Chapter 6- Clubs, Curtains and Colds.

Chapter 6- Clubs, Curtains and Colds.

“Arthur? Arthur?” Arthur heard the all too familiar voice call. He found himself being pulled from blackness out into blinding light. “Merlin! Curtains!” Arthur said but his voice was weak and ragged. “We have had this conversation before! There are no curtains!” Merlin said. Arthur groaned as his memories came flooding back. He tried to move but the pain was too much. “No you don’t.” Merlin said making sure Arthur lay still. “You stay put.” Merlin told him.
"What happened?" Arthur asked.
"You were injured." Merlin said.
"I can feel that." Arthur told Merlin irritated.
"You were hit; I think several of your ribs are badly broken."
"Great!" Arthur groaned. "Broken ribs! Just what I needed!"
"Hey we could start a club!" Gwaine said from where he sat about a foot away.
"No thanks." Arthur said.
"Oh come on, it will be fun!" Gwaine said teasingly.
"You must be feeling better if you’re back to your prat of a self!" Arthur snapped.
"Wo calm it! It was only a suggestion." Gwaine said grinning.
"Gwaine if I could move I would punch you." Arthur said.
"Good job you can’t move then isn't it." Arthur let out a small frustrated cry.
"Here, Gwaine look what I've got!" Merlin said throwing Gwaine an apple.
"Great!" Gwaine said sinking his teeth into the fruit.
"That'll shut him up for a while." Merlin mumbled as Gwaine chomped on the apple. "Is everyone else ok?" Arthur asked looking around at his knights.
"Yes, just a few small cuts and bruises; nothing to serious." Merlin told him. "We are still no closer to getting out of here though. I…" Merlin trailed off and listened. The chomping of the apple had stopped and not been replaced by chatter. He turned towards Gwaine to see the half eaten apple still in his hand. Gwaine was clutching his side his face consorted in pain. "Gwaine?" Merlin asked. "Are you ok?"
"Fine." Came Gwaine's very weak voice.
"Stop lying!" Merlin told him as he went over. Gwaine's head began lulling sideways as he fought for consciousness. "You need to rest. You are nowhere recovered." Merlin told Gwaine. "No I'm fine, really fine." Gwaine said before crying out again and slowly slipping out of consciousness.

Her icy hands traced his wound sending a shiver through his body. Her words were frozen and her lips ice. But it was soothing, strangely soothing. Gwaine could no longer feel his wound; it had gone numb with the cold. He knew it wasn’t right, wasn’t natural but he couldn’t resist or even open his eyes. Anyway he was glad the pain had gone even if it was probably going to make things worst later. “There is that better?” Her voice was like icicles. “You will need all your strength for what is to come and it wouldn’t be fair if you weren’t fit to fight; it would be over far too quickly and that would be no fun at all. Rest now Sir Knight, sweet dreams.”

The chains bound her hands up above her head, her long black her fell in a mattered spider web around her face which was wet from tears. “Hello dear.” The voice said and she heard footsteps echoing towards her. “I thought you might be thirsty.” She said. “Eirawen? Do you want this water or not?” She asked slightly more harshly than before. “What did you do to him!?” Eirawen demanded.
“Drink your water and I will tell you.” She said raising the bottle to Eirawen’s lips. Eirawen drank thirstily before pulling away. “I ask you again, what did you do to him Morgana!” Morgana signed.
“If you must know I put a spell on his wound, it shouldn’t cause his so much pain now.” Morgana explained.
“I don’t believe you.” Eirawen said.
“Fair enough but it’s the truth.” Morgana replied turning away to face the opposite wall. “I hope you are enjoying your entertainment.” She said staring into the large glass mirror through which the entire hall was visible. “I thought I might spice things up a little though; give the game a little fire.” Morgana said an evil smile working its way onto her lips. “Don’t you dare hurt them Morgana! Or I swear I will kill you!” Eirawen cried. “Oh I won’t, it's just there are some old friends they really ought to meet.” Morgana said with a wicked smile before sweeping out of the room.  

Gwaine didn't know if it was a dream or reality but when he tried to move he wasn't stopped by agonising pain. He was still hurting but it was small compared to how he had felt before. 'Sir Knight.' He thought remembering her words. 'Only one person calls me that; Morgana.' Gwaine thought as he ran a hand along his side. His head was spinning and he felt disorientated by the blinding light so he tried to go back to sleep. He found himself feeling strangely hot and very tired, his side however felt as cold as ice. He began to think of Eirawen, was she here? Being held in a similar hellish place as him? He hoped not, he wanted her to be safe, to be happy but at the same time he wanted her to be there, with him. "How is he?" Gwaine heard Percival's voice ask. "Hard to say really, he has a fever and something strange has happened to his wound, my only conclusion is magic." Merlin said.
"Morgana?" He heard Leon asked.
"Maybe, perhaps Gwaine can tell us."
"Tell you what!" Gwaine mumbled pretending not to have heard the rest of the conversation. "Can you remember anything strange happening to you last night? To do with magic?"
"Well, sort of." Gwaine propped himself up and explained what he could remember. When he had finished Merlin's face had turned very grave. "Merlin? What is it now?" Gwaine said. "Actually I don't want to know! I am probably dying so it’s better I don't know." To his surprise Merlin didn't tell him which rather annoyed him because in actually fact he did want to know. Gwaine suddenly began to feel incredibly dizzy and this obviously became apparent to the others. "Maybe you should lie back down." Merlin suggested.
"No I'm fine." Gwaine said. "Is there anything to drink or eat?" Gwaine asked.
"Yeh we saved you some." Percival said handing over a water skin and some bread. Gwaine drank thirstily until he drained the water skin dry. Then he sighed and glanced over to his left to see a sleeping Arthur. "How is he?" Gwaine asked.
"Not too bad but he can't move let alone fight." Merlin told him.
"Elyan is on the lookout for more attacks from the reflections so we are ready for them." Leon said. Gwaine nodded but immediately regretted it. He also regretted the masses of water and half the bread he had just consumed as his stomach lurched and he had to close his eyes and focused on not throwing up and staying awake. "Gwaine?" Percival asked sounding worried.
"I'm fine, just ate a bit to quickly that's all." Gwaine said shooing away their concern. Merlin placed a hand to Gwaine's forehead and Gwaine could imagine Merlin's face becoming even graver. "Gwaine please you need to rest." Merlin told him.
"Oh stop your fussing I'm fine!" Gwaine said even though he knew he was lying. There was a groan from the left as Arthur woke. "Now stop worrying about me and see to the king." Gwaine told them. Merlin sighed.
"Get some rest." He said as he got up and went over to Arthur. Suddenly Percival sneezed loudly causing an echo around the room and Leon to shuffle away from him. "Sneezy! I really don't want your cold! Please go and violently sneezy elsewhere." Gwaine said and Percival smiled.
"Oi chatty shut up and do as we say." He said and Gwaine sighed and lay down. "But I'm not even…not even…even…" As just like that he was asleep.

Arthur lay on his back gazing up at the celling. He could see himself reflected in it which he found slightly creepy. Every breath he took caused him pain and he knew broken ribs take a while to heal. He also knew however that they couldn't stay trapped here forever, they had to escape and they had to find Eirawen. Just then Merlin came into view holding a water skin and some food. "How are you feeling?" Merlin asked as he carefully helped Arthur sit up causing him to wince in pain. "What do you think!?" Arthur asked angrily.
"Wo sorry I was only asking you don't need to be so moody about it." Merlin mumbled passing Arthur the food and water. "Sorry, I am just so frustrated. We need to get out of here!"
"Frustrated? Are you sure? Normally when you are frustrated I would have at least five bruises by now." Merlin said smiling. Arthur smiled slightly too.
"I just keep wishing I could think of a way out but I can't. I haven't got a clue." Arthur told Merlin. "Don't worry; I'm sure you'll think of something." Merlin said. "How do you know?" Arthur asked.
"Because you’re our king Arthur, the greatest king this land has ever known. I know you will think of something, you will not be defeated by these reflections and we will find Eirawen. Every man in this room would happily lay down their life for you and I know you would do the same for them and that is why we will win this." Merlin said. Arthur stared at Merlin looking confused. "What? Is there something on my face?" Merlin asked. "No it just you sounded…it doesn't matter." Arthur said shaking his head but Merlin already knew what Arthur was going to say and it made him smile. Moments like this always did.


Hiya guys! Thanks for reading! I hope you liked this chapter! Who do you think Morgana was talking about when she said old friends??? Well all will be reveled soon! :) Thanks so much for reading this! It means everything to me! Please also comment and vote! It only takes a min but will mean so much! :) Thanks again! Your all amazing! :)
