36. Japanese GP

Valeria woke up to an empty bed. It was 12 pm so she wasn't surprised Seb had left her for his appointments. She got up to make herself a coffee.

Gone to train, you must have come back super late because you were passed out when I got up. There's a coffee pod ready for you, just press it. Love you, S.

She smiled, sipping the hot beverage she had just prepared. She decided to change into sports gear and have a quick workout in the hotel gym before grabbing some lunch.

She changed into Seb's football shorts she had "borrowed" and an England rugby training top her granddad had got her. She turned her Bluetooth headphones on and walked to the gym.

She saw almost every driver in there with their trainers, so she tried to find an area that hadn't been colonised by the strict regimes of F1.

She turned her gym playlist up and started running on the treadmill. She spotted a couple of the "wags" training too and realised that, once again, her outfit was a complete mess compared to their branded and colour coordinated sets they were wearing. Some of them were even wearing make-up. Valeria wondered how they could as she passed her towel on her face to contain the sweating.

She moved over to upper body machines, still entranced in her music, not paying attention to anything and anyone. She turned auslander by rammstein up as she pushed through her last set.

'Ich bin kein Mann für eine Nacht

Ich bleibe höchstens ein, zwei Stunden

Bevor die Sonne wieder lacht

Bin ich doch schon längst verschwunden

Und ziehe weiter meine Runden'

She returned the machine to its original place and took a deep breath. She dried her face again and fixed her hair.

'So you can't support me, but you can support England? I'm taking it personally, now' a voice made her jump. She turned around to see Lewis smiling at her.

'You scared the shit out of me. You're not winning any points doing that' she joked.

'I'm sorry. You looked... upset, if that's the right word. Thought I'd come say hi and distract you from whatever it's going on in your head'

Valeria looked at him surprised. She reached for her water and took a sip, to take some time to think before replying. How did Lewis know something was wrong? And why did he care helping her out?

'thank you' she said eventually. 'You know, it's nothing personal. I've been brought up in a mostly Ferrari supporting house... so, if when you started winning so much, you had done it in red, I would have probably been your number 1 fan' she joked. 'mum loves you, though, if it makes you feel any better'

'it does a little' he joked. 'is everything good, Valeria?' he asked her.

'yeah, I think I've got lots of stuff going on in my head at the moment and sometimes I just overthink. It's nice of you to worry, you barely know me'

'yeah, but you matter to Seb, so you must be a good one' he smiled. 'congratulations, by the way.' He nodded to her ring.

'thank you. It's heartwarming to see yours and Seb's friendship. Maybe the fans are right, maybe you are a couple' she teased him.

Lewis let out a laugh 'no offence, very handsome man, but not my type' Valeria chuckled 'I know the whole situation must be hard on him and you. I know he's coping his own way, but I know you're helping him out a lot. I just hope you're coping too, don't let the mind take over you'

'How... the fuck... did you read that from me looking into a room?' Valeria was shocked. 'thank you, Lewis, it is really appreciated. I'm working on it'

'good. I meditate a lot, it helps. If you need anything and want to ask questions, or you just need a different set of ears, you know where I am' he smiled.

'Thank you. You should probably go back to your workout now, before people start talking' she joked.

'you're right' he smiled. 'see you around, Val'

'See ya' she watched him walk back to a rowing machine where his trainer Angela was standing. Valeria got up and went back to her room. She heard the shower being on so she softly knocked on the door.

'come in' Seb told her. 'are those my shorts?' he joked.

'They're our shorts' she corrected him. 'can I come in?' she smirked.

'You don't even have to ask'

Valeria joined him under the hot jets, feeling her muscles relax. She reached up to his lips, to kiss him.

'ich liebe dich' she whispered, her mouth still on his. 'never forget that'

'I have time for lunch, if you want to grab something' Seb told her, once they were out of the shower.

'I never say no to that, I haven't eaten yet.'

'and you went to the gym without having eaten anything? You know that's not good'

'sorry, dad. It won't happen again' she teased him. 'you need to stop leaving love bites on my neck, I hate wearing my hair down' she joked.

'Well, you need to stop looking all sexy and that, then. You walk in while I take a shower and now it's my fault my brain disconnects?' he smiled.'lunch is on the way. I got you some veggie ramen'

'danke schön'

Whilst the couple was having, Valeria told Seb about her interaction with Lewis.

'he's s good guy' he told her, with a smile. 'what are your plans for today then?'

'I think I'm just gonna sit at the spa and do absolutely nothing else' she smiled 'what time will you be done? We could have an early chilled night'

'I'll probably be finished around 5 or 6? Then we can just get room service and watch a film?'

'Sounds good to me' she replied, making herself a coffee. Seb grabbed his stuff and gave her a quick kiss.

'it would have been nice to have a day to ourselves and spend it all in bed like we used to do, you know?' Seb smirked.

'I know, I promise you we'll have one soon' she smiled. 'enjoy your data, my love. I'll think about you when I'm relaxing'

'Great, thanks. I love your support' the German scoffed.

'anytime, my love' she chuckled , watching him leave the room.

The Italian had just arrived in the spa and sat in the Jacuzzi. The sound and the feeling of the jets on her skin made her relax.

She spent hours in the spa, emptying her mind from all the worries she had felt in the past few months, her sense of anxiety finally wearing off. Knowing there were only 4 races left and then the winter break was making her feel a lot more reassured. A few months off were going to do wonders for her mental health.

I just finished, I'm already in my pyjamas on the sofa. Where are you? Seb messaged.

Just walking out of the spa, be there in a minute. Can't wait to get some cuddles.

You always think about that 😏

I said cuddles, you are the one thinking about other stuff all the time. She smiled, as she typed.

'Bärchen, I'm here' she said, walking into the room. 'why is it so dark in here?' she turned the light on. Seb had pulled out the sofa bed and had set up the living space with cushions and blankets.

'hey' he smiled. 'I would have got some candles, but the hotel said no. Welcome to date night' Seb told her.

'Oh god, this is great, Seb' she smiled. 'Why did you do all of this?' she asked.

'because we both need it, and I love you. Now, get your pyjamas on and join me here.' He said, patting the sofa where he just sat.

Valeria changed into her oversized tee and rugby shorts she was wearing to bed and sat next to him. He pulled her to his chest a kissed her temple.

'I love you' Valeria whispered.

'ti amo' he whispered back.

'Seb?' Valeria looked up into his blue eyes. 'I know you've been trying to hide it from me, but I know how hard this season has been on you. And I know why you keep you jokey front with everyone... I do the same. But let's promise each other one thing...' she grabbed his hand, feeling him play with her engagement ring. 'we are always open with one another. No more hiding feelings, no more pretending to be strong. Not within the two of us'

'I promise.' He lightly kissed her. 'I know you can read me as much as I can read you. Thanks for making this season more bearable'

'sorry Ferrari is treating you like shit.' She concluded. 'you will always be my number 1'

Quali and race day

'Daniel Ricciardo is out in Q1 for the first time in a while' Valeria looked up to the screen watching his cooldown lap.

'damn' she uttered 'Renault isn't doing too well, uh?' she looked over to Pietro.

'They were fourth last year. Maybe they're paying your mate too much and had no money for the car' he replied.

'We can't really talk. We are one of the wealthiest teams on the grid and we haven't won since 2008' she whispered in his ear.

'Don't let Mattia hear you'he joked. 'oh look, we're on screen again' he said, making her look up.

'you really need to start doing your hair in the morning, mate, you always look scruffy'she joked.

The cameras panned back to Daniel, who had just gone back into his garage. A loud 'fuuuuuck' had been heard, even through his helmet.

'it must feel so shit... to be up there one day and down low the following. You see? This sport is ruthless' Valeria said.

'I'm sure the millions are helping him out' Pietro said, distractedly. 

By the end of Q3 Ferrari had managed a wonderful 1-2. Valeria had watched Sebastian's pole lap in awe and absolute silence as he improved on his own time.

Pooole position, poooole position Riccardo told him

Yes, guys. Yes, guys! Grazie ragazzi. Seb replied.

'Wouldn't be Sebastian Vettel without the grazie ragazzi.' Valeria laughed, watching him return to the garage.

He got out of the car and took his helmet off, his smile was beaming. He gave Valeria a glance, before he went to speak to Riccardo.

'Be right back' she told Pietro. She walked out of the garage, putting her sunglasses down.

'newbie, alright?' Nico had just bumped into her.

'Nico, are you missing me?' she joked.

'A bit actually. Pietro is way too nice' he laughed.

'He's a good lad, treat him well'

'How's it been since the change? You seem more...'

'at ease, yes. I mean people are still arseholes but now they see me less so they have less ammunition to remind me how everything that happens in F1 is my fault' she joked.

'I'm really glad you're still around' Nico told her with a smile.

'Hände weg, Rosberg!' Seb told him, as he rushed to the post-quali interviews.

Nico laughed, raising his hands. 'he just told me to keep off. I never thought he'd be the jealous type'

'he just knows I'm too good to be true' Valeria winked 'I'll see you around Nico'

'See you soon' he gave her a smile and turned to Pietro who had just come out of the garage.

'Valeria? What are you doing here?' Mike asked her, once Valeria had arrived to the Renault garage.

'Looking for Dan, is he here?' she replied.

'No, he went back through to the paddock.'

'How is he?'

'pissed' he replied, simply. 'I'm going that way, if you wanna walk'

'Sure, he sounded well piss...' she caught the sight of a camera and a microphone 'annoyed at his Q1'

Mike and Valeria walked to the paddock to find Daniel sitting outside the motorhome, crouching on the floor. He looked so upset, Valeria felt her heart breaking a little.

She sat down next to him 'hey, what did I always tell you about sulking?'

Dan gave her side eye, trying to contain a smile.'that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile and we already had too much muscle mass?' he said eventually, with a smirk.

'honey, it sucks, but you'll kick ass later, I'm sure of it. Just don't finish ahead of my guys or I'll lose my job' she joked.

'thanks for coming to find me, I appreciate it.'

'anytime.' She wrapped her arm around his shoulder. 'here, give me advice on something' she said taking her phone out.

'is it your lock screen? Cause you're sad' he joked, nodding at the picture of her and Seb they had taken in Austria, on their hike.

'no, idiot. I'm thinking of getting another tattoo and I want your opinion' she showed him the design. Dan knew she was trying to cheer him up and he appreciated it.

'thank you' he told her, after having given her a few pointers about her design.

'I didn't do anything'

'You know you did' he smiled.

'good luck with the questions about Charles' accident, mate' Valeria told Pietro. Seb hadn't had the best of starts but still kept p2. Charles however had an accident with Max on the first lap and had to pit for repairs. Even with his engineer asking him to pit, Charles had decided to stay out, his debris falling almost into Lewis' car. Valeria walked to the podium with Pietro who was stopped straight after the celebrations by Nico.

Valeria watched him reply to all of Nico's questions with a smile.

'One down, only three more to go' she thought.
