{Sleepy Spider}

Disclaimer: If I owned this work, don't you think I'd have better things to do than write fanfiction?

TW: Tooth-rotting fluff. 


Peter was dead on his feet in the elevator, not even responding to FRIDAY's cheerful greeting. He doesn't even know why he's tired. All he knows is that he would love to go and collapse on top of one of the warm Avengers and attain cuddles.

"Peter, would you like me to get Med Bay ready?" FRIDAY said as worriedly as an AI could. "What? No, no. It's fine. Where's everyone?" Peter mumbled. "The team is in the living room watching a movie. Would you like me to inform them of your arrival?" FRIDAY replied just as the elevator doors opened to the penthouse. "No need, thank you FRI," Peter said.

Peter trudged slowly out of the elevator to the living room. He could vaguely see a scene of "Breakfast at Tiffany's"  before it was paused. Steve, Tony, and Bucky were lounging on the sofa next to each other, with Steve in the middle, while Clint, Natasha, and Sam were spread out on a beanbag, armchair, and floor. He ignored everyone looking at him and carefully kept his bag on a chair in the dining room, then trudged to the sofa everyone was spread out.

Then... collapsed on top of Steve.

"Okay then," Steve laughed, adjusting the smol boy so he was spread out more comfortably on top of him. Peter completely melted into Steve, his hand finding Tony's and placing it in his hair. Tony exchanged a short, amused glance with everyone.

"Long day, bud?" Tony asked, his fingers tangling in the teen's soft curls. Peter just grumbled something and buried himself deeper in Steve's neck, his fingers curling on Bucky's metal arm.

"Let the poor spider-baby sleep," Clint cooed sarcastically. Peter momentarily extracted his face from Steve's neck to stick his tongue out at Clint, then shifted so his head was on Bucky's chest and his legs were on Steve. 

Peter's sensed thrummed pleasantly, with the team's collective scents and colognes concentrated at one place, everyone's heart beating steadily and the lights dim. He could feel Bucky adjusting him to lie down more comfortably and someone, probably Natasha, putting a soft blanket on top of him. He felt a hand running on his cheek, then a soft kiss on his forehead. Sam and Tony, Peter's mind supplied helpfully.

At that moment, Peter felt his heart fill with so much love that it nearly knocked him breathless.

"I love you guys," Peter breathed out, then promptly fell asleep, entirely missing the team looking at him with fond smiles.
