Chapter 3- Mistakes, Feasts and old friends.

Chapter 3- Mistakes, Feasts and old friends.

She could see the building towering up in a spiral through the snow. She was frozen to the bone and her pale skin had turned an unhealthy shade of blue. She knew she shouldn’t be doing this, she knew her parents wouldn’t approve but she had to, she couldn’t have gone through with it, she decided she would hand over the crystal and then maybe she could return to Camelot and to Gwaine. As she drew closer she could hear a small voice in the back of her head. “Please don’t do this! You can’t! She will kill you! Please turn back!” It pleaded. Eirawen turned to look back at the snow coated forest surrounding her; maybe it wasn’t such a good idea. “Eirawen, I trust you bring good news.” A voice said for behind her. Eirawen gulped, now she was stuck. “I’m sorry m’lady but I cannot do what you ask. Here, you may have the crystal instead.” Eirawen said holding it out to the hooded figure. Even though her face was concealed Eirawen could tell the figures face had just turned to thunder. “You come here to tell me you have failed me and to offer a lump of rock as compensation?” She said trying to sound calm.
“Yes m’lady I’m sorry.” Eirawen stuttered.
“I gave you one simple task Eirawen; you don’t understand the effort I went to, to get this to work and then you tell me you don’t want to do it!” She said anger rising in her voice. “I’m so sorry, please can I go now?” Eirawen asked beginning to feel very afraid of the figure. “No I think we still need to have a little chat, maybe you’re patheticness could still come in handy. Yes you can still do your purpose from right here.” The figure said and Eirawen felt some unseen force grab her hair and begin pulling her inside. Eirawen began screaming, and that was her big mistake, for what she screamed was a name and that name was Gwaine.


A few days later they were all drudging through thick snow after having to leave the horses at a village when the snow became so thick they could hardly walk. Arthur lead the way with Leon close behind and the others lagging back. Percival was attempting to use his cloak as a blanket with little success. Gwaine was constantly trying to push his hair from his face as it was blown around by the freezing wind. Elyan felt as if any second the snow would bury him completely and Merlin was struggling to keep putting one foot in front of the other as the enough of the normally simply movement was exhausting.  "I'm hungry." Gwaine moaned.
"I'm cold" Percival said wrapping the cloak tighter around him.
"I'm tired." Merlin said.
"And I am tired of listening to you lot moaning!" Arthur cried.
"Is that it?" Leon said staring through the snow to a tall stone building.
"I guess so." Arthur said. "Come on."

"Oh good god what do you think you are doing out there in the cold!?" A girl’s voice rang out. The wooden door stood open and the figure of a young girl was silhouetted in the door way. Everyone looked at each other wondering whether to trust her. "Come inside out of the cold!" The girl called in a beautiful high pitched singsong voice. Arthur looked at his men and nodded. She seemed harmless. "Arthur!? What are you doing?" Merlin called unsure.
"She is just a girl. Come on."
"Is that food I smell?" Gwaine asked sniffing the air.
"Yes fresh out of the oven. Come in there is plenty to go around." She said opening the door wider. Slowly the knights and Arthur filed in. Merlin watched them amazed. They could be so stupid sometimes! Slowly he sighed and followed warily. Inside was almost like a small cottage; very warm and cosy with a rocking chair by the fire and a large table covered in mountains of food and drink. "Wow!" Gwaine said staring at the table in ore. His stomach growled loudly to confirm how hungry he was. "Tuck in tuck in!" The girl said. Gwaine didn't need telling twice he was already there. Soon everyone was tucking into the delicious foods. "…and apples and chicken and pie! Apple pie! Cheese, breads, soup." Gwaine said listing everything he could see. "Mead!" he cried and poured himself a large goblet of mead. Merlin sat and watched them all astounded at their stupidity. "Gwaine?" Merlin said quietly to his friend. “Don't you think this is a little odd?" Merlin asked.
"Yeh. They don't have any sauce!" Gwaine said.
"No I mean all of this! Don’t you think it’s a little too good to be true?"
"Umm…not really. Anyway it's free food and mead so I'm not complaining!" Merlin sighed. It was no good. "You’re not eating." The girl said to Merlin almost accusingly. "Oh, I'm not hungry thanks." Merlin told her. Just for a second angry flashed across her face before being replaced with a sweet smile. "Of course." she said before turning away.

Soon there was little left on the table and everyone lay lazily around the room. Gwaine had eaten far too much and looked like he was about to be sick so everyone kept clear of him, they didn't want a repeat of Gwen's birthday banquet…Merlin still hadn't got the stains out of his shirt. Percival was sat near the fire sneezing occasionally. Leon and Elyan were seeing if they could catch peanuts in their mouths and having little success, merlin wondered if they had have even more to drink than Gwaine! While Arthur was sat in the rocking chair which didn't really suit him. Gwaine groaned loudly and placed a hand on his aching stomach. Arthur smiled slightly. "It's your own fault you know." He said. Gwaine glared at him before closing his eyes. "Why is it you always act like you will never see food again?" Arthur asked.
"Old habitats die hard. I spent most of my life traveling from tavern to tavern so when I get meals like this I don't want to waste a thing!" Gwaine said.
"Yeh the only problem is you can't keep it." Percival said smiling.
"Shut up sneezy!" Gwaine said.
"God not that again." Percival mumbled. Gwaine was about to reply before he was cut off by a groan. "I need mead." He said standing up. He began to walk before dizziness overcame him and he staggered sideways. "Are you alright?" Merlin asked as Gwaine lent on the back of a chair with his eyes closed, his head nodding slightly. "Gwaine?" Merlin said again just as Gwaine's legs gave way and he fell to the ground. "Gwaine!" Merlin cried as he hurried to his friend side.
"What wrong? Has he…" Percival was cut off as he yawned. "…had too much mead?"
"He is out cold. He just passed out." Merlin said.
"Why?" Arthur asked concerned.
"I don't…" Merlin trailed off as he caught sight of Percival. "Percival? Are you ok?" Merlin asked. "Yeh…just tired." Percival said though he was having trouble keeping his eyes open. A few seconds later Percival too was unconscious. "Elyan!" Leon cried as Elyan too slumped back. "I don't…I don't like…" Arthur stuttered as he felt the blackness invading his mind. "Arthur!" He heard Merlin cry before the blackness swamped him. Merlin looked up at Leon who too was fighting for conciseness. "Arthur! Please!" Merlin cried shaking Arthur’s limp body but it was no good. "Have you enjoyed your welcoming feast?" A voice asked. "I think your friends are a little tired probably best to let them sleep don't you think." Merlin froze as the figure stepped out of the shadows. "Hello Merlin."
"Hello Morgana."


Dun Dun Dun!!!!!!!!! Lol this was quite short and a bit random wasnt it! Lol they were so stupid! :) I hope you liked it though! Next chapter will either be on later today or tomorrow! Thanks for reading! Please vote and commet! Your all amazing! :)

                                                          HazelJ :)
