Pepsi fueled nightmares

You wake up in a dark room. It's pitch black except for a white light from an unknown source that illuminates some of the area around you.

Suddenly, Pepsi Man walks toward you from the shadows. You can't tell if it's out of fear or being awestruck by his beauty, but you find yourself frozen.

He comes up to you and puts his hand on your shoulder. He kneels down to match your height.

"Y/N" He starts. "There is something I must tell you."

You nod, wanting him to continue. But, before he can, he makes the familiar hissing noise. Pepsi shoots out of his mouth and he falls to the ground.

He's dying.

You look around.

Who could have caused this? You think to yourself

Suddenly, a red figure emerges from the shadows.

His build is similar to Pepsi Mans, but he is all read and has 2 words printed on his chest in white.

You look at the new can man and your faces morphs into shock as you read the words.


You also notice a machete in the Coke man's hand. Pepsi dripping from it.

You wake up.

Pepsi gives you a solemn look.

"Do you understand now?" The godlike man asks you.

"Yes" You say

And you two have a silent agreement, taking in eachother's beauty all the same

A/N : So I'm unintentionally giving plot to this nightmare creation
