Ares, Deimos, & Phobos

You look over at your metallic roommate. "Why did they call you their dad?" you ask him, VERY confused. Surely, if he had TWO KIDS he would at least MENTION it...


Ares didn't answer your question. He didn't acknowledge the fact that you said ANYTHING.

"Deimos" Ares said to Coca Cola Man

"Phobos" he said to Spot

"I get that you two are mad but why put all these other people in danger!?" he paused "Why put Y/N in danger?"

So the sociopath DOES care about you. That's sweet.

"You care deeply about this human, father" Deimos started. "Don't you?"

Ares nodded

"So it's clear then" Phobos said with an evil smile

"We want to hurt you like you hurt us" the two said in perfect unison, creeping you out. Suddenly Ares got up and with a motion of his hand, sent Deimos flying across the room, hitting a wall and falling unconscious. He kicked Spot (Phobos) over and told you to run.

You obviously listened and bolted it, the other can people following. You took one last glance at Ares, wondering if it would be the last time, as the two other Gods were getting back up.

You ran and ran and ran, the other can people following close by.

You ran out of the house, past the lake, through the woods, and to the nearest town, not knowing if the love of your life was okay.

You looked to the other can people. RC Cola, Dr Pepper, and Sam's Cola.

Maybe they were other Gods and Goddesses.

Who knows
