{Avengers React to Tony Stark Being Hot (3)}

Disclaimer: Idon'townMarvel



"Okay, now you guys are going to react to Tiny Stank."

"I like you," Pepper said.

"Thank you, Queen Pepper. Anyways, get ready."

"Damn," Pepper whistled.

"Woah, this is going to be difficult for me, isn't it?" Steve asked with wide eyes.

"Why do you look young, Mr. Stark?" Peter asked.

"Because I was- HEY!"

"You look good," Nat nodded approvingly.

"Handsome," Scott agreed. 

"Where are all his grey hair?" Peter asked with a pout.

"Alright listen here you little-"

"Your side-profile is godly," Wanda told him.

"Thank you," Tony smirked.

"Steve, you alright there punk?" Bucky asked.

"Yeah- Yeah I'm good," Steve smiled, eyes not moving from the picture.

(Y'all I'm worried about my search history.)

"We'll buy you more casual clothes," Nat said while Wanda rapidly noted it down.

"Please do," Steve said, as if in a trance.

"Steve, your jaw is on the floor," Sam chuckled.

"Mr. Stank, you should not be looking young," Peter huffed.

"You're out of my will."

"Wait no-"




"Since when have you been this muscular?" Nat asked.

"I always have been. Welding and hammering metal needs strength," Tony shrugged. Steve was just frozen, blushing like a hundred-year-old virgin (which he was).

"Mr. Stark," Peter said, "I can see grey hair now."

"Parker, I'll throw you out of the goddamn window."

"Your eyes..." Steve sighed and turned Tony's face towards him, looking into his eyes, "Your eyes are gorgeous."

"Thank you," Tony blushed.

"Ugh," Peter gagged, "It's like seeing my dads flirt-" he froze.

Tony grinned, "Dads?"


"You can call us dad, you know," Steve smirked.

"You're mean and I don't like you anymore," Peter huffed and snuggled into Bucky's arms.

"I'm in love," Steve said.

"We know, Steeb," Wanda rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, you've only ranted about Tony's ass 5 times," Pepper joined in.

"And cried 3 separate times during that rant," Peter added.

"And ranted about his smile 8 times," Loki added.

"Wait wait- when and why did he rant about my ass?" Tony asked.

"Nothing!" Steve said loudly, "Next picture."

"His eyes," Steve whispered with literal heart eyes.

"Mr. Stark!" Peter exclaimed, "Finally some good pictures of you with grey hair and wrinkles."

"Manchurian Candidate, I'm going to put your boyfriend up for adoption if he doesn't shut his mouth."

"You won't," Bucky shrugged, "You love him too much."


"I like it when Mr. Stark smiles like that," Peter said softly.

"Like what?" Tony asked.

"When you know, your eyes close up and you get wrinkles at the corner of your eyes," Peter said shyly, "Not like your paparazzi smile. This one's nice."

"Kid," Tony huffed, "I'm supposed to be mad at you. Stop being adorable."

"I agree with Peter," Steve cut in.

"Of course you do," Wanda said, "You love Peter as much as you love Tony, which is a lot."

"Love you too, Steeb," Peter smirked at a blushing Steve.

"I think I'm going to faint," Steve whispered.

"Not bad not bad NOT BAD," Sam cheered.

"You look well, Man of Iron," Thor said sagely.

"Thank you, thank you," Tony nodded.

"Aight, you know the drill."

"Where you tell us you'll see us in the next chapter then not answer what you mean by next chapter?" Nat asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, Queen. See you later!"
