Chapter 10 - Secrets, Spells and Suspicions.

Chapter 10 – Secrets, Spells and Suspicions.  

Elyan woke in complete darkness, within seconds he was on his feet, searching around the small room. After he had searched every inch of the room and found nothing but two mirrors he came to the conclusion Morgana had taken him for more torture; he remembered once before she had used some sort of snake to extract information from him, a memory he would very much like to forget and didn’t want to repeat. “Hello Elyan how nice of you to drop by.” A voice said from behind him; he spun round to see Morgana leaning against the wall examining her nails; ‘where did she come from?’ He wondered. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” Morgana said looking up at him. “Y-you didn’t.” Elyan lied.
“Good.” Morgana said with a smile. “So, how is dear Gwen?”
“Umm she is recovering.” Elyan said.
“Recovering?” Morgana asked clearly puzzled.
“From when you attacked her, the night you took Eirawen.” Elyan said becoming slightly confused. “I don’t know what you mean. I didn’t take Eirawen and I didn’t attack Gwen.” Morgana said.
“Then who did?” Elyan asked. Morgana shrugged.
“I don’t know but it wasn’t me.” Elyan didn’t know whether to believe her or not but he didn’t have much time to think before she changed the subject. “Oh, congratulations by the way,” Elyan looked confused. “On becoming Arthur’s brother in law.”
“Oh thanks.” Elyan said not quite sure how to take it.  
“You know that means technically we are brother and sister in law.” Morgana said and smiled as Elyan shuddered slightly. “I guess it does.” Elyan said. Morgana slowly began to walk towards him; Elyan began to back away before he hit a stone wall. “Goodbye dear brother, have fun.” She whispered before walking past him and through a mirror on the far wall.


Percival woke shivering with cold. He opened his eyes and found the room strangely dark. He got up slowly and peered through the gloom, he could just make out four walls, on two of which were two mirrors. He signed, “Welcome to hell mark 2” He mumbled to himself. “Come now Percival that’s a bit harsh, I put a lot of effort into making this for you.” A voice said from behind him. Percival quickly spun round to see Morgana stood watching him. “You.” He said coldly.
“Charming, I thought you knights were supposed to be chivalrous.” 
“We have our bad days.” Percival muttered as she walked towards him.
“I see well hopeful I can cheer you up a little.” Morgana said placing a hand on Percival’s arm and running it along his gorgeous muscles. “I know there is something you have wanted to do for a very long time; I hope to give you the chance to do it.”
“Thank you, you just did.” He said. Suddenly without warning Percival pulled out his sword and swung it at her catching her side. She cried out in angry and her eyes glowed amber and Percival was blown back into the wall.


“Ok this is getting ridiculous!” Arthur said. Overnight both Percival and Elyan had vanished. Arthur was beginning to get extremely frustrated, there was a tightness in his chest and he really needed to shout at something, luckily Merlin was nearby…well luckily for Arthur anyway. “Merlin!” Arthur yelled.
“Yes sire?” Merlin signed.
“Pass me my water!” Arthur ordered. Merlin looked down at the water skin that was right at Arthur’s side. “It’s there.” Merlin said.
“I didn’t ask you where it was I asked you to pass me it!” Arthur told Merlin. Merlin signed, “If Morgana doesn’t hurry up I might just kill you myself.” Merlin muttered to himself as he passed Arthur the water. After Arthur had drunk his water and moaned for a while he fell back into deep sleep. Merlin knew this was his chance, with the others gone he could fix Arthurs ribs. He bent down and placed his hands over the bruising over the broken ribs, then slowly he whispered the words of the spell, his eyes flashed amber and the bruising began to fade.

Morgana staggered back into the room, a hand clutching her side. Eirawen looked up as she entered and Morgana glared at her. “What are you staring at?!” She snapped and Eirawen quickly hung her head again. Morgana sat down on her chair before carefully examining her wound, it wasn’t too bad and with a quick flash of her eyes it began to heal. She sighed and glanced up at the mirror showing the hall of mirrors. She saw Merlin leaning over a sleeping Arthur. At first she didn’t pay it much thought until she saw Merlin’s hands hovering over Arthur’s broken ribs. “What’s he doing?” She thought aloud. Eirawen then looked over too, what was Merlin doing?  

He heard her footsteps echo behind him before her cold voice rung out. “Hello Merlin. How’s my dear brother?” Morgana asked as she approached.
“What concern is it of yours?” Merlin asked suspiciously.
“Oh I just wanted to see how he was fairing, broken ribs are painful.” Morgana said a sweet smile on her lips that made Merlin’s stomach churn. Morgana bent down by Arthur and Merlin readied himself to protect his king. “Interesting, the bruising is all but gone.” Morgana said. “What did you do?” She said her head snapping in his direction. Merlin felt panic rise in him as he hurriedly lied. “Gaius taught me a way to speed up the healing.” He said.
“So why wait till now?” Morgana asked.
“Umm it can only be done after a certain time.” Merlin lied.
“I see.” Morgana said though she was staring at him with suspicion. Suddenly she smiled. “Merlin why don’t you and I have a little chat hey, it’s been so long since we last saw each other.” She said reaching out a hand towards him. Merlin backed away quickly and Morgana followed. “There’s no need to be afraid, I just want to talk.” She said as Merlin backed into a mirror. “You will get nothing out of me Morgana.” Merlin said. “Oh dear, then it appears I have no further use for you.” She said and her eyes flashed and the mirror behind Merlin opened like a door. Merlin fell through before it slammed quickly shut.     

Percival awoke with an aching in his head, he was vaguely aware of a figure standing over him. “Are you alright?” The figure asked. Percival recognised the voice but couldn’t quite put a name to it. “Yeh.” He said slowly getting to his feet. Then he looked up and saw the figures face, he had recognised the voice, for it was his own.


Hiya! Sorry this is so short but been busy (got exams soon so got loads of school work! Why cant there be GCSE's in writing fanfics?) You probably all saw that ending coming didn't you? Lol. I cant believe i manged to write a whole chapter with no Gwaine what so ever! And MadOverMerlin sorry no Leon either......i didnt quite know where to go after the last chapter but will hear from him in the next one! :) Thanks so much for reading this! It means so much! Please vote and Comment! Will love you forever if you do! :) Thanks again! Your all amazing!

                  HazelJ :)
