The week goes by, practice and school everyday. I think I would've enjoyed school more if my new nickname wasn't literally period girl.

It was Friday and actually I woke up before my alarm. I wasn't tired at all. I walked out of my room in just Peter's clothes. It still smelt like him. Happy was sitting in the kitchen. "Hey Happy, long time no see" I sat down with him. "Hey y/n! Aren't you supposed to be at school?" he said. "What? No I even woke up before my alarm" I answered. He showed me his watch. 12. "WHAT?! Happy you need to take me to school, now!" I stood up and started running to my closet. I turned around. "Dad can NOT know I'm here," On my way to the closet I ran into Wanda. "In a hurry y/n?" I nodded. "If you see my dad don't say I'm here" I continued running. She looked worried and followed me. I found a top with a deep neckline, like you could literally almost see everything. I also found the skirt I wanted to wear first school day. "You'll still get dress coded y/n" Wanda laughed from the corner. "Shut up, I'm new they let me do whatever I want" I said and ran to the wardrobe and changed.

When I was ready I walked out to Happy again. "Can you please drive me?" I asked. He nodded. "But please y/n. Put Peter's hoodie over that top. You'll get sent home," I rolled my eyes and put it on. "Where's dad?" I asked. "Tenth floor, if we take the elevator we won't run into him"

I thanked Happy and ran into math class. "I'm so sorry I'm late Mr. Jackson!" I said out of breath. He looked me up and down. "We can have a talk after class Ms. (l/n)" He looked disgusted at me. I searched the room for Peter, he looked shocked at me when our eyes met. I ran over to him. All the boys whistled when I ran past them. "Isn't that your hoodie Peter?" Ned asked. I sat down next to Mj on the desk behind them. "Yes it is, and she looks hot in it," he answered. Mj laughed, and they turned around. "What the hell are you wearing? You'll get dress coded for that skirt" she said. "What? It's a normal mini skirt?" I answered. They all laughed. "Mini is an understatement y/n" she continued. "Oh shut up" I was still out of breath.

After class me and Peter stayed to talk to the teacher. Peter held his arm around me. "Parker, you can leave" the teacher said. He started walking. I grabbed his hand. "He's staying. I assume your going to talk about my skin and my body, and that's nothing unfamiliar to my boyfriend. So he can stay," I answered in a very obnoxious, sarcastic voice. Peter swallowed loudly and smirked. "I just wanted to let you know that I'll send you home the next time this happens," I nodded and we walked out. "You're so crazy, I love it!" he said and hugged me. He stroke my thigh. I turned around to see Ned standing there in complete shock. "What's up with you horny folks? Are you like official?" he asked. Mj laughed. "Shut up Ned, no we're not" Peter said. "You're literally all over each other" We started walking to English class.

"Your English teacher is sick so I'll be your substitute teacher for today" Mr. Jackson said. I knew he was finished for the day, but for some weird reason he loved being here, so he probably said yes when the principal asked just because he has nothing better to do.

10 minutes before break time Peter turned around. "Hey y/n we need to leave now" he said. "What?" I was so confused. "Yeah Tony is picking us up?" I was still very confused. "No he isn't? Why would he pick us up in the middle of a school day?" I asked. His eyes quickly changed, like he realized something. "Oh yeah, no he isn't. I just need to go to the.. doctor. Happy's picking me up" he said. I could tell he was lying to me. "Peter Parker you better stop lying right now" I whispered. "Okay fine, Tony's having an extra practice with me. I promised not to tell you but he said that I get to have 100% control of my powers if I do this" he said. I was shocked. "I'm coming too" I said. "No you can't just leave school y/n. Tony wouldn't like that" I was furious. "I'm not leaving. I'm getting sent home" I pulled of his hoodie and threw it at him. Then I stood up. "Hey Mr. Jackson can I please go to the bathroom?" I pushed my arms together too, just to be sure he noticed. Peter stared at my chest, and so did Ned. Mj just laughed. Peter pulled my arm. "What are you doing?" he whispered. Mr. Jackson looked up. "(L/n) come here I need to talk to you," as I was walking to him I felt disgusting. I knew everyone was staring at me in my mini skirt and skanky top. "I told you I need to send you home," He wrote a note and told me to give it to my father. "Oh, just because of my boobs? Why are you even looking?" I answered. I knew I needed to act like I didn't want to go home. "Out of my class, now, you need to go home" He said. "No shit, it would my my pleasure" I ran out of the classroom as the bell rang. The whole class stared at my chest as they walked out. Peter came out. "Let's go" I said and grabbed his hand. We walked until a girl stopped me. "Hey period girl, you're kind of cool. Do you guys wanna come to my party tomorrow?" she said. "Yeah sure my insta is y/n Stark, just DM me the info" I answered and furiously continued to walk. "She means y/n (l/n)!" Peter shouted before we walked out of the school. My dads car was there. I sat down and shut the door. "WHAT THE FUCK DAD?! HE GETS FULL CONTROL OF HIS POWERS?!" Everything went so quickly I'm not even sure he realized that I was the one who got in the car. "WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?!" he answered. I looked at Peter who was waiting outside. He was cringing. "Clothes, but answer the question" I said. "Y/n I would love to give you full control of your powers, you're just not ready yet"
