Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Twenty Two

"So, when's your date with Will?" Harley asked as soon as she reached me taking books out of my locker.

She's asking me a question that she already knows the answer to. But I answered her anyway. "After school."

She smirked, "Do you know what you guys are gonna do?"

I shook my head.

"Isn't it weird that you're trusting a complete stranger to take you out on a date?"

"Why the hell are you asking me?! Considering that you were the one who wanted to be cupid." I playfully rolled my eyes at her.

She shrugged, "I'm just trying to make you nervous, it's part of actually going on a date. You get nervous."

I stared at her as if she has two heads. "I'm Louise Silver. I don't get nervous."

This time she was the one who rolled her eyes. "Oh please, remember that one time in championships? You were so scared of diving off beca—"

"Okay okay, let's not get into those details. I get it." She smirked. "But there's just something about Will that makes me feel calm, even if I haven't met him in person."

"You mean, aside from the fact that he's super hot?"

I smirked. "Yes, Harley. Aside from the fact that he's hot."

"Well, what are you —"

She never got the chance to finish her sentence because my phone beeped.

British Will
> Good morning, love. Don't forget about our date ;)

I rolled my eyes. How can I forget about the date anyway? I'm trying my best to contain my excitement since I woke up.

I don't want to look eager.

I can be eager on the inside. But I should probably never let it out. Because an excited Louise is like a coffee induced - sleep deprived - food deprived - Louise.

It's bad, horrible even.

> Oh wait. Was I supposed to go on a date with you today? I have swim practice. Whoops.

I can hear Harley saying something. I was about to listen but my phone beeped.

Fast replies. I like it.

British Will
> HAHA. Nice try love, I know the season is over because my cousin is a swimmer.

British Will
> I know how excited you are to see me love, but I know you are a patient lady. ;)

Should I deny the fact that I'm excited to see him? Or not? Oh gosh.

> I'm not THAT excited to see you, Will. You should probably stop being so cocky.

British Will
> Well, if we are talking about cocks..

Holy balls. He did not just say that. Ugh that perverted little — my phone beeped.

British Will
> I mean cocks as in the male chicken you perv. I'll see you later, love. Stop texting before you trip on the way to class.

> How do you know what I was thinking? And I'm not walking yet.

British Will
> Because I'm ninja.

"Seriously Louise? You're not zoning out on me anymore; but you're too busy sexting Will."

I looked up from my phone to stare at her, sexting is such a weird word. "Quiet Har, I'm not 'sexting' Will. We were just talking about—"

"Your future baby's name? No worries babe, I totally understand." She smirked.

Before I could reply, she walked over to Kyle, "I'll see you later, Loui." She winked at me.

"Use condoms!"

Anyone who have ears must have heard me, because everyone stopped whatever they were doing to stare at me. Except for Harley, who either didn't hear me or ignored me.

That sneaky rabbit.

"Condoms? Really?" Parker chuckled.

If we were still friends, I would have laughed with him. But we're not anymore, so I replied: "I wasn't talking to you."

His smile fell, "I was just trying to make conversation, Louise. You don't have to be so rude about it."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh please, Parker. Stop acting like you're the victim here, because you're not."

He sighed, "Why are you doing this to me? I never did anything to you."

I scoffed. "Are you sure about that? Or did you have amnesia? Go away, Parker. I have to get to class."

The whole day went by in a blur of taking notes, listening to lectures, taking stuff out of my locker and reading.

In a way I was thankful for the distraction, because it kept my mind away from thinking about that encounter with Parker.

But when the final bell for the day rang I jumped up from my seat and quickly walked out the door.

I sighed in relief when I reached the parking lot of the school. Free at last, I thought to myself, smiling.

"Hey, Louise."

I looked to my left and saw the hottest guy I've ever seen, he's probably hotter than Parker.

I must say, he looks way better in person.

Brownish blond hair, green eyes, tall, his jaw line is perfect, I can see his abs through his plane white shirt. Plus the fact that he's BRITISH.

"Will." I smiled as I walked closer to him.

"Love, it's okay to be speechless. I tend to have that impact on all women." He smirked.

I scoffed. "What? Me? Speechless?" He nodded. "Oh Will, it takes a lot of work to make me speechless."

He walked closer to me, "I can think of a few ways to make you speechless." He whispered huskily. "But we can't because we are going to watch a basketball game." He smiled, as he held my hand and led me to his car.

I don't know much about cars, but I can say that his car is looking to be quite expensive.

He started the car and soon we drove away from my school.

"A basketball game huh?" I asked looking at him.

He glanced at me shortly, before he turned his head to look at the road again. "Yes, love. I hope it's okay with you? Harley mentioned that you like watching basketball games."

I nodded my head, "Yeah. I do like watching them, but I don't really get them, sometimes." I muttered looking down.

He reached out to hold my hand lightly. "It's okay Louise, Harley mentioned that too, and I play basketball sometimes when we don't have soccer practice. So I can explain things if you don't understand."

I sighed in relief, "Thank you, Will."

He glanced at me and smiled.

"So Louise, tell me something about yourself."

"Well, what do you want to know?"

He kissed my hand and looked at me. Good thing we stopped on a red light. "I wanna know everything, love."

Oh gosh. I think my heart stopped functioning. Are British guys always this sweet?

"My favorite color is violet, I love reading books and watching romantic movies, I'm a swimmer — but you know that already, I have three older brothers who are all in college, I'm single and my parents are separated." As I said all this I can see him nodding his head every once in a while.

"My full name is William James St. Claire, when I'm really bored I bake stuff for my sister Katie — don't judge." I laughed. "I love playing all kinds of sports but soccer is my main sport, my favorite color is royal blue, I only have one younger sibling, my parents are married, I'm single, and my favorite pass time is spending time with people I care about."

Can someone say 'aw'? He's such a good guy. I swear, I owe Harley one.

"So James, why are you single?"

He looked at me flatly when I called him by his second name. "Well, I know for a fact that Louise Silver is not your full name. And I'm single because I haven't found the right person yet."

I sighed, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just — don't really want to be called by my first name."

He smiled in an understanding kind of way, "It's okay Louise, you can tell me why when you're ready."

"So what happened with your last girlfriend?" I asked.

But before he could answer, he already parked the car, and he got out of his side so that he can open my car door.

"Popcorn or chocolates?" He asked, as if he didn't hear my question a while ago.

Maybe it was hard for him to open up to me since we just met. "Both?"

He chuckled, oh gosh. Even his chuckle has a British accent. "Both it is."

We found our seats, which was pretty much behind the players of the Golden State Warriors.

Stephen Curry is one of my favorite players, mainly because he's Christian.

We are watching the play offs against Golden State Warriors and Spurs. (A/N: I don't know anything about the NBA so please don't mind the factual errors. This is fiction anyway.)

"Her name was Alyssa." Will suddenly said out of nowhere. "She was perfect."

"Was?" I asked.

He nodded, "She died in a car accident almost two years ago."

"I'm sorry."

He shook his head smiling sadly. "No, you don't have to be sorry. She was cheating on me anyway. That's why she was in a car accident. She was drunk with her other boyfriend driving the car."

Now I don't know whether I should feel sorry or angry.

So I just held his hand and squeezed it tight. He smiled, "Thank you, Louise."

