we were bonded by the deals we made

" oh don't worry I will" tsurugi staired into the girls eyes smirking.

" Some how the vibe he gave me yesterday felt really suspicious. Could he actually see through my brilliant disguise" kinako said as she rolled in her bed.

" Actually I'm more suprised if someone didn't" yoru said playing video games. " If you want to date him already then say so it self. "

" It's not such easy thing to say. And besides..... It's not something a girl asks a boy" kinako blushed. " So I'm going to make him say it himself"

" Then there is no hope for you" yoru sighed as he put the game controller down. " You high schools are such a pain. Why even fall in love and loose your freedom"

" I'll just pretend I never heard that" kinako said as she took out her wig. " Well tomorrow he's done with the contract so I might as well go see the shoot"

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

" Is what I planned but I'm so worried I can't even look at him from the distance." Kinako thought as he sighed. " might as well go home then"

She said as she left the room and walked along and stopped infront of the dressing room after hearing her phone ring. She picked it up and answered. " Hello kinako speaking"

" Where are you right now?""

" Huh? Tsurugi? .....why do you want to know?"

" Just wanted to check"

" I'm outside..... With a friend of course"

" Is that so..... Me too. Except..."

" Except what?"

" I'm with a girl"

"* Choke* huh? Why?..... So was it really a joke.... about you... Liking me"

"About what?.... Oh well I'm hanging up. She's here."

" Hm ok...* Nod*" she putted her phone on her bag and reached for her chest. My heart hurts...

Suddenly the door opened in her left. The dressing room of course and a hand pulled her into the room.

" What...." She opened her eyes and looked at her kidnapper. Her face turned red as she moved her scarf to hide her face. " Dame it god. Why do you hate me so much" she couldn't help but to think.

" So this hair really is artificial. Just like I thought" he said as he came closer and touched her hair. " Why wear such a wig when you have such beautiful hair lady"

Geez what a play boy. " What may you be talking about I wonder" she said changing the pitch of her voice. " Of course I'm talking about your golden hair" he smirked as he backed away " kinako"

" Kinako?.... It seems you got the wrong person. Well then bye" she turned and took a step towards the door as her scarf was pulled to the back preventing her from leaving. " dame this guys strength" she cursed under her breath. " You do know I can prove you wrong just by taking off that wig of yours" tsurugi pointed as kinako swet drop. " He deos have a point" she thought as he smiled.

" So? What were you doing dress like that?" He asked as he stepped closer again. " You couldn't have come to see me could you?" he teased.

" I'm going. I'm in a hurry" kinako said as she passed tsurugi and opened the door to leave.
" Wait. I'm going home to. I'll walk you home"
" I can go by myself. Thanks for the concern" kinako ran out of the room.

Clearly it was almost dark and there weren't many people around. Not like she noticed that. Her mind was still busy trying to keep her cool after what just happened. 

" Hey little girl. Where are you going at this hour?" Two men appeared in front of her. " Wow she's good looking... Hey date me"

Kinako had a thing or two to say but a arm wrapped around her neck and pulled her close to the hands owner. " Sorry but she's not interested" she recognised this voice.

" Huh? Who are you? Are her boyfriend?" One asked. " If you're not then. You have no right to interfere"

" Is that so" then kinako suddenly turned to tsurugi. " he is my boyfriend.  So problem solved right?" she confessed. " I am?" Tsurugi was left with those words." you do own me a bit so it's only fair you do as I say" she whispered

" Do you not have any shame?" Tsurugi sighed as he gave his answer " fine.... It's true that I owe you"

" since we are officially dating so piss off" kinako said as she started walking with tsurugi leaving them speechless.

" Hey" tsurugi called but kinako didn't say anything. " Hey" he called again.

" What?" Kinako asked as she stopped walking and turned. " You didn't still answer me. Why did you come to my work place dress like that?" Tsurugi asked as kinako forze. She didn't expect him to ask that again.

I like you and I stalked you so I could make you my boyfriend. Now that you are already my boyfriend case closed...

L" like I could say that!!!!" Kinako screamed on her head as she suddenly pointed to her hand. " Look at the time.." " your not wearing a watch" tsurugi cut her words with no emotion in his face. " Then I better go and get one" kinako turned to leave but tsurugi stopped her by grabbing her hand. " Are you trying to avoid me?" He asked.

" Avoid you?... Me?.. no why would I do that? He he he he" she half fake laugh. It was obvious she was lying.

" Simple question actually. It's because your stupid cosplay plan didn't work. Did I get the answer right?" Tsurugi asked playfully.

" It wasn't a question. So don't answer like that you idiot" kinako thought as she sighed. " That was....."

" Well whatever. Just forget it. Come on, let's go home." Tsurugi said as he started walking.
.  .  .  .  .  .

It has been a week since the deal. Word spread out like water. Almost everyone knew about the girl and the boy dating but what they didn't know was because of a deal.

" Then we'll be going home" kinako said as she went out of the building with tsurugi. They kept walking side by side on the road until tsurugi stopped in his track.

" It really deosent feel right after all" kinako heard him say as she turned to see him stopped in his track.

" Kinako... We need to talk about that deal" tsurugi said as kinako could understand where it was going. " Let's break up.."

Kinako still felt shock. She knew this will happen one day but it still hurts... A few tears rolled down her cheeks. His face was so cold no emotions.

" What's with you saying such a thing with a face like that. You really are cold hearted...." Kinako wiped her tears.

" Is that a yes? Can I continue?" Tsurugi asked.

" Well I did Couse you a lot of trouble so ..... It's ok.."  it's not ok .... I want to cry like crazy here..... I'm hurt.... Kinako hid her face from her hands.

" Then it's a clear break up is it not?" Tsurugi asked to confirm and kinako nodded.

The wind blew between them and silent spread. " Then again..... Be my girlfriend" tsurugi asked surprising kinako.

" Huh?" She asked confused. " I don't get it" her tears still falling.

" Up until now we have been dating because of that guy at the street. And that deal was now off. So again I'm asking you out" tsurugi explained as he gave a smile. " I'm now asking you out as a guy who is in love with you. .... And if you feel the same way as I do" " yes" kinako suddenly hugged tsurugi cuting his words.

Her eyes overflowing with tears. Tsurugi patted her head. " Idiot... At least learn how to confess right. If it was a normal girl she would have slapped you in the face" kinako smiled.

" If it was a normal girl that is....." Tsurugi smiled as kinako broke the hug " what's that supposed to mean. Are you saying that I'm not normal?" Kinako puffed her cheeks.

" Well to me at least" tsurugi said as he kissed her forehead. Kinako flushed red.

" I'm happy" she smiled as she touched her forehead. " It's like all the worries I had in just disappeared"

" Well not mine" tsurugi sighed. " I'm brothers still mad at me for being mad at him for making me worried"

" Brother?... Oh yeah. Introduce me to him" kinako said as tsurugi looked at her. " I guess you never seen him. Ok then let's go right now."

.  .  .  .  .  .  . . .

Kinako came out of the shop covered in sweat. " finally my last day working in hell" she then happily took out the envelope she had in her pocket. " I cant wait to see his reaction " she thought while smiling .
.    .   .     .     .

She looked aroung and finally found him sleeping behind the school building.  " why am I not surprised.  Should have started my search here" she complained but then walked up to him and sat besides him. " his sleeping face is cute " she kept smiling while looking into his face.

" close your mouth, your drooling" tsurugi said as he opened his eyes. " I am not " kinako defended
" done with your part time job? " he asked. " yeah, today is the last day" she said as she took out a box from her bag.  " anyway. Your birthday present"

"Ah, that's right today was my birthday.  No wonder everyone was acting suspicious today" he opened it and there was brand new ,not to mention expensive smart phone. " This is...."

" tada! I bought it myself. I wanted to give you something of my own" kinako smiled. " So you were working part time for this" tsurugi asked as kinako nodded.

" I don't want it" tsurugi answered as kinako looked in shock. She worked so hard just to buy him this " is it the colour? We can exchange it..." " I didn't started dating you to get this kind of stuff"

" I didn't say you were. I'm giving it to you. It's a gift of me to prove of my " she was cut of by him blocking her lips with his finger. " if you want to give a present then I want somthing else" he asked.

" what do you want.....? " kinako asked nervously.   He then layed back down on the group and patted on the side for her to do the same. And so she did.
Tsurugi then hugged her and closed her eyes. " wha..." she was surprised for a sec but no one liked this romantic side of his boyfriend other more than her.

" If I ever find you working for such stupid reasons again it's a break up" kinako heard him whisper. " You being here with me is more than enough for me "

Kinako blushed as she nodded as she hugged him tight. " but I still paid for the phone so you have to accept it" she demanded but sweetly.  Tsurugi couldn't help but to smile " whatever"

He's cold. He's not the ideal boyfriend a girl could find but he's kind gentle and caring. And for that person I would do anything. I want to stay with him forever. If he's with me.....

We were bonded by the deals we made in the past but today is different. We changed our future together.

" Are you free this Saturday?" Tsurugi asked.  " Yeah" kinako replied. " Then meet me at the park" tsurugi smiled.

From now on. Who may ever come between us ..... I will not loose him.... Because he and I.... No, because I love him more than anything.

           ~THE END~

Done. Finally the book is over. I'm going to make special chapter too. Hope you liked the ending. I'm not good with endings. Thanks for reading everyone.tjanks for being there for me. I hope you will continue to read my other stories as well. Well then until we meet again.

But before that * inhale and exhale* THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR GIVING MY BOOK SO MANY VIEWS.  seriously I never even dreamed that my books could get more than 1 k..... Actually I didn't even think I'll get 1k and to think both my tsurugi kyousuke fanfictions got over 1k views. Thank you thank you so much. It's all because of you guys that have read
