Chapter 17- Aftermath

Chapter 17- Aftermath

As the party wearily began the journey back to Camelot Merlin recalled to Arthur all that had happened to them, well twisting it a bit to avoid mentioning his magic. Arthur, for once, was listening intently to Merlin’s tale. “What? So she was some sort of clone?” He asked when Merlin told him about Eirawen.

“No, she was just an ordinarily girl but I think she believed she was Eirawen, she must have been enchanted.” Merlin explained. Then he went on to say how Eirawen had saved them by giving the chance to escape Morgana and how she had most likely perished in the now ruined castle. Arthur nodded solemnly, “I see.” He said. Merlin glanced to the back of the group to where Gwaine slowly trudged through the snow without a sound. Merlin was worried; if Gwaine wasn’t talking then it must be serious.

A few hours later they came to a small clearing in a forest where the snow was thin. “We will make camp here.” Arthur said as the nearest village was much too far to walk to before dark. Once camp was made the men all sat around the fire as Merlin cooked some rabbit Arthur had shot. Arthur noticed the mood of his men was quiet; they all seemed lost in thought. “What happened to you all? When Morgana took you from that mirror room?” Arthur asked. For a moment nobody replied but then Percival spoke up. “There-there was my reflection, but it could talk. It reminded me of my secrets, and then, then it showed me my family.” He said and looked as if he considered continuing before deciding against it. “I think it found someone close to us we had lost and brought them back, but blaming us for what happened to them.” Elyan said. “Oh.” Was all Arthur could say, no wonder they were quiet. Suddenly Gwaine got up from the log he had been sat on and walked over to the edge of the clearing. “Is he alright?” Leon asked looking up to see what Gwaine was doing. Merlin shrugged. “Is anyone?” was his reply.

“Good point.” Leon said as he looked back at Gwaine and sighed before turning back to the fire.

A while later Merlin walked over to Gwaine who was lying on his back on the thin layer of snow. He knelt down next to him and held out a leg of rabbit to him. “We saved you some.” Merlin said. Gwaine just sighed and rolled over. “Uh, bit rude.” Merlin said but Gwaine didn’t move. “Oh come on, you have got to eat!”

“Merlin, just, leave me alone.” Gwaine said quietly. Merlin sighed,

“You can’t stay here; you’ll catch a cold like Percival did. Then the title sneezy will be passed to you.” Merlin said smiling but Gwaine ignored him. Merlin sighed before making his way back to the fire. 

Gwaine couldn’t understand it, she had betrayed them, she had lied, yet she had helped save them. She had given her life to help give them a chance. Gwaine’s heart ached as he thought of it. He felt empty, as if someone had hollowed him out. It felt as if there was a hand around his heart, ripping and tearing it from his chest. His thoughts bounced around in his head hitting off the walls of his skull, jumbling together. But he just lay there, gazing up at the stars that light up the sky like thousands of gems glittering in the moonlight.

An hour later the quite sound of snoring and the crackling of the fire filled the air. Leon sat by the fire, his hands outstretched towards the heat of the flames. He looked to the edge of the clearing where Gwaine was still sat, he was throwing chestnuts at a tree trunk much to the delight of the squirrel who was scurrying up and down the trunk collecting the nuts and taking them back to its nest high in the branches. “At least someone’s happy.” Leon said referring to the squirrel that was now sat on a branch nibbling on a nut. “When you have quite finished feeding squirrels maybe you would like to join me by the fire where it is actually reasonably warm.” Leon said. Gwaine sighed and threw the last nut in the squirrel’s direction before getting to his feet and walking over to the fire. They sat in silence for a while just watching the flames dancing and winding around the wood. “I’m sorry about Eirawen.” Leon said but Gwaine just huffed. “Don’t pretend you don’t care, you’re a terrible liar.”

“Much worse than her, I know that.” Gwaine muttered.

“Gwaine I do understand you know, I once lost someone I loved to.” Leon told him. “Yeh well I bet they didn’t betray you.” Gwaine said.

“No, no she didn’t, I betrayed her.” Leon said. Gwaine suddenly looked up at Leon questioningly. “Well, sort of. I promised I would go straight home to her but I didn’t, I went to the tavern with my friends and when I got home she was gone, and it was all my fault.” Leon said quietly.

“I’m sorry.” Gwaine said quietly. “I never knew.”

“It happened a long time ago. But it still haunts me, I had a choice and I made the wrong decision and it determined her fate, I as good as killed her. And I have to live with that.” Leon said looking down at the floor. “I have to live with it every day.” Gwaine nodded. “What-what was her name?” He asked.

“Arabella.” Leon said smiling slightly. “But I called her Bell.” He said almost dreamily. “But what I am trying to say is that you can’t blame Eirawen. People make mistakes, I am sure she meant no harm. Anyway who knows, Morgana might have forced her to do it, we will never know.” Leon said. Gwaine nodded.

“I know, it’s just if she didn’t betray me then I feel I have betrayed her and I don’t know which one I would rather believe.” Gwaine told him. Leon sighed; he wasn’t really sure what else he could say. “Look you should probably get some sleep; Arthur will expect us to be up and ready to go by sunrise.” Leon told him. Gwaine smiled slightly, “Has he never heard of a lie in?”

“Apparently not.” Leon said smiling back at Gwaine who lay down and wrapped a blanket around him. “That squirrels watching me.” Gwaine said staring into a tree. “Shut up and go to sleep.” Leon said kicking Gwaine lightly in the leg.

“Ok, ok.” Gwaine muttered and within a matter of minutes he was snoring. Leon sighed and went back to gazing at the flickering flames. Just for a moment he closed his eyes and as he did he could have sworn he heard her voice. “I love you Leon.” She whispered. Leon’s eyes opened again and he smiled. “I love you too Bell.” He whispered quietly before laying back and gazing up at the stars and listening to the quite crackling of the fire in the night.          

Gwaine was awoken the next morning by the sound of Arthur shouting something about time, Camelot, leaving and laziness. He pieced these things together and decided he should probably get up before Arthur got too annoyed. Gwaine set about helping the others pack up. He found himself feeling exhausted and sat down for a moment to rest. He closed his eyes and was just about to nod off when Merlin coughed loudly. Gwaine jumped and his eyes snapped open. “Wakey, wakey.” Merlin said and Gwaine groaned. “What’s to eat?” Gwaine asked rubbing his eyes. “Well nothing unless you can catch anything.” Merlin said.

“What?! But I’m starving!” Gwaine moaned.

“You should have eaten last night then.” Merlin said.

“You could have had those nuts if you hadn’t fed them to that squirrel.” Leon said as he walked passed. Merlin gave Gwaine a funny look. “Squirrel?”

“Long story.” Gwaine said sighing. Suddenly something registered in his mind, something he had practically forgotten during the events for the other day. “Merlin? Can I talk to you?” Gwaine asked leading Merlin to the edge of the clearing. “You have magic!?” Gwaine said sounding just as surprised as if he had just found out. Merlin looked quickly around them to make sure nobody was within earshot. “Shhh.” He told Gwaine. “But, magic! And you’re Arthurs….wow.” He trailed off.  

“Gwaine! Listen to me! Yes I have magic, I have magic and it is my destiny to serve Arthur and help him become the greatest king this land has ever known. I have already saved his life more times than I can count. But he can’t know, I shouldn’t have even shown you but then, well I didn’t really have much choice. But you have got to promise me you won’t tell a soul.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it! Honestly Merlin what sort of friend do you take me for? It is so cool though!” Gwaine said. Merlin found himself smiling.

“It is a bit isn’t It.”

“Could you…could you magic up some breakfast?” Gwaine asked hopefully.

“No! It’s not a toy! I can’t just use it whenever I feel like it!” Merlin said.


“Well, that’s what Gaius says anyway.” Merlin said smiling.

“Oh go on.” Gwaine said smiling. Merlin glanced around to make sure nobody was watching. “Ok then.” He said smiling. He cupped his hands and closed his eyes and whispered “Caora.” Then his eyes flashed amber and his hands became full of blackberries. Gwaine smiled. “Wow.” Merlin grinned and passed Gwaine some berries. Gwaine picked one up and rolled it between his thumb and index finger. “If this is poisoned I’m going to kill you.” He said before popping it in his mouth. Merlin smiled; maybe Gwaine knowing wasn’t a bad thing at all. “Come on! Hurry up! Merlin! Carry this will you!” Arthur called and Merlin sighed.

“Yes sire.” Merlin muttered rolling his eyes at Gwaine before heading over to the king. Everyone began to move out but Gwaine stopped to look back on last time, he could just see the top of the rubble on the hill that was once their prison. “Are you coming?” Leon asked looking back at Gwaine. Gwaine nodded.

“Yeh.” He said. Leon smiled,

“Come then before Arthur gets more impatient.” Leon said, Gwaine turned to face Leon. “Is that even possible?” He asked grinning.

“Wait here any longer and you’ll find out.” Leon said and before Gwaine could reply Arthur voice rang through the trees. “Leon! Gwaine! Now!” Gwaine smiled and followed Leon back towards Camelot leaving the ruins of the castle far behind him.   


Ok guys! This story is almost over! Only about 2 more chapters! :( But i am already planning the sequal! :) I would also like to say this story will have now passed my friends test of a good story for it now has mentioned squirrels! Becca (Moustachesquirrel on wattpad) the squirrel was for u! (well me to cause they are amazing!) Lol sorry we have a thing about squirrels! (especially if they have moustaches!) And Gwaine finally had a chance to be like "OMG MERLIN HAS MAGIC!" cause before he didnt really get the chance. Lol Anyway i hope you like this chapter! Please comment and vote! It would mean the world to me! Thanks so much for reading! You guys are seriously AMAZING! :)

                                                              HazelJ :)
