We spent about two weeks in sadness until Peter cheered up. We woke up by Morgan playing Barbie. Last night we slept over in mom and dad's cabin instead of our own. We got dressed and walked downstairs. "Good morning, Mrs. Potts" Peter said and kissed moms cheek. "Peter we've been talking about this. It's Pepper" she laughed. I looked at dad, and we both rolled our eyes. "I'm not the jealous type, but back the fuck off Peter" dad said. Peter laughed and sat down next to me. "I think it's sweet that you're bonding with my mom" I smiled. "No you don't" dad answered. "Shut up" I whispered. "I can give you a kiss too, just for justice" Peter said and stood up to kiss dad's cheek. The second Peter's lips touched his skin, dad threatened Peter with his butterknife. Everyone except dad laughed. "Daddy is gay!" Morgan shouted. "Hell yeah he is" I whispered and winked at Peter. Dad gasped while mom sat there laughing. "Young lady!" dad screamed, but mom interrupted him. "Bread anyone?"

The next five years Peter and myself stayed mostly in the mansion, but from time to time we spent a couple weeks in both the tower with the others at our cabin, but we were mostly at the tower for missions. Mom and dad stayed at the cabin all the time, but they visited sometimes. "Happy birthday" Peter whispered. "Shut up Peter, my birthday was yesterday" I answered. "But, you want a late birthday gift, don't you?" he said and kissed my neck. I laughed. "Yes, indeed I do" I smiled and sat on top of him. My phone called. I stood up and was about to check it, when Peter dragged me by my panties back in bed. "Dude! You almost ripped my panties" I laughed. "Good, they're coming off anyways" he answered. My phone called again. I stretched for it, but Peter crawled on top off me and declined the call. "It's your dad Y/n. Probably just asking if they can come over this weekend" he said and threw it on the floor. "PETER THAT'S EXPENSIVE!" I laughed. Our relationship had grown so much the last five years. We've never been this happy. We laughed 99% of the time when we were together. One time Peter totally crashed dad's car, and we knew we would get killed, but we could not stop laughing. "You're the most childish twenty-one year old EVER Peter" I said and kissed him. When I stood up he realized he had lost and sighed loudly. I answered the phone. "I'll open a bottle of wine and we can go back to where we dropped off" Peter laughed and stood up. "Peter it's eleven in the morning" I laughed.

- Gross. Dad said.

- No not like that. I laughed.

- In fact it was like that! Peter screamed from the kitchen.

I muted the phone. "PETER!" I screamed, I tried not to laugh, but couldn't help myself. While I small talked with dad I walked to Peter in the kitchen. I turned on speaker.

- So Scott is here, at our cabin with the stupidest ideas ever. Dad continued. 

While he was talking I ran over to the kitchen-island to grab some strawberries. I ate one in a very sensual way while dad was talking and winked at Peter. He came up behind me and stroke my back, and going downwards. 

- Hello? Are you listening? Dad said

- Yeah, Scott? Scott who? I said while laughing. 

Peter lifted me up at the counter and kissed me. I whispered in his ear "this reminds me of the first time we made out in dads office" Peter stared into my eyes and smiled, and leaned in for a kiss.

- Lang. 

We both stopped and stared at the phone. 

- Wha? What did you say? Scott Lang? As in Ant-Man? Peter said panting. 

- I do not want to know the reason you are panting Parker, but yes. 

- Dad that's impossible. Are you saying that everyone that disappeared five years ago just suddenly came back?

- No. Just Lang.

- Cut the shit dad. You're hallucinating. I laughed and kissed Peter's cheek. 

"I'm going back to bed" I said and winked, and started walking towards the bedroom.

- Hey Y/n... A voice I hadn't heard in five years said.

I turned around and ran back.

- What?! Scott?? I asked.

- Yes. Hi. 

- We're on our way! I screamed and hung up.

"What the actual fuck" I said and walked out the door. "Put on some clothes first" Peter said.
