Chapter 14- You betrayed me.

Hi guys! I am so sorry for the wait! I have been so busy! Lol just want to say at the side is a pic of a birthday cake my friend and i made for Eoin Macken's 30th birthday with was 21 of Feb 2013! So Happy Birthday Eoin! Lol and alos sorry this is short but as i said i have been really busy! Ok hope you enjoy! Please vote and comment it would make my day! Thanks your all amazing! :)

                 HazelJ :)


Chapter 14- You betrayed me.

Gwaine awoke lying face down on a hard stone floor. He coughed to try and move the dust from his lungs. What had happened? Slowly and carefully he pulled himself up into a sitting position and looked around him. He was surrounded by rubble and dust floated on the air like mist. Next to him lay Eirawen, a gash above her right eye. Suddenly Gwaine’s memory faded back in and he began to panic. “Merlin!? Merlin!?” He began yelling franticly for his friend. “MERLIN!?” He cried desperately trying to move towards where he had last seen his friend but his ankle wouldn’t let him. Gwaine cried out in frustration and punched the ground cause his fist to make an unhealthy crunching sound and Gwaine to cry out in pain. “Merlin! Please, come on. Merlin!” He cried again. Suddenly there was the sound of coughing and a groan. “Merlin!?” Gwaine called again.
“Yes, yes I’m coming.” Merlin muttered. Gwaine let out a great sigh of relief as he saw Merlin come stumbling out of the dust. “Oh god, don’t do that to me!” Gwaine said allowing himself to flop back to the floor. “Sorry, how’s Eirawen?” Merlin asked. “Oh god Eirawen!” Gwaine said trying to spring back up.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa slow down!” Merlin said walking over to Eirawen. Gwaine dragged himself over and pulled Eirawen onto his knees. He looked down at her pale face and brushed her dark hair way to reveal the gash above her eye. Merlin looked at it and nodded. “That will be fine now all we need to worry about is shifting these.” Merlin said turning back to the wall of rubble. “I wouldn’t be so sure.” A voice said from behind him. “Hello again; Merlin.” Morgana spat and Merlin could see in her eyes that she knew.

On the other side of the rocks everyone had set about trying to lift the stones.  Percival watched Leon with a smirk as his friend struggled and strained to lift a rather large looking stone. “You alright there?” Percival asked.
“F-i-ne!” Leon said through gritted teeth and he desperately tried to shift the rock. “Are you sure? You look like your struggling.” Percival said grinning.
“Oh shut up!” Leon said irritated.
“I was only trying to help.” Percival said raising his hands defensively.
“Fine! You try!” Leon snapped stepping back as Percival walked over to the stone and wrapped his arms around it. Leon smiled as Percival’s face screwed up with the effort but his smile soon faded as the stone lifted off the ground. “See, it’s not that hard.” Percival said. Leon scowled.
“Stop showing off!” He snapped.
“Will you two just stop it ok?!” Arthur asked as he put down the rock he had been carrying. Leon huffed and turned back to work. However a few minutes later his head snapped up with a panicked expression on his face. He could hear something, a scream and not just any scream. “Bell!” Leon cried out his voice catching in his throat. “Bell!” Everyone turned to look at him confused.
“Leon?” Percival said.
“Bell!” Leon cried out again, his eyes glistening with tears.
“Leon what is it? Who is Bell?” Arthur asked walking over and placing a hand on Leon’s shoulder. “Can’t you hear her?” Leon asked his hands to his head.
“Leon I can’t hear anything.” Arthur said. Suddenly Percival dropped the stone he was carrying which almost crushed Arthur’s foot. “Careful!” Arthur cried jumping back. “Violet!?” Percival called. “Violet!” He began to cry now wearing the same panicked expression as Leon.  “Not you to!” Arthur sighed. Leon fell to his knees, hands clutching his head, almost crying while Percival hit his fists off the wall, crying out for Violet. “Ethan? Ethan!” Elyan began yelling. Arthur hit his forehead with his palm; this rescue plan really wasn’t going as well as he had hoped.

“Well, well, well, they say everybody has a secret and these reflections are there to get it out of you, to break you. As I sat watching I discovered all kinds of things about your little friends. Oh some have been so naughty.” Morgana said her eyes flickering to Gwaine who shifted uncomfortably. “But then there was one thing I didn’t expect, you, Merlin, Arthur’s servant to have the biggest most dangerous secret of them all.” Morgana said advancing towards Merlin. Merlin was panicking; Morgana was going to reveal him. “Leave him alone!” Gwaine growled at her defensively.
“Ah Sir Knight, Merlin’s loyal friend, and the person he trusts. Well correct me if I am wrong but friends don’t keep secrets from each other do they, friends trust each other. But I am sorry to say Merlin here hasn’t done that, have you, you have tricked us all.” Morgana said. Gwaine looked confusedly up at Merlin, he didn’t know whether to believe it or not. “I-I don’t know what you mean.” Merlin said stumbling over his words. “Oh don’t give me that! We both know you’re lying! That seems to be your talent! Lying! Deceiving! You have fooled everyone for so long but now the truths out Merlin. Soon the world will know your secret; soon the world will know you’re a sorcerer!” Morgana yelled. Merlin took a deep breath and tried to hold himself together. “What!?” Gwaine couldn’t stop the words leaving his lips.
“Show him.” Morgana said. Merlin stared at her. “Show him!” She yelled. Merlin bit his lip and knelt down by Gwaine but trying to avoid eye contact. He placed a hand over Gwaine’s ankle and muttered a spell. For a second Gwaine tried to move his foot away as Merlin’s eyes flashed amber but then he realised, the pain in his ankle had completely gone. He gasped, “Wow.” He murmured. “Wow.” Morgana stood watching, still trying to convince herself that it was really and not just some horrible nightmare. “Merlin the sorcerer, now there is one more thing that friends do, friends help each other.” Morgana said as Merlin straightened up. “We were friends once, a long time ago. I was afraid, afraid that I had magic. I kept asking you, pleading you to tell me if you agreed, if you thought the same but you wouldn’t. You must have known yet you let me go on living in fear and loneliness.” Morgana said. “Then that day when everyone fell into a deep sleep, everyone but me. I was so afraid. I didn’t understand it. And then when you and Arthur came I thought I was safe, you would help because we were friends. But what did you do, you poisoned me!” Morgana cried and she felt tears threatening her eyes. “I would have done anything, anything for someone to hold my hand and tell me it was ok, that I had magic but that it was ok but you just turned your back! You might say I am evil, twisted, and spiteful but just look at you, look at what you have done! Am I really the evil one? Or is that just what you trick yourself and everyone else into believing?!”
“Morgana your ways, they aren’t right! You want Arthur dead! I can never allow that!” Merlin told her but there was sorrow in his voice. “I am sorry! I should have helped you, I should have been there for you but this is not right! You don’t achieve like this; revenge and betrayal!” Merlin told her.
“It’s much too late for sorry Merlin and I don’t want a lesson for you on what is right and not! And I didn’t betray anyone, you betrayed me long ago and now Arthur will perish at my hand then magic will be restored to Camelot! But first I will do something I should have done years ago!” Morgana said raising her hand towards Merlin. Merlin knew what was coming and he knew that one of them probably wouldn’t make it out alive.        


Ok there you go! I will get the next chapter up as soon as i can! I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for reading! Please vote and comment! It would mean so much! Thanks again your all amazing! :)

HazelJ :)

