I woke up surrounded by everyone. Doctor Strange was staring at me. "She's alive!" Scott said and pointed at me. "No shit I am" I answered and sat up and pulled out the needle injected in my hand. "Hey, hey! Don't pull that out!" Strange said. I analyzed the needle and realized it was leading to a blood bag, meaning I was given someone else's blood. "I don't need someone else's blood, my body can make it's own blood, thank you very much" I said with disgust and stood up. Peter came running and hugged me. "Don't scare me like that again" he said and kissed my forehead. "Oh my apologies, I just felt like getting kidnapped, I'll choose not to next time" I answered. He laughed, and I could feel his breath running down my hair, and further down my spine, making me shiver. "Peter Parker I love you" I said and hugged him tighter. He took a ring, that looked expensive out of his pocket. "Wow! Easy there tiger!" dad shouted. "Do you promise to be with me forever?" Peter said. I nodded. "So like a promise ring?" I asked. He smiled and kissed me, and showed me his own ring. "So like this isn't the real thing?" dad asked. Steve came running into the room and pushed Peter away. "Leave some space for the rest of us" he said and carried me onto the hospital bed Strange had with him, laying in the middle of the lounge. "I'm fine Steve" I sighed. He grabbed my wrist and dad walked over to me too. "I said I'm fine" I said and pulled back. "So no one's wondering how I just escaped? I was pretty damn good" I laughed. "Oh they sent us the video" dad laughed and showed me his phone. It was the video of me escaping. 

We were all eating dinner together when Vision came in. "There's a girl at the main entrance, she looks hurt" he said. Dad stood up and opened the app in his phone where he can see the security cameras. "Anyone know her?" he said and showed us the video. "No way" I said and laughed. The kidnapper girl. I stormed through the tower with the box of Chinese food still in my hand and took the elevator down to the main entrance. Everyone tried following me, but I closed the elevator. "Whoops, take the next one I guess?" I laughed. When I got down I walked outside, still eating, and heard the elevator with everyone coming down too. "Hey..." she tried saying. She had her hands on her chest, she was clearly in pain. I didn't care. I placed my hand around her throat and carried her inside, once again, still eating. "Wow, Y/n! Drop her!" Natasha said. Dad held them back when they tried running to help her. I placed her firmly on the ground. "Was my message unclear? I said I would rip your head off didn't I?" I said while pinning her to the ground and dropped the now empty box to the ground. "I'm sorry!" she screamed. Dad came running and pulled me off. "Get off!" I shouted and pushed him away. On my way back I could see her blood covering the floor. "I would say that you need to clean this up before you leave, but you won't make it our here alive" I said and helped her up and chewed up. "Language!" Steve said. Everyone looked at him. "Sorry..." he continued. I looked at the girl dead in the eyes, in complete silence. "What is she doing?" Wanda asked. "She's trying to pull her head off with her telekinesis" dad said, I could hear the disappointment in his voice. He was right. Her face turned paler and paler for every second, and I could see her neck stretching, almost to the point of breaking. "Enough!" Bucky said and pulled me away. "Let's hear what she has to say" Steve said. "You guys are so soft" I said and turned around to them. "So?" I said to her. "Um, I'm sorry about everything, I wasn't thinking clearly. And when Thanos saw the tape of you defeating me he stabbed me and..." she said and took her hands off her chest. "Wow!" Bucky interrupted her and helped her. "Bullshit!" I laughed. Everyone looked at me like I was a psychopath. "Thanos? Stabbed?! Are you guys serious? Not very Thanos to stab someone" I continued. "Have you seen his massive knife weapon thingy?" she asked, looking at me for sympathy. I walked over to her, and analyzed her wound. "This wound is from a normal kitchen knife, you liar" I said, thinking I busted her, but no one seemed to take my side. I could feel the anger coming. I ripped off the bandage on my wrist. "Almost the same as this one isn't it?" I asked and made her look at my wound. Both Bucky and the girl cringed. "So what are you saying?" Bucky asked. "Every arrow points towards her faking this whole thing??" I said searching the room for sympathy. Steve, dad and Peter was the only ones who agreed with me. "She realized I escaped, and used the same knife she used on me to make the wound, and came her searching for sympathy" I laughed and sat down next to the Chinese box and realized it was empty. I sighed and threw it down again. Dad came closer to her. "I agree" he said and studied both our wounds. "They're the same" he said to Peter and Steve, who also agreed. She stood up. "Are you serious? You think I would stab myself and come crawling to my worst enemies after? Do you know how degrading it is for me to even show up here?" she said. I stood up and walked towards her. "Why are you here then?" I asked. "You guys have Strange" she replied and looked at him. "I'm sorry, but we don't want to help you" I said in her face. "Are you kidding? Of course we will? She can spend the night" Bucky said. "Yes!" she shouted. Everyone looked at her, because she didn't seem so hurt as she said she was in that celebration. Suddenly she realized, and fell straight into Bucky's arms again. "You can sleep right there" I said and pointed at her blood puddle. Dad, Steve and Peter laughed, while Bucky rolled his eyes. "I'm going to bed. Figure this out" I said and took the elevator up.
