Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen

"No! Are you crazy?!" I asked incredulously.

"But its the first topic for lesson number one!" He whined.

"No! I can't go around giving my name to people! They'd think I've gone crazy!"

"But that's the point! They already think you're crazy." He answered. Everyone laughed.

We are at a sushi place down the street from the mall, and Parker asked if we could go back to the mall to start with Lesson number one.

Everyone agreed when he told them what he would make me do. He said it'll help me with my confidence and self-esteem.




"But you have toooooooo!" He whined.

"Uh. No I don't." I shook my head.

"Yes you do!" Everyone in the table answered in unison.

"But whyyyyyy?"

"Because you need to boost your self- confidence."

"But I'm a really shy person."

They all scoffed and rolled their eyes.

"Okay, maybe I'm not shy just a little bit."

"C'mon do this for us? Please?"

"But Mer, what if they try to stalk me?" I pouted.

"They won't because you're not the only Louise here." Parker reasoned.

I guess he did have a point.

"There's no escaping here huh?" I sighed.

They shook their heads.

"Fine." I grumbled.

They all cheered and shouted earning a few glares.

"Thanks princess." Parker whispered kissing my cheek.

I tried to hide my blush, "You owe me tons of cookies!"

He chuckled shaking his head amusement written all over his face. "I'll give you cookies and then some." He winked.

This time I blushed even harder, I tried to hide it only to fail miserably. Meredith looked up from her plate of sushi and looked at me.

"Aaaawww, is Louise the tomboy blushing!?" Mer cooed.

I glared at her, "Hey I'm no tomboy." I pouted crossing my arms over my chest.

"I can change your mind." Parker stated winking at me again.

"Puh lease." I rolled my eyes and stood up. "We should probably go before I change my mind about lesson number one."


"Are you ready?" Parker asked looking me straight in the eye.

I huffed. "I can't back out now huh?"

He grinned mischievously. "Nope." He replied popping the 'p'.

"I really hate you right now."

"Aww babe, I love you too."

"I hate you more than I hate pickles!"

"I love you more than pizza."

"I hate you so much!"

"I love you so much."

"I hate you more than Ron!"

"I love you more than my shoes."

I sighed.

He smirked.

Parker - 1

Louise - 1

"Let's go!"

We all went to a bookstore.

Let the games begin.

I walked up to an elderly woman and tapped her shoulder, she turned around and smiled. "Hello ma'am my name is Louise. Have a nice day!" I smiled and slowly walked away. But not before hearing her reply.

"You too sweetheart."

Next was a thirteen year old boy in the comics section, he was wearing glasses. "Hey there, my name is Louise."

He looked up from reading and smiled. "Hey, I'm Joshua."

I smiled and nodded. "Nice to meet you Joshua, have a nice day."

He nodded and I walked away with a small wave.

I looked at Parker from the other side of the store. He gave me an encouraging smile.

I smiled back.

I think my jaw is starting to hurt from all these smiling.

There was a *ding* sound from my phone.

You're doing great love :) keep going.

I smiled at the text from Parker, I looked up at him and he winked.

I went on to look at other customers.

There were a bunch of girls from school, they looked like one of those types who care about their grades but still manage to get invited to parties.

For short, they remind me of myself.

I grinned and made my way to the girls, "Hi there!"

They looked up from what they were reading and smiled shyly at me, they were all wearing the same thick black rimmed glasses, "H-Hi." The blonde with blue eyes stuttered.

The other two gave me a small wave.

"My name is Louise."

"My name is Sasha." The blonde with blue eyes said.

"I'm Nicole." Said a girl with red hair and brown eyes.

"And I'm Alice." A girl with brown hair and green eyes introduced.

"I know this looks weird since I'm a senior and I'm talking to you guys," I said shyly.

"Oh, no no its fine we were just checking out some books. We don't mind." Alice replied, the other two nodded.

"Oh well, it was nice meeting you girls but I have to go. I'll see you around school." I waved goodbye to them and they waved back.

I made my way to where my friends were, only to be met by Parker halfway.

"You did great babe,"

"Thanks, so what's next?"

He simply smirked and looked over my shoulder, only to see my friends smirking with Parker.

Oh boy.

This is not good.

Not at all.

Tell my brothers I love them.

"What now?"

Parker replied with a smirk, "You'll see,"


Random Fact #4: I always try to see the good in everyone. I just don't believe that people can be so cruel without any reason behind it.

Random Fact #5: Whenever there are new students in our school, I seem to always catch their eyes. Dunno why though. I guess it started in 6th grade, he was really good looking and I don't know why he like me, anyway, from that day on I always seem to snog the new students.

Happy reading! :)

Share your thoughts! Just don't be negative about it yeah? :))

