After dinner we all decided to watch a movie in the cinema room, that dad never let me use because of all the expensive shit in there. May decided to leave before that. She said that Peter could stay here as long as he wanted to.

Later that night, after the movie, Steve and Peter were really tired, which was understandable. "Strange told me that the wounds needs cleansing every third hour" dad said and stood up right in front of the screen. "Who will take the job?" he asked. Everyone avoided eye contact. "I'll gladly do it" I smiled and looked at Peter. "Great, they'll both sleep in your room tonight then" he continued. "Are you kidding me? I refuse to sleep in the same room as the lovebirds the day they reunite!" Steve yelled. "Yeah Tony you also have wounds, wouldn't you need to sleep in Y/n's room too?" Wanda laughed. "Not a chance on earth" he said. "I'll help you move mattresses in" he continued. 

"If I hear you moving towards her bed Parker, I will destroy you" Steve said and laid down on his mattress. Peter just laughed. "I'm being serious!" Steve whined. "He gets it Steve!" I yelled and walked out of the bathroom. "Close your eyes Steve" I said. "Why?" he asked. "Because I'm about to walk over your head, and I'm just wearing a t-shirt and underwear. I'm being dead serious. Close your eyes" I loudly whispered. "Fine" he said short and shut his eyes closed. Peter sighed as I walked over Steve. "What's wrong?" I said and bent down to kiss him. "He opened his eyes" Peter laughed. "Snitch" Steve laughed. "Did you guys literally turn five years old in that coma?" I said and found my med kit. I walked over to Peter and started cleaning his wounds. They were discussing their experiences from the coma. "Yeah did you also get that one dream about Y/n yelling at the nurse?" Peter asked. "Yes I did! She was like "JUST FIX IT"" Steve mocked me. "Shut up, that actually happened" I laughed. "Huh? We were in a hospital?" Peter asked. I nodded and moved over to Steve to clean his wounds too. "Why haven't we had this sleepover before? It's so fun" Steve said. "Because it's weird Steve" I answered and finished up. I then turned off the lights and laid in bed. "Remember what I said Parker, don't you dare move up to her bed" Steve said. "I was literally about to fall asleep, you ruined it" Peter whisper-shouted. "I have an alarm on that will ring in three hours, please shut up now" I said and fell asleep. 

Three hours later my phone rang. I started by cleansing Steve's wounds. He was cold. I tucked him tighter in his blanket. He was like a five year old. I walked over to Peter and when I was done he grabbed my arm. "Come here, I'm cold" he whispered and pulled me onto his mattress. "That's not weird, you just have this old, thin blanket" I whispered back. "Do you have better blankets?" he asked excited. "Shh... Yes of course, I have weighted blankets" I laughed as quiet as possible. I stood up and laid down in my own bed. I felt Peter creeping up behind me. I turned around to face him. "Peter! If you get blood on my bed I will murder you!" I whisper-shouted. "If I get blood on your bed you've done a bad job on bandaging me" he laughed. "True that" I laughed and kissed him.

New three hours passed and I walked over to Steve and did the routine. "Peter you need to sleep on your own mattress now" I whispered. "Noooo, I wanna keep cuddling all night" he whined. "Peter, Steve will wake up before us, and if he sees us, we're screwed" I continued. "Okay!" He finally got back to his own mattress and let me finish bandaging him up. I went back to bed, and not shockingly, Steve wasn't there when we woke up at 12. "Shit I forgot to clean you guys the third time" I said and rubbed my eyes. "I think I'll survive" Peter laughed. "I really hope you do" I laughed and walked over to his mattress. "Let's go eat" I said and helped him up. "Yeah, just going to change first" he said.

Steve sat in the kitchen talking to everyone, shirtless as always. "Where's dad?" I asked. "Working" he said short. "Stand up Steve" I said. "Why?" he answered as he stood up. "I need to fix this shit" I said and ripped off the bad bandaging job he had done himself. "You were sleeping" he laughed. "I don't care. You should've woken me up" I said and helped him. "What's that on your neck Y/n?" Loki asked. I looked at him. Steve brushed my hair away from my neck. "Yeah Y/n what's that on your neck?" He looked me deeply into my eyes. I walked away from him. "Just a burn" I answered and tried to cover it with hair. "So I assume this is the fire that caused the burn?" Loki laughed when Peter entered the room. "I told you I would kill you Parker" Steve said. "Why would you do that?" Peter asked cluelessly. "Did you guys do it while I was literally almost dying next to you?!" Steve said and walked up to Peter. "Of course we didn't dumbass. And calm down. You have some scratches. You're not going to die" Peter said and sat down. Dad walked in. "Did I just hear little Spidey stand up to Captain America?" he laughed. "That's a first" 
