Grocery store

A/N : About 2 weeks after the last chapter

You and Ares walked into the local grocery store, him IMMEDIATELY teleporting the both of you to the soda aisle. When he saw the Coca Cola, he let out a demonic screech and started assaulting a worker.

"SIR, I WILL CALL SECURITY" the worker yelled

The can man shrugged and yeeted the worker across the store. He stormed out and started eating a stray cat

You heard me

Eating a stray cat

Thankfully the cat and the worker were fine. He couldn't do much harm to the cat as he didn't really have a mouth and the worker survived with only a few scratches and bruises.

You look up at the insanely physically stunning mascot roommate whom you love so much as he attempts to eat a cat.

A thought crosses your mind about how maybe he's not the most stable person to be around, but you shove it away because you love him and nothing at this point will change that. There is no hope for you. He has knocked you out multiple times, killed someone, assaulted multiple people, and is now attempting to eat a cat. And you have been fine with it all

You. Are. Hopeless.
