The break in

A/N : I'm listening to Mr Nightmare videos while writing this so you're getting a scary chapter.

It was nighttime.

Ares teleported back home after the disaster at the grocery store, so you went back in and got the groceries, paid, and went home.

Now you were sleeping on a sleeping bag in the main room (the inside of the house is just one big empty room with a few windows on the walls. The only things in this room are the couch, the TV and console setup, and a sleeping bag. At the back of the house there is a door that leads to a small bathroom. There was also an attic and basement but you didn't use them for anything other than storage. You store groceries in a mini fridge out on the porch)

You stirred awake and was confused why. Ares was still asleep and the TV was off. You didn't need the bathroom and you weren't in pain in any way. Why am I awake?  You think to yourself, but you shrug it off as just sleep problems and drift off once more.

This time you stir awake due to a thud in the attic. Ares was still asleep on the couch. You justify it in your head as just some item in storage falling over, but you still woke Ares up, because, honestly, you didn't have much in storage.

"What now?" he said, slightly annoyed. He technically didn't need to sleep but he still found it relaxing.

You are silent for a second, lost in a trance at how unbelievably attractive your roommate is. You come back to your senses due to another thud in the attic.

Ares then understood why you woke him up

He cautiously got up off the couch and went to the area under the attic door, looking up at it.

"Check!" you whisper-yell

"Calm down" he responds at a normal volume, clearly very annoyed

He motioned his hand at the attic door and it opened, dropping down a small staircase quietly. He started walking back to the couch, but you grabbed his hand to stop him. He groaned in annoyance and went with you up to the attic.

It was dark but the moonlight through the window illuminated it fairly well. There was nothing.

"See, I told you" Ares said

You sigh in relief

"Yeah, I guess you are right Are-"

He was no longer by your side. You peaked down the stairs.

He wasn't in the main room and the bathroom light was off.

You try to remain calm, knowing he can teleport when suddenly a figure pulled you into the dark of the attic
