the type i can't stand

Kinako was about to fall. She tried to reach out for something to grab as someone grabbed her hand and pulled her. Her face landed an inch away from the person's face.

Pale skin and navy blue hair boy. It was tsurugi. A smirk was formed on his lips. "Told you so" tsurugi said as kinako started to heat up.💓

This was her first time to be this close to a boy. She panicked and hit tsurugi's forehead with hers. Tsurugi let her hand go and touched his forehead in pain as kinako took huge  steps back and before she knew it, she fell of the brige.

Tsurugi then realised what happened and went to the edge of the brige only to see kinako wet and trying to stand up.

He bended down as kinako looked at him with her eyes witch was covered by her wet hair.

"You're a spicy one arn't you. When I first met you, I thought you were the silent type but" " pervert" kinako screamed cutting tsurugi's words.

Tsurugi: pervert? Me?

Kinako: it's all because of you I'm wet.

Tsurugi: me! You were the on who hit   me

Kinako: that's because you were too close

Tsurugi: I was helping you, you know

Kinako: well if you won't to help. Came down here and help

Tsurugi: no way

Kinako: huh

Tsurugi: that water could be deep.

Kinako: I'm standing on it.

Tsurugi: and it might get my clothes wet. Besides you just hit me. Do you know how much it hurts?

Kinako: of course I do. My forehead is at the same situation as you.

Then tsurugi stood up. " Just forget it. Have fun swimming with the fish. I'm sure you'll fit in just fine" tsurugi smirked and stared walking away.

The water started to boil out of kinako's anger. " Just as I thought. He's the type of a person............ I CANT STAND.

Time skip
" Kinako dear. What happened to you. Is it raining outside." Kinako's mom asked.

" No, I just fell of that water thingy" kinako said while walking to her room. She threw her bag on the bed and laid down on it.

Next day

Kinako entered the class room as she sat on her seat and took out her books. " Kinako" kinako heard a voice and looked infront only to see mayu standing infront of her.

A brown haired boy was standing besides her. "kinako, this is temma. He is the caption of the soccor club." Mayu interdiuce the boy. "I'm nanubane kinako. Nice to meet you" kinako inturdiuced her self.

" do you know me?"temma asked as kinako made a confuse face. "I guess not. Well, it's nice to meet you too. Can I call you kinako?" temma asked. "please go ahead" kinako answered. "then kinako-chan, do you love football?" temma asked.

"no" kinako answered directly. "why?" temma cried. "whats so fun about kicking a ball?" kinako said bordly as temma straiten up. "soccor isn't just about kicking a ball. It is about team work and bonding and besides, the reason I met tsurugi was because of football" temma finished.

"who's tsurugi?" kinako asked as the door opened revealing tsurugi. "morning tsurugi" temma said cheerfully. "good morning" tsurugi answered as kinako's and tsurugi's eyes met. They both gave each other death glares.

"so this guy is tsurugi" kinako thought.

"tsurugi, this is kinako" temma said pointing towards kinako and noticed the tense between the two. There was lightning and thunder passing among them." and I can see you two already met"

"not really" tsurugi said coldly as he sat down. "hey tsurugi, don't you think she looks like kinako" temma whispered to tsurugi as he smirked. "maybe but they are completely different"

Time skip

Kinako and mayu was walking along side the road witch was next to the second ground. "tsurugi, shoot" mayu heard a shout as she stopped and turned to the ground only to see temma passing the ball to tsurugi who was infront of the goal. "bicycle sword" he announced and made a shoot.

"what's wrong?" kinako asked mayu. " you know... it kind of looks interesting and fun" mayu said as kinako turned to the filed. She saw temma hugging tsurugi while tsurugi was smiling.

"no matter how you look at it. It's just nothing but a waste of time" kinako said annoyed. Hearing this mayu swept drop. Then kinako cought something in the eye. A boy with ash hair. For her eyes everything around him was flowers and diamonds.

"kinako" mayu waived her hand in front of kinako's face but kinako was still in her thoughts. Then mayu followed her eyes and saw this boy with ash hair.

"could this be...........LOVE" mayu said as kinako came to her senses and panicked. "don't be silly ma...........mayu" kinako said as mayu's smile widened. "so it is" mayu said as kinako gave up and looked at the boy.

Next day (lunch time)

"he's name is shindou takuto. From a noble family called shindou. He's a second year and a member of the football club. Position is defender and the former caption" mayu said reading a blog on her phone. "who's the caption now?" kinako asked chuing her food.

Mayu: didn't I already tell you that is was temma

Kinako: ah yeah, you did

mayu: hey kinako listen to this. He's the Popular boy amoung 2 years and pretty close to the popular boy amoung first years

kinako: and that is?

Mayu: tsurugi kyousuke of course.

Kinako: (almost choked)

Mayu: not every girl is like you kinako. Besides he's handsome, smart and cute too. It's only natural. And the fact that he has no self averness makes him moore says

Kinako: you like him don't you

Mayu: heck yeah I do. He is the son of that singer

Kinako: that singer?

Mayu: her (showed a pic). She stopped singing after her first son was born and noe living a normal life with her family. And I am her biggest fan ever. And to think her second son is in the same school as I am. Of cause I like him

Kinako: that's not what I meant. I mean like you love him.

Mayu: love? I don't think so. I mean people feel uneasy when they fall in love right. Like they began to blush and when you're near him you heart started to beat fast and stuff "

Kinako: yeah, I guess

Mayu: and besides ( stood up) we hardly know each other.

Mayu then started walking away as she heard the bell rang. Then kinako also followed her.

They were on there way to their next class as they came across the balcony. Girls were gathered around there sqeeling.

Kinako and mayu took a small peek and saw a navy blue haired boy sleeping on it while having his hand covering his eyes.

" It's him" kinako thought annoyed as she turn to mayu to say let's leave but....

Temma divided them and went to tsurugi complaining " tsurugi, that's dangerous you know. When will you quite sleeping on places like this".

Tsurugi was still silent. " Hey, are you even listening.........TSURUGI!" temma shouted.

" Shut your annoying yapping already" tsurugi whispered. " What do you want"

" Lunch break is already over and you missed the early class...and I mean all of them" temma complained again as tsurugi opened one of his eyes only to see his angry friend.

" Fine" tsurugi gave up and sat up. He straighten a bit and yawned as the girls started screaming.
" Tsurugi- kun, ahhhhhhhhh so cute"
"Tsurugi-kun look this way"
" Ahhhhhhhhh he's so dreamy"

Mayu and kinako swept drop hearing the girls. " Here" temma gave tsurugi a book. " I took notes for you too"

" Really..... As expected from my friend" tsurugi said as temma opened his mouth to say a thing or two but was cut off by shindou entering the conversation.

"You two, sorry for interrupting your loving conversation but class is starting so beat it" shindou said as the girls started screaming in disappointment. "and that goes for all of you" 

Then shindou noticed kinako was satire at him.  he gave her a worm smile making kinako blush. then shindou left dragging tsurugi and temma with him.  mean while mayu was completely looking at tsurugi. "tsurugi kyousuke huh" she thought.
