christ what is that hair?' the Australian laughed loudly. 'it's been a second and a half since I saw you. Alright, Taz?' he asked her, opening his arms for a hug.

'Told you I didn't look Italian anymore. Look at this pasty white skin, what is this?'she waved her arm in front of him 'and there's nothing wrong with my hair, I'm blending in my North London Borough' she joked, moving her multicoloured hair to the front of her shoulder.

'I see Jules gave you a full outfit.' Dan stated, pointing at the French flag on her cap.

'you know J, he likes to...' she stopped to find good words to explain herself.

'let everyone know you're off limits, yeah. Nothing's changed since 2008, has it?'

'Not really' Valeria chuckled. 'so, how's it, then? Teammates with a 4 time world champion, in a team that won back to back for 4 years... and I guess you're an alright guy too, which helps' she teased him.

'yeah, good, thanks I guess?' he laughed. 'Seb's nice, the team is lovely... I can see myself here for a while' he smiled.

'I'm sure they're happy you seem to be doing better than Vettel' she smirked, letting Dan show her around the garage.

'Probably, yeah. Looks good on me' he replied.

'Man, I didn't realise how much I missed this until now.'she told the Aussie, as she inquisitively looked around the RedBull garage. 'I guess I should have thought about it before telling my dad I had enough of it'

'I guess I could get you to come see us in Milton Keynes' Dan started.

'I mean, that's something you should check with me first, isn't it?' Christian Horner had just arrived and was looking at the Italian girl in the Marussia outfit with a raised brow but a welcoming smile on his face.

'Mr Horner, hi. Excuse my outfit, I'm a friend of Jules' and... he likes us to be matching, I think.'she chuckled. 'I'll be out of the way, now, Dani. Pleasure to see you! Good luck at the weekend, Ricciardo' she emphasised the surname pronunciation.

'stronza' Dan chuckled, hugging her. 'see you around Taz'

Valeria walked out of the Red Bull garage to be faced with Jules' smiley face.

'I knew I'd find you here' he joked.

'Can you stop being jealous, J? You know you're my main man.' She laughed. 'even if...' her train of thoughts was interrupted by a glimpse of blond curls just behind her best friend. Valeria stopped what she was saying, her eyes following the German red bull driver as he walked into his garage with his race engineer, deep in conversation.

'even if he is more your type' Jules teased her. 'come on, I got you approval to do the track walk with me'

'Oh, wow. Can you get me approval to drive as well?'

'maybe that's a stretch' he laughed.

Valeria was following Jules and his team through the streets of Monaco's city circuit, not paying much attention to what was being said but, mostly, taking in the beauty of one oft he most demanding and exciting circuits of the year.

She stopped with them as they exited the tunnel, she leaned on a barrier looking out onto the sea, her head filling with thoughts and insecurities about the life she had chosen in the UK. She missed racing, she hated not being able to be a part of it in any way.

Seeing Dan and Jules had brought back memories she had tried to compartmentalise away, her feelings for Jules had been resurfacing since he had decided to join her in bed the night before.

'Taz, whenever you're ready? We've still got 8 corners to go' Jules called out to her.

'sorry, the sea distracted me. I'll let you guys continue without me holding you back, J. Call me when you're done', I'll be at the beach, alright? Thanks for the track walk' she said to Jules' team and directed herself towards the exit, without giving her friend a moment to reply.

Valeria walked straight out of the paddock and strolled the short distance to the nearest beach. She took her vans off and rolled her socks inside of them and directed herself towards the water. Wherever she was in the world, she always felt happier if she could rest her feet in salty water the sea had always been a part of her and she always felt complete when she had the opportunity to sit on a beach.

She grabbed her book out of her bag and let her back fall on the dry sand.

You could text me sometimes, you know. Dave messaged her.

Not this again, please, Dave. I'm sorry I'm not on my phone constantly, but I'm on holiday. I haven't seen J in months and we both agreed we would talk in the evenings. She replied.

I know but I hate feeling like a second choice, you always talk about Jules, Jules, Jules. You always have time for him.

He is travelling the world most of the year, I have to find time for him. You and I see each other daily, we basically live together. It's a different situation.

Sure. I get it.

Valeria took a deep breath, she had no patience and strength left to keep having the same argument with Dave, she wondered how she was still putting up with the guy but she knew she only had her insecurities to blame. She let herself fall in the sand again.

A couple of hours later, she felt her phone buzz in her pocket.

'Taz, where are you? I'm done here' Jules asked her.

'Just on the beach next to the circuit, literally the first one you can access as soon as you exit the paddock'

'Cool, be there in a minute' he hung up.

Valeria knew her friend enough to know he sounded a bit annoyed. She closed the book and sat herself up on the sand, rolling a cigarette out of her pouch.

'those things are gonna kill you' Jules stated, having just joined her on the sand.

'You worry about being safe in the car, and I'll worry about quitting, alright?' Valeria said, puffing smoke out of her mouth.

'you know I do' he replied. 'what's up with you, Taz?' he asked.

'nothing much. You know me, I make mountains out of mole hills. Literally no issues.'

'Dave?' he asked, knowingly.

'yup. And other stuff.' She sighed. Jules sat closer to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

'fuck everyone else, Taz. You'll always have me' he stated, kissing her forehead. Valeria rested her head on his shoulder, the feeling of safety and comfort she only knew around Jules engulfed her again and made her feel a thousand times better.

'sorry, Gina's calling. I'll be right back' he kissed her forehead again and got up.

Valeria watched him as he walked up and down the beach, his gesticulating could only mean she was moaning at him.ad much as Dave was at her. She took a deep breath and sighed loudly.

Gone to get coffee, J. I'll be at the cafe. She messaged her friend before getting up.

She reached the building and put her sandy shoes back on. She rubbed off the remaining sand from her shirt and tied her long messy hair in a ponytail. She knew she wouldn't fit in Monaco anyways, but at least she needed to try to look a bit more tidy than she did on the beach.

'Merci' she told the waitress who brought her her coffee and pastry.

'Your French is abysmal, babe' Jules joked,sitting next to her.

'I only said thank you! How can I have said it wrong?' she asked confused. 'Is Gina OK?'

'let's say yes' he replied. Valeria knew that only meant no and please stop asking so, instead, she decided to change the topic to his chances for the race.

A couple of later, after having argued over who was going to pay for the bill and Jules coming out victorious, the two friends drove back to Jules' apartment.

'do you mind if I sleep with you again?' he asked her, once he had changed into the shorts he used as pyjamas.

'Why would I? We've done it since we were 5.' She shrugged. 'I guess we just won't tell Gina and Dave'
