Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter Twenty Eight

Hey Sin,

I know it's been a while since I last updated you about my amazing life. But here I am now, at mother's farm house slash ranch house or whatever. When you think about it, this place isn't actually that bad, but the fact still remains that I hate mother's guts and I'd be spending four months with her here.

Did I mention that Parker is with us too? It's only been a week with us being here but it's already driving me crazy, I miss Will so much.

I have to give mother some credit though,her farm is huge, she owns three horses- I have yet to meet them. Two cows, a pig, and twelve chickens. Plus the beach isn't that far from here.

Even old McDonald can't handle this craziness. I don't get why mother has so many animals.

It still feels weird to see mother on a daily basis, and I'm so not used to seeing her actually take care of us especially after the fact that she cheated.

"Hello, dear."

I looked up to see mother leaning against the door frame with a sad smile on her face.

"You've been avoiding me." She looked down.

I scoffed, "Of course I'm avoiding you mother. What do you want?"

"May I enter your room?"

I shrugged.

She closed the door behind her and decided to sit on the desk chair across my bed.

She sighed, "Why are you avoiding me, Natalie?"

"I think we both know the answer to that question mother, and no one calls me Natalie anymore."

"I'm sorry about cheating on your father, it just happened–"

"Cheating doesn't just happen mother. You wanted it to happen, you wanted to cheat on dad, not just dad actually, you cheated on all of us. You packed your things and you just left, and you expect me to be okay with it? Do you think that putting money in my card and giving me designer clothes will make up for the fact that YOU abandoned us? Of course not, mother. We needed you, we needed a mother. You were supposed to be there for us. But you weren't."

"What do you want me to say sweetie? Just tell me and I'll do it. Just please don't shut me out."

"It's too late now." I walked out of my room and left her crying there.

I was about to push the door open only to be met by a pair of hands engulfing me in a hug. "Louise, sshh it's okay. I'm right here. You're going to be okay." He whispered as he brushed my hair. "Wanna go and take a walk?"

I nodded.

He pulled away, wiped away my tears and smiled. "You look ugly when you cry."

I sniffed as I tried my best not to smile. "Sometimes, I wanna smash your face for ruining these kinds of moments, Parker."

He chuckled, "Atleast I made you smile."

"No you didn't."

"Liar, come on." He held my hand as we made our way to the beach. We walked in silence for a few minutes.

"Hey, Parker?"


"I'm sorry for shutting you out after that incident at the parking lot. I don't even know why I was so mad at you, I mean, whoever you kiss is so not my business and I–"

"You had every right to be mad at me, Louise."

"I hate being cut off seriously, stop doing that."

He laughed. "I know, but I love cutting you off mid sentence."

"I'm just– I'm sorry for the way I acted out of jealousy–"

"I knew it! You were jealous!" He teased, grinning at me.

We reached the beach and we sat down on the sand. I inhaled the smell of the ocean, the sound of the waves crashing and the smell of burgers and hotdogs being grilled.

"It was my fault, Loui."

"No, no it wasn't."

He shook his head smiling sadly, "I know you felt it too, I've had feelings for you for a very long time, Loui. Do you think I'd say things the way I did and do things the way I did if I didn't have feelings for you?"

I just looked at him.

"I've had these feelings for you, Loui. And I know you felt it too. My only mistake was that I never told you. I thought showing you and making you feel it was enough. But then I screwed up. And I'm so sorry, Louise. If I was given another chance, I'd do things differently." He smiled sadly, looking down. "But I know it's too late for that now, because you're already happy with someone else."

I smiled sadly. Looking right into his eyes.

"And I only with you happiness, Loui. Even if it no longer includes me." (A/N: I do not own this line.)

I reached out for his hand. "Friends?" I smiled.

He chuckled, "Friends."

"Good, now come on, let's go get some sandy ice cream."


"The wind blows the sand–"

"I know smarty pants."

"Parker, I swear to everything made of bacon if you do not stop cutting me off mid sentence I'm gonna choke slam you."

He laughed, "Ha. As if you can."

"Don't challenge me pretty boy, you may have forgotten that I grew up with three brothers. My childhood is basically wrestle mania."

He held up his hands in defeat laughing. "Okay, sheesh. I'll stop–"

"Good boy."

The rest of the afternoon, Parker and I walked, talked and fooled around at the beach. We watched the sun set before we decided to go back.

As soon as we entered the house, a shiver ran through my body as I saw the person sitting on mother's couch, talking to my brothers.

I felt Parker tense beside me, he recognized the man as well.

I prayed so hard that this was just a dream. I held Parker's hand as hard as I could.

I tried as hard as I could to make myself believe that this was all just a really really bad dream.

But of course this was real.

Bob is really here.

And as soon as that realization hit me, he looked up from the my brothers and smirked his creepy smirk at me.

