Chatper Twenty One

Starting from this chapter onwards, it will be about the present, basically, the continuation of the Prologue is starting on this Chapter

Also, please know that the past few chapters were all about how Parker and Louise met, how she got a fight with her friends, and how she and Parker hated each other.

That's all for now, Happy Reading!

Picture of Will above ^



Chapter Twenty-One

It's finally the last week of school! Prom is on Saturday, and Graduation will be on Tuesday! I seriously cannot wait for school to end.

"Yo Harley! Get your ass over here!" I shouted as she entered the halls of our school.

Harley and I became best friends since the fights with Zeisha and the others, truthfully, it actually feels nice to trust someone completely again, I mean, there was Parker before but now? We don't even acknowledge each other.

Sometimes, I'd miss the way we used to talk about things like we were the only two people in the world, I missed the way we acted like fools together in public, I miss the way he'd tease me about the little things, and I most definitely miss him.

Rumor has it that he's dating Jane now, they've been having an on and off relationship two months ago.

The only good news I've ever heard so far was the fact that I got accepted to my dream school, with a full scholarship in Swimming.

What best way to pay college than doing what you truly love right?

Parker has been trying to reach out to me the past few months, and he would always try to watch out for me, but I always assure him that I'm fine, that I'm safe.

Even though I don't feel safe at all, not even close.

Bob is still trying to scare me with his creepy notes taped on my car, on my locker and sometimes, even in my room.

Yes, I get scared, and no I still haven't told my dad or my brothers, because I didn't want any of them to worry about me, I know its probably a good idea to tell them, but its just that there's a lot that they have to worry about, and I don't want to add to the stress.

I can take care of myself.

At least I think I can.

"Louise? Hello? Have you been zoning out on me again?!" Harley snapped hr fingers in front of my face.

"What? I'm sorry! You always bore me to death. Seriously woman, say something interesting!"

She smirked, and sat down to the table next to mine, I don't even remember walking to our homeroom class. "I found you a date for prom!"

I turned to look at her, to see if she was actually serious, "Excuse me?"

She sighed, rolling her eyes playfully, "I said, I. Got. You. A. Date. For. Prom!"

"Oh my god, this isn't one of your cupid shit right?"

She giggled, "Of course! Not. Anyway, remember Kyle? Who's really hot from the soccer team? We've been hanging out a lot and he just asked me out to prom last Saturday! He even told me that he's got a date for you." She smiled looking at me. "Of course, me being me, I made sure that this guy would be perfect for you! He goes to a different school, just a few miles from ours, he's a straight A student who's also the student body president AND the captain of their soccer team, and did I mention the fact that he's super hot?"

"Oh my god, you're actually serious about this."

"Well of course I'am! I'll show you his pic!" She took out her phone from her pocket and started scrolling through her photos. "Here!"

She handed me her phone that displays the picture of probably one of the hottest guys I've seen, heck he's probably hotter than Parker.

Harley squealed, which probably means she already knows that I think this guy is hot, "I know right? Plus, he even asked me for your number!"

"You gave it to him right?"

"Well, duh! Of course I did. He said he was gonna text or call you soon."


"Quiet everyone, the bell will ring in a minute, please take out your history books and open it to page 69. Final exams will start tomorrow, so I suggest that you all will give it your best shot."

All my morning classes has come and gone, and now its finally lunch break.

I was walking down the halls heading for the cafeteria when my phone buzzed inside my pocket.

90% of me hoped that it would be the guy that I'm going to prom with.

10% is still looking for food. Probably because I didn't eat breakfast his morning.

Hey Louise! I'm William, but you know you can call me Will. :V anyway, I'm your hot date to prom ;) but if its okay with you I hope we can hang out tomorrow? So that it wouldn't be awkward on Saturday. -Will

Good looks, a gentleman AND smart? What more can I ask for? I should probably thank Harley for this.


Oh hey Will! I'm so sorry that you got caught up into this mess, I really appreciate the fact that you'd go with me to prom, and sure! I can hang out tomorrow. :)

PS: Hot date to prom? Really? :V

I smiled a little and continued my way walking towards the cafeteria, I entered the double doors when my phone buzzed.


Great! I'll pick you up at your school after class tomorrow? Harley mentioned that we had the same dismissal time

PS: I am hot!

Seriously? I can already see the future with this guy, his attitude is not far from Parker's and I definitely can't wait to meet Will.


Oh my god! I can see your ego from our cafeteria! This is amazingly scary. Where are you taking me?

PS: you mean, chicken nuggets hot? HAHAHA

I immediately headed towards the line cue, while still holding my phone. I love the kind of people who reply quick.

My phone vibrated.


It's your lunch break there too? Huh. Maybe we have the same free period. so what's up? And its a secret ;)

PS: nuggets are life.

I'm seriously starting to like this guy, before I could type in my reply, I looked up to see that I was next.

I headed up to the counter smiled at the lunch lady and ordered cheese fries.

I sat down at our usual table, smiling the whole time.

"What made you so happy today?" Harley asked, smirking.

"I just g-"

My phone rang.


Oh my. British accent. I think my heart just stopped.

Keep it cool.

"Hey. Uhm, I'm sorry. Who's this again?"

The guy from the other end of the line chuckled, gosh, even his chuckle has an accent. "Louise, it's Will." I can hear the smile on his face.

Harley, who's sitting across from me is mouthing the words "Who's that?"

I just smiled at her, "Oh hey Will, what's up?"

I looked at Harley, mouthing, "Oh my god! You slut!"

"Shut up." I said to Harley.


"What no, Harley is acting like a weirdo in front of me."

He chuckled, "Oh, well, tell her I said hi."

"He says Hi Harley. Now shut up."

Harley reached across and snatched my phone from my hand.

"Hey! I was talking to him."

"Oh shut up Louise, you can have your time with him anytime."

"Hey Will!"


"Oh yeah, she was shocked at first but then she was like, oh my god he's so hot!"

"Hey! I did not sa-"



"Oh yeah, she's really like, in love with you."


"Okay here she is."

She handed me back my phone. "I'll leave you love birds to talk."

"Hey Will, I'm so sorry about what Harley said she-"

"Oh no, its okay, I tend to have that impact on women."

"Oh really?"

"Yes. So, Harley mentioned that you're a swimmer?"

"Oh yeah, I am. Its been an amazing season."

"I know."

"What do you mean you know?"

"Well, I saw you compete at State Championships, you are an amazing butterflier."

I blushed at his compliment, "Oh thanks. I didn't know you were watching out for me."

He chuckled, "Actually, I was watching my cousin. Alexis is my cousin."

"Really? Huh. What a small world. Alexis and I are pretty close."

"I know, Alexis mentioned you to me a few times, that's why I didn't hesitate to agree to be your date to prom."

"Aw. But isn't it weird that your date to prom is a complete stranger?"

"You're no stranger to me Louise."

Just as I was about to say something the bell rang.

"Bloody hell, lunch is over for you eh?"

"Yeah. Anyway, I'll text you."

"I'll be waiting, Goodbye Louise,"

"Bye Will,"

After talking to Will for the whole afternoon, up until school ended

I just cannot wait to hang out with him tomorrow.

I better study my British.


Fact: A huge part of Louise is actually a representative of myself
