After homecoming everyone went to the building Jessica's dad had rented. Under the office building there was a perfect party local, so I finally understood why we would even have a party in an office building. We both pretended to be drinking while we were talking to everyone. We knew we had to have a clear mind on the mission. Peter held his arm around my shoulder. I turned around to face him and kissed him. "We should go" I whispered. He nodded and we started walking. Flash came staggering up behind us. "Peter and Y/n is going to find a fuck place!" he shouted. We laughed and started running before more people looked at us. 

We were up at fifth floor, where the stone was supposed to be. Peter tried grabbing our suit out of my purse. I shook my head and told him to drop them. "What? No we need our suit" he said. I took my purse in my hand and used my super hearing to hear all the guards protecting the stone. I grabbed Peter's arm and started walking. "You're just going to walk in like that??" he whispered. I nodded and continued walking. I could hear a guard coming toward us, so I pulled Peter's tux and pushed him up the wall. I started kissing him. The guard came around the corner. "Get out of here!" he said and grabbed my arm. "Ouch, hey let me go! We're just some teenagers looking for a hookup place" I laughed and gave him my best possible puppy dog eyes. "Well not here kids" he said and shrugged his shoulders. "Okay, we'll leave. But just tell that to the others hooking up in there" I said and pointed at the hallway far away. "What?!" he said and started running. I locked all the doors as soon as he was out of the room. "Change now!" I shouted to Peter and pulled off my dress. He just stood there staring at me. "Hello?! Change! Suit! We can not be seen what so ever" I continued. "I love you" he said short. I stopped changing and walked over to him. "I love you too" I laughed. "No I'm serious. I'm going to marry you someday. The way you just come up with this stuff" he said as he kissed me. "And the way you look in that underwear" he continued. I punched his arm. "Oh shut up, get changed" I laughed.

With our suits on we ran until we stood outside the room where the Infinity stone was being held captured, by the wrong, evil part. "Just keep them away, while I do my thing" I said to Peter and winked at him. I quickly opened the door. "Holy shit, there's way more of you guys than I imagined" I said. Everyone turned around in silence. "Let's get started, shall we?" I laughed and shot lasers through the room. Everyone ducked, and it was my time to use my super speed to go grab it. I grabbed the suitcase the stone was in. On my way back to Peter, one man was fast enough to grab my foot, making me trip. The suitcase laid there open on the floor, catching Peter's attention. I hit my head so hard I was sure I was about to pass out. Every sound in the room was in slow-mo. My vision blurred until my eyes met Peters. "Snap out of it!" he screamed. I felt like myself again. My vision came back to normal, and everything was at usual speed again. I quickly stood up and kicked the man who grabbed my foot's face. He crawled around the room in pain. I made eye-contact with one young girl, who stood there staring me deeply into my eyes. I analyzed her, and understood she was going to run for the stone any second. She started running and I stood there for a second laughing. With the stone in her hand, she looked astonished at me. "I thought you was supposed to run?" she asked. "No, that would be unfair. I can just do this" I answered and used my super speed. In the timespan of a second I had the stone in my left hand, and Peter's hand in my right hand. We stood in the corner of the room, surrounded by bad guys. "I assume you have a plan?" I asked. He looked shocked at me. "My plan was the door, but the big guy is covering it" he said. I looked over at the door. He was right. "Plan B then" I laughed and flew right through the window. Peter still was inside. "Jump Peter!" I said. Mid-jump he said: "MY WEBS DON'T WORK!" I flew down to him and grabbed him. "This is degrading" he said when I was carrying him like a baby. I sat him down at the ground and realized everyone from the party stood there in shock. "Your ex is here, Spider-Man!" Flash screamed in his drunk voice. "Say hi from me" Peter laughed. "You're really hot Mysteria!" A guy screamed from the back. His girlfriend hit him. "Your girlfriend is even hotter, take care of her or I will" I winked. She smiled and blushed. "Are your webs ready?" I asked. He nodded. "Let's do this the right way then" I smiled and let him swing me from building to building, until we reached the tower. 

We walked in, super tired and immediately pulled off our masks. "Y/N!" Dad shouted when he saw me and ran to gave me a hug. They were all sitting in the living room waiting for us. "Hey" I answered. The vibe in the room was as if we failed the mission, so I assume that's what they thought happened. "So... how did it go?" Scott finally asked. I looked over at Peter, who was smiling from ear to ear. I opened my hand and showed them the stone. They all gasped and ran up to us to hug us, almost to the point of worshipping us. After literally ten minutes of celebration they started asking questions. "All creds to Y/n, she was amazing" Peter said and grabbed my thigh. "Hands off" dad said, but he tried covering it in a cough. Peter pulled his hand back. "Dad..." I laughed. "What? I coughed??" he said. "Peter was amazing as well" I said and kissed him. I sat down at his lap, waiting for the questions. "How will we get to the stones Thanos already has?" Scott said. "I don't think we can yet. Plan A: kill him" dad said and grabbed a drink. 
