A couple more weeks passed, and we decided to have a meeting in the tower. "Well, I just thought we should spread Tony's ashes" Natasha said. "Yep. Y/n? Any ideas? Somewhere special?" Steve asked. "Well I think..." Bucky sighed. "Who asked you to share your thoughts, Bucky?" I asked. "Let's not start this" Steve said. "Shut up, you're all in MY tower, and I'll start whatever I want to. Okay?" I said. Peter dragged my hand, but I pushed him off. "You know what Bucky? Get the hell out of my tower" I said. He stood up. "Y/n! Don't do this" Wanda said. "This is called the Avengers tower now, it's not the Stark tower anymore" Steve said. "Who decided that?! Huh? My dead dad! And he's dead because of Bucky!" I shouted. "No he isn't..." Steve continued. "Oh? Tell me how he died then?" I said and walked up to him. "The stones killed him"  Steve said and stood up too. "Ok, how did Thanos get the last stone?" I asked and felt the cringing in the room the second I mentioned his name. "Because of the girl..." he answered. "And who let her in even though I told him not to?" I asked. Steve sat down. I walked over to Bucky. "I want to kill you, Barnes" I said. Everyone stood up. "You don't mean that!" they all said. "Yes I do, but I'll make it fair. We'll have a fight, if you win, you'll get to continue as a worthy member of the Avengers. If I win. You get the hell out of my tower, and never come back" Everyone sighed. "You don't have the power to kick someone out of the Avengers" Scott said. "Oh don't I? Who does? Fury?" I laughed. "You think Fury cares about you?! The only worthy leader you've had was my father, who cared about EVERY single cell in your body!" I screamed. "Suit up, Barnes"

Right before the fight I was in my room suiting up, when I suddenly felt the urge to puke. I ran to my bathroom and puked everywhere. I figured that I probably had some sort of pill to help, so I opened my drawer and a pregnancy test fell out. I had never put a pregnancy test in my drawer, so I picked it up. And there was a note on it. "For the love of god please be negative. Love from dad :)" I flushed away the puke and peed on the stick.

Everyone was staring at us from the little tribune room in the gym. I watched Bucky's eyes beg for sympathy. "Cut the puppy eyes" I said and flew up and shot lasers at him. I flew back down and at full speed tackled him. He was laying there on the floor, and just like an on button, he suddenly decided to fight back. Once I saw it I started running, but he grabbed my foot to make me trip. I laid on the floor in pain and crawled back when he got closer. He was ready to punch with his metal arm and right before he hit me right in the stomach I shouted "THE BABY!" He immediately stopped. I felt a tear roll down my face. Bucky ran up to me and held me to his chest. "I'm so sorry Y/n... I didn't know" he said. "No, I'm sorry" I said and hugged him. "It's not your fault my dad's dead. And I didn't know about the baby until ten minutes ago." I sighed. Natasha and Wanda came running to us. "What's happening, Y/n?!" they asked and helped me up. 

"Have you told Peter?" Wanda asked. I shook my head. "Well, here he comes, so you have the chance" Natasha said. "Honey! What's wrong?!" he asked. "We need to talk" I said and pulled his arm through the tower and into my bedroom. "I'm pregnant" I said. He was silent and looked at me with shock in his eyes. "WHAT?!" he said and laughed. "Why are you laughing?" I asked and laid down in my bed. "Because we can't be parents, we're not ready" he said and laid down next to me. "No one is ready for a kid Peter. And what can we do? I love the baby already" I said and stood up to pull my suit off. I laid down again in just my underwear. I put his hand on my belly. "Does it move or are you hungry?" he asked. "The baby is like two weeks old Peter it can't move!" I laughed. "Oh, okay" he said and put his head on my stomach. 

I woke up an hour later. "So, what do you think?" I asked. "I love it" he answered. "Did you call our baby it?!" I laughed. "Do you know the gender?!" he asked excited. "It's the size of like a cell Peter!" I shouted and stood up and got dressed. "YOU SAID IT TOO!" he laughed. "We need to tell the others" I said. He nodded and walked out to Wanda and Natasha. I walked to Steve. "Hey kid, I was just thinking that like all the Avengers should part-time move in here, so we can be much more together, rather than you being in California all the time, and me being alone here" Steve said. "Yeah good idea, especially with the baby" I laughed. He hugged me. "BABY?!" he asked. I nodded. "Oh my god!" he screamed. "Did you see where Peter went with Wanda and Natasha by the way?" I asked. He shook his head, refusing to let me pull out of the hug. 
