Chapter Two

Chapter Two

I woke up earlier than my alarm clock and just decided to turn it off before the beeping sounds started.

I checked my phone to see if there was a reply from Ron or Aubrey, but there were none. I had a bad feeling last night so I didn't sleep well. It just felt like something odd was happening, and that it somewhat involves me.

I don't know where I got that feeling from but I just decided to  shrug it off and take a shower. Hopping off the shower I wore my baby blue dress, it was simple yet elegant looking dress designed by mother. Although I hate her, I still like her dresses.

I got inside my car and drove off to school. I got off my car and made my way to the school building seeing Zeisha by her loker I decided to stop by and say Hello. 

"Hey-" I stopped talking when I saw her face. She looked like she saw a ghost. 

"Wh-What's going on Z?" And  then I notcied everyone in the hallway stopped talking and looked at me, their eyes were filled with Pity? Why? 

"Loui, Ron and Aubrey were together yesterday." She said  slowly, as if dreading every single moment.


"The principal caught them." It was Parker this time who spoke up. 

"What do you mean?" I asked trying so hard not to cry, I think I know where this is going. 

"They were caught having sex in the janitor's closet. Looks like they've been doing it for a while now." Parker answered. 

I couldn't think of anything to say. so I ran. I can't believe my own bestfriend would do this to me. There were so many other guys in this school! Why him?! Why Ron?! That bitch! I really thought it was chicks before dicks. That was our oath. I can hear Parker running after me. 

I don't even know why he's here. Why does he care anyway? And Ron? What did I even do to him, for him to cheat? It was just the beginning of the school year and the drama has already started. I just decided to skip class and go to the only place I can be alone. I started my car and went to the cliff where the city was oeverlooked. It was my favorite spot to be in. It makes me more relaxed. 

I got there and leaned on the railings. Cheking my phone. 19 new meassages some from Parker and Zeisha and most were from Ron. Pfft. Why did he even bother to text  me? Why don't he just go and fuck himself! 

As soon as I got home, I knew I'd be damned if my dad sees me home earlier than intended. I quickly got into my room and took a nap.

Sleeping is AWESOME. 



Bloody hell! 

*Knock* *Knock*




"What the bloody hell do you want?!" I asked as I opened my door not bothering to see who he is. 

"Uhm.. It's me Tesoro'." He whispered huskily in my ear. Man, I forgot he's Italian -_- A sexy Italian. 


What? Did I just say sexy? Oh my word what the heck is going on with me?! 

Shake it off  Louise, this isn't you. 

"What do you want? Pendejo' " 

"Geeesh lady relax, I was just cheking up on you." He chuckled.

"Well, as you can see secousse, I'm fine." *jerk*

He chuckled again and looked me up and down, "Excuse me signorina, you don't look fine, judging from your red nose and puffy eyes. I'd say you've been crying. A lot."

"Pfffft I'am so not crying! I was just watching Titanic and it was just so sad and stuff. I mean why the hell did Jack die anyway? And seriously who the hell throws a beautiful necklace in the ocean? If I were Rose I wouldn't even throw it away." (A/N: Not that I have any problem with Titanic its really a great movie ((: )

"Well, can I come in then?" 



We ended up having a great time, he sat beside me in my bed as we watched Sleepless In Seattle, The Notebook, A Walk to Remember and The Last Song. 

Although I didn't finish The Last Song, because I ended up sleeping in Parker's arms, literally. 

I was drooling. 


Like a goddamn bloody boar! 

The pendejo' even decided to take a picture and post it on Facebook, that meanie! I woke up after a few hours because he said he has to go to the bathroom. I can't fall asleep again so I took my phone and went online. 

Saw an awfully AWESOME picture of me sleeping with my mouth wide open with a little trickle of drool falling out of my bloody mouth. I didn't even want to begin with those comments! 

That Parker is going to pay! Right after I take another nap since it was almost past 12 and since Parker just lives next door he said he'll just stay for the night, because dad asked him to watch over me, he won't be home until Sunday, he had an emergency meeting. 

Parker got out of the bathroom with just his boxers on. Omigash he was definately hot. 

"Close your mouth baby." 

"Pffft! I wasn't gaping! I've seen better!" I stuck my tongue out at him. 

"Oh really now?" He said huskily. 


He shrugged it off "Mmm.. Kay."

I nodded shyly and went to bed, I felt him lay down next to me, a few minutes later he spoke up "Loui, I want you to know that I'm not just your bully, a very hot bully," I threw a pillow at his face "I'll be your friend too. " He finished chuckling.

I turned around to face him, trying to ignore the fact that there was only a few spaces between us. 

"Thanks Parker, out of all people, I never expected you to be the one by my side when I needed someone the most, and I'm thankful for your presence right now. It really means a lot to me." 

I kissed his nose as a sign of thankfullness.

"No problem bebè." He kissed my forehead softly. 

"Goodnight Parker," 

"Goodnight Louise." 

I smiled softly at him before falling into a deep slumber. 

