{Take A Hint}

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

There is an appalling lack of badass female Peter Parkers. Obviously, that cannot go on.

TW: Sexual harassment. BAMF Penny Parker. BAMF MJ. Penny x Bucky. MJ x Shuri.

Start the song when I put in *-*-*-*

Also PLEASE use the song. It enhances the whole experience.

Penny Parker:


"Hello, gorgeous," a boy smirked as he slid into the seat beside her. Penny sighed and rolled her eyes discreetly, noticing another boy sliding into the seat next to MJ.

"We noticed you two sitting here all alone, so we decided to keep you some company," the other boy said, "I'm James, by the way."

"I'm Xavier," the first one said.

"Our names are 'not interested'," MJ deadpanned.

"Not to mention that our middle names are 'we are taken'," Penny continued, taking a sip of her beer.

"And let's not forget our last names. Get. Lost," MJ said.

"Come one, don't be like that, darling," James said, curling a hand around MJ's waist.

"How about your numbers?" Xavier asked, leaning closer.

"What part of taken and not interested do you not understand?" MJ snarled.

"Your boyfriends don't have to know," James said matter-of-factly.

"I am lesbian," MJ said, unimpressed.

"Well, then your girlfriend can join us too," he said in a manner he probably thought was 'seductive'.

"I'm going to vomit," Penny muttered.

"Get. Lost," MJ said angrily. 

"Hmm, how about a drink?" Xavier asked, ignoring them.

"Are you illiterate? Or do you not know the meaning of no?" Penny asked. Xavier frowned and looked at James.

"We said, don't be like that, darling," James' arms tightened around MJ's waist, "Why don't you sing for us? That'll cool you down," his hand slid lower, "And set the mood."

Penny was about to punch him, then remembered something Pepper told her.

'You know what hurts men who can't understand the meaning of no more than a punch? A confident and public rejection.'

She casually slipped her hand in MJ's and began tapping:

.-- .- -. - / - --- / .- -.-. - / --- ..- - / - .... .- - / ...- .. -.-. - --- .-. .. --- ..- ... / ... -.-. . -. . / .. -. / .-. . .- .-.. / .-.. .. ..-. . ..--.. / - .... . / -.- .- .-. .- --- -.- . / .. ... / .-.. --- --- -.- .. -. --. / -.. . .--. .-. . ... ... . -.. / .- .-.. .-.. / .- .-.. --- -. .

MJ paused for a moment, then smirked in her drink. Penny knew this was a yes.

"Say, we do want to sing a song for you guys," Penny said, sugary sweet.

"Knew you would come around," Xavier smirked, trailing his fingers across Penny's cheekbone.

"Come on, Pen," MJ said, shooting up from her chair. Penny noticed that James' hands were way too high up her thigh. Her eyes narrowed.

"Listen to us carefully," Penny fluttered her eyelashes and strutted off.

"Don't you think they'll realize that we're acting out a scene from Victorious?" MJ murmured when they were further away.

"All the more fun when they realize we rejected them from a scene of a children's show," Penny smirked, winking and walking to the woman manning the karaoke booth.

"Hey, the two of us want to make a song request," she said, smiling at the woman.

"Of course, which song would you like?," she said.

"Take a hint," MJ replied, watching as her smile transformed into a smirk.

"Oh, it'll be the first time someone has been rejected like this here," she said giddily, "The stage is yours."

MJ and Penny climbed the stage. James and Xavier wolf-whistled obnoxiously. 

Penny met Bucky's eyes just as he entered the club with the rest of the Avengers. He glared at the two boys whistling and hollering, then raised an eyebrow at her, a clear question in his eyes. 'Do you want me to step in?' She shook her head reassuringly at him. She had this.

MJ singing.

Penny singing.
Both singing.

(MJ is singing Tori's part(the girl in pink), Penny is singing Jade's(the girl in black))

(go to 0:10)

MJ smiled widely and blew a kiss at the audience.

Why am I always hit on by the boys I never like

I can always see 'em coming, from the left or from the right

Penny could see Xavier's grin dimming slightly. She smirked and strutted in front.

I don't wanna be a priss, I'm just try'na be polite
But it always seems to bite me in the

MJ walked forward again, her confidence increasing.

Ask me for my number, yeah, you put me on the spot

James and Xavier were still grooving in their places. Idiots. They had probably never heard of this masterpiece. Penny saw that many of the girls in the place knew what was going on and were LOVING it.

You think that we should hook up, but I think that we should not

You had me at hello, then you opened up your mouth.

And that is when it started going south

They both walked off the stage.

Get your hands off my hips, 'fore I punch you in the lips

They walked up to James and Xavier.

Stop your staring at my hey!

Penny pushed James' chest.

Take a hint, take a hint
No you can't buy me a drink, let me tell you what I think

MJ fisted Xavier's shirt and pulled him closer to herself, singing directly to him now.

I think you could use a mint
Take a hint, take a hint

The entire bar was cheering and dancing along now.

T-Take a hint, take a hint

James just shook his head, laughing. Penny smirked, knowing the next lyrics.

I guess you still don't get it, so let's take it from the top

Penny strutted towards MJ, sitting on the barstool next to her just like Jade had.

You asked me what my sign is and I told you it was stop

And if I had a dime for every name that you just dropped

You'd be here, and I'd be on a yacht

They both jumped off their seats, walking around again.

Get your hands off my hips, 'fore I punch you in the lips

Penny rolled her body slightly, enjoying herself even more.

Stop your staring at my hey!
Take a hint, take a hint

MJ was dancing along too now. 

No you can't buy me a drink, let me tell you what I think

James and Xavier's smirks and leers were completely gone now.

I think you could use a mint.
Take a hint, take a hint

People were clapping along to the beat.

T-Take a hint, take a hint

MJ met the bartender's eyes, who smiled and nodded at her, opening the partition and letting them walk through. They stood directly in front of James and Xavier now.

What about no don't you get?

So go and tell your friends

Penny looked directly at the larger group of boys standing further back.

I'm not really interested

MJ leaned forward and shook her head mockingly at them.

It's about time that you're leaving

I'm gonna count to three and

They both walked out of the bartender's area.

Open my eyes and you'll be gone

MJ stood in front of Xavier while Penny stood in front of James, blocking their paths as the boys tried to leave and save themselves from further humiliation.

Penny took a step forward.


MJ smirked.

Get your hand off my

Penny took another step forward, backing the two boys up against the table.


MJ closed the distance between them.

Or I'll punch you in the

Penny stepped even closer, glaring at them with hate-filled eyes.


Stop your staring at my

MJ pushed Xavier's chest harshly.


Take a hint, take a hint

Penny fisted James' shirt and pressed him harder against the table. 

I am not your missing link

Let me tell you what I think

They both turned around and walked up to the stage again.

I think you could use a mint

Take a hint, take a hint.

MJ waved mockingly as both James and Xavier walked back to their group of friends in complete humiliation.

Penny and MJ bowed slightly at the cheers, then walked off the stage.

"Hey, doll," Bucky murmured, coming out of nowhere and pressing a kiss to her forehead, looking directly at James and Xavier. They both had paled, obviously recognizing the Avenger.

"Hey, Buck," Penny laughed, "You okay there. You look a little flushed," she teased

"Hey, it was hot seeing my girlfriend take down two guys, barely even raising her hand," Bucky shrugged shamelessly.

"Agreed," Shuri's accented voice floated over as she kissed MJ. Penny walked over to hug Tony. 

"You okay, Bambi?" he murmured.

"I'm great actually," she smiled, moving forward to hug the rest.

"I need to go to the bathroom," MJ said suddenly, "All my lipstick is gone."

"Me too," Penny agreed, "We'll be back soon," she smiled at them, "MJ, do you still have that foundation?" 

"I do..." MJ and Penny walked off.




"Wanna threaten two lives?" Bucky asked Tony conversationally.

"I can't wait," he smirked, already getting up.

"Are you going to stop them?" Bruce asked Steve (more like warned him not to).

"I've gotten temporarily blind and deaf and have no idea what is going around me," Steve deadpanned, sipping his drink.

"Need an assassin?" Nat asked, leaning forward.

"Definitely," Shuri nodded.

James and Xavier had no idea what was coming at them.


In the bathroom:

"Do you think they are frightened for their lives by now?" MJ asked, applying her eyeliner carefully.

"Give it a bit longer," Penny said, reapplying her mascara, "Nothing is more satisfying than kicking ass in a dress and heels."

"Agreed," MJ smirked, "Pass me that lipstick."
