

She pulled her red cloak tightly around her and she ran on through the forest. All she could hear was her heavy breathing and footfall on the forest floor. She knew it was after her and she knew why. But she had nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, so she did the only thing she could, she ran. Suddenly she heard it, the howl of a wolf. She felt her heart beating at her ribs. Suddenly her foot caught on a tree root sending her sprawling to the ground. She tried to get up again but her ankle wouldn’t let her. She froze as she heard its padded feet on the ground, moving swiftly towards her. She pulled herself back up against a tree trunk as the wolf approached, towering over her, eyes dark and teeth bared. Her green eyes filled with fear as she prepared herself for the end. Suddenly the wolf gave out a sharp howl of pain and slumped to the ground at her feet, a sword in its back. Her savour brushed his mop of dark hair from his face. Then he withdrew his sword and placed it back in its sheath before stepping over the body of the beast and kneeling down next to her. “It’s alright, I won’t hurt you. What’s your name?” The dark haired stranger asked. She considered this for a moment before turning to him, letting her hood fall back from her face. “My name is Eirawen.” She said looking into the man’s dark brown eyes. “Eirawen Rosabell.” The man stood up, drawing himself up to his full height.

“I’m Prince Eldred Blakewood.” He said extending a hand to her. “Come with me, your safe now.”     

The End


And there we have it! The End! of book one!!!! I hope u have enjoyed this book as much as i have enjoyed writing it! I hope i succseded in making you laugh and cry and gasp! Lol Thanks so so so so much for sticking with me throughout this! You are all beyond amazing! Lol its strange i am finishing this on world book day! (i went to school dressed as Morgana! I made dress like her series 4 one and love it so much!! Lol) But i am starting work on  the sequal now! I think it will be a mix of several fairytales! (i have a thing about twisting fairytales...) :) I hope u will go on and read it when its up! Thanks so much for all your votes and comments! It means so much! Thanks! Your all amazing!:)



The sequal is now up! The Glass Princess (Merlin FanFiction. Book 2)! I hope u read and enjoy! Thanks again! Your all amazing! :)
