28. Post- Monza

Is it me or is race week becoming really painful for us Seb fans? I really hope we do get to hear something about next year any time soon, just to give us a little morale boost!
Anyway, thanks as always for the votes, the comments and the reads! Have a lovely week :)


'do we really have to go, Schatzi?' Seb asked her, as she finished her make-up. Valeria slid out of her joggers and started putting her dress on. She looked up to him, his mood still distraught from the race. She knew he didn't want to party, but she also knew how bad it would have looked for any of them not to be there.

'You know we do. And I know you don't want to. But we can do a replica of Silverstone...' she walked towards him 'and if you're lucky, we could do a full replica of Silverstone' she whispered, suggestively, in his ear.

'Oh yeah?' he smirked, pulling her closer to him.

'mhmh' she nodded, pushing herself up to reach his lips. Seb let out a soft groan, his mind fogged by desire. 'alright, alright. I'll come. You always have a way to convince me' he said, sightly out of breath.

'Now we really need to go, because everyone is already talking enough about us.' She told him, with a smirk. 'I'm just gonna finish my hair, but we need to leave like 10 minutes ago'

'OK. I'll just need to sit down for a minute. Damn you.' he huffed.

They walked into the party a while later, hand in hand, giggling like children. Valeria had convinced Seb to do a few shots before leaving their room and they were both already tipsy.

'Vale! You finally made it!' Pietro smiled, once she had joined him and a few mechanics. She had left Seb to catch up with Mattia and Charles as he properly congratulated his teammate on the win. She knew Seb had wanted to be the guy bringing Monza back to Ferrari since he had joined and she knew how heartbroken he was about not having done it.

'Sorry, it's been a long day. But I'm here! What are we all drinking?' she asked.

Giorgio appeared with a bottle in his hand. His level of inebriation and loudness clearly indicated that the clear liquid he was carrying around definitely wasn't water.

'home made grappa. Can you take it, Romana?'

'Mate, my grandad was from Abruzzo and my other grandad is British. I can take alcohol' she laughed, as he filled a shot glass for her.

Valeria let the familiar burn go from her mouth to her throat. 'hit me again' she told Giorgio, with a smile.

'Damn. You're proving a point' he laughed, filling the glass again and doing the same with his.

'salute' she told him, as she clinked her glass with his.

'you have literally been in for 10 minutes and you have already drunk more than I have in the last hour' Dan had just joined the group to say hi to Valeria.

'mate, we're celebrating!' she smiled. 'grappa? Giorgio will probably share with you too if you ask nicely and in Italian. Well done on p4 today, by the way'

'Thanks, Taz. Where's Seb? I still haven't properly congratulated you both... last week was...'

'Horrible' she concluded. 'I believe Seb is... DOING SHOTS WITH KIMI WITHOUT ME?' she exclaimed, almost shrieking , surprised. She grabbed Dan's arm and walked towards the two former teammates.

'what is this? Are you doing shots without me?' she asked, pretending to angry.

'sorry, Schatzi. I...' Seb started.

'not you! You!' she pointed from the German to the Finn. 'I thought we were friends, iceman, you broke my heart.'

'You have lots of friends' he looked at Dan ' I can't be waiting for you if I'm your last choice, you know?' Kimi joked.

'wait, how are you getting these many words out of Kimi?' Daniel joked. 'I should know you have some weird powers with us drivers! Anyway, I came here to say congratulations, guys.' She hugged Valeria and shook Seb's hand. 'Seb. I have known Vale for years and I've never seen her this happy. I know things haven't probably felt amazing lately, but remember you have a good one' he gave them both one of his signatures smiles and walked off.

'Oh yeah, I haven't said anything' Kimi added. 'Seb, Vale... Good luck' he joked.

'Kiitos, I guess?' Valeria laughed.

The party went on for hours, the Italians all out celebrating and never wanting the party to end. All the Ferrari bosses and higher-ups had come out too and even them had got fully inebriated. Slowly, the other teams had left, leaving only the prancing horses still out celebrating.

'Well, I'm fucking drunk' Pietro told Valeria, once they had walked out to smoke. 'we don't have to leave early tomorrow, do we?'

'no, no. Checkout is at 12, we'll grab some greasy food and then go. Jesus, I forgot I had to drive back tomorrow. I can't even ask Seb, he's drunker than me' she pointed at her fiancée drunkenly dancing with Antti and Britta. 'he needed it, though, and I did too.' She sighed.

'Guys! Last call! Are you having another one?' Domenico shouted from the door.

'If I say no, won't you still get me one?' Valeria smirked.

'Yeah, it was more of a rhetorical question.' He agreed. 'see you at the bar'

The two friends walked back in, the music had been stopped and the poor staff had started the gargantuan job of clearing up after them and the rest of the F1 crew.

Valeria finished her drink, looking around for Seb. She spotted him going around the room, with a rubbish bag. She smiled widely: how could anyone hate him? He was one of the most humble, down to heart, pure people she had ever met. He was always the one staying back to help, or gifting a fan or having a conversation with anyone. Maybe he was too pure for a sport like F1. She took off her heels and joined him, without saying a word. She grabbed a couple of empty plates and threw them in the bag he was carrying. Pietro joined them too, bringing a couple of empty trays for the empty glasses. Within the following 10 minutes, most of the Ferrari team had joined them in clearing the hall.

'you're such a trendsetter' Valeria told Seb, linking arms with him once they had left. The German didn't reply, only giving her a shy smile. 'thank you so much' he said, eventually.

'I didn't do anything' she replied, as she scanned her card to open their room door.

'you didn't have to. You're just.. perfect. I am so happy I have someone like you by my side and.. well... I'm just happy you're going to be my wife some day.' He told her.

Valeria pushed her lips on his. He tasted like a mix of champagne and spirits and Valeria lost herself in his cologne, as she felt his hands reach fort the back of her dress.

'Seb, Bärchen, it's time to wake up' Valeria was gently shaking him. She had already taken a shower and packed both her luggage and Seb's. She had let the German sleep off his drunken state but they only had 30 minutes left until checkout.

'wie spät ist es?' he mumbled, one eye opening to look at her.

'11.30' she replied in English 'You're mumbling in German, my love' she sweetly kissed his forehead.

'damn, I haven't been this hungover in a while. How much did I drink?' he slowly got up and rested his back on the wall behind the bed.

'A bit. But it wasn't only my fault, you spent most of the night with Kimi' she told him. 'I am surprisingly OK. I promised Pietro we'd get brunch before going, you need to eat. Drink this, it will help' she passed him a sprite she had bought for him earlier in the morning.

Seb took a quick shower and changed into a pair of shorts and a plain shirt. He grabbed his sunglasses and cap and put them both on, not for privacy, but for Hungover-hiding purposes.

They walked out to the car, where Pietro was waiting for them, a bright smile on his face.

'morning babe' he told her, kissing her cheek. 'you look well'

'Yeah, I don't feel too bad. Same can't be said for Seb, though' she joked. The German laughed softly, shaking his head.

'So much for company' Valeria whispered to herself. They were halfway through their journey and both of her travel companions had fallen asleep about ten minutes after she had joined the motorway.

She looked up into the rear view mirror, Pietro sleeping peacefully, his mouth slightly open. She quickly glanced over to her fiancée, his face leaning on the window, fast asleep still. She rested her right hand on his knee, following the satnav until they got back to Maranello.

'Pietro, my dear. It's time to wake up' Valeria told him.

'mate,I was so tired'

'I know. You both were great company' she joked. The two men gave her a guilty look. 'I'll see you tomorrow, honey' she kissed his cheek. 'say hi to my fave.'

'will do. You guys enjoy your evening'
