a date?

2 days have passed since thire little hangout. Kinako woke up while ago yet she didn't get out of bed. She rolled on her bed once then looked at the time. It was passed 9.00am. she sighed and again rolled in her bed.

" Young lady?" A maid called out from the room. " I'm up and I yes I'll be down for breakfast" kinako answered. She hid her face in the pillow. " I don't know anymore.... That guy. I'm keeping my mouth shut for him but where is he?" Kinako sat up. "  He keeps saying he's busy with work and work but what about our deal?. I tried my best on my own for so far yet no progress * sigh* and it's all because of him" kinako grabbed her phone and took a call. " Hello tsurugi speaking" the guy on the other side said.

Kinako: I know it's you.

Tsurugi: oh it's miss big mouth. Been a long time since you called me.

Kinako: stop fooling around. I'm at my limit here.

Tsurugi : yeah me too. I've been having this shoulder problems lately.  Maybe I should get less shifts.

Kinako : * sounds of glass breaking*

Tsurugi :* smiled* so you called for?

Kinako: you didn't forget the deal did you?

Tsurugi: ah yet I completely did but let's not talk about that and move on.

Kinako: move on my ass

Tsurugi: language please. Now don't get so worked up. Go to this website. I'll send you the link.
* Send a link*

Kinako: * opens it*  what's this ?

Tsurugi: it's a wed page where you can get tips.

Kinako: for..?

Tsurugi : how to steel a girly man's heart. It's pretty useful.

Kinako: don't fool around. ILL KILL YOU.

Tsurugi felt dark aura coming from the phone.

Tsurugi: fine come to the bridge. You know the place we had our first conversation.

Kinako: first that wasn't a conversation and second why?

Tsurugi: just come and dress nicely.

Tsurugi cut the call as kinako threw the phone aside and went downstairs. By the time she did she saw her parents waiting for her at the table.

" This is a surprise. Arnt you going to work today mom and dad?" Kinako asked while taking a seat.

" Oh did you forget about the wedding kinako?. " Mrs. Nanubane asked.

" Youre going to go this early. I thought the wedding was at 12.00 pm.?" Kinako took a bite

" Well it is 9.30 am so earlier the better" Mrs. Nanubane smiled.

Mr. Nanubane : so who's he?

Kinako: who's who?

Mr. Nanubane: you know the guy you were mumbling about. Example ' it's all his fault' ' what about our deal'

Kinako: ok ok no need to give examples.

Mrs. Nanubane: oh so the one you were threatening  on the phone was a guy?

Kinako: don't listen other people's conversations and I didn't threaten him.

Mrs nanubane: but ' don't fool around or I'll kill you ' can't be put in a nice way can it?

Kinako: this is private stuff .... PRIVATE!!

Mrs. Nanubane: well I guess we did got a little too excited. So are you coming with us to the wedding?

Kinako: I can't. I have to meet him today.

" I see." Mrs. And Mr. Nanubane said together as they continued eating one more but then stopped at the same time as well
" YOU ARE GOING ON A DATE!!?" mrs. Nanubane screamed. " How could you not tell your dear Papa that you had a boyfriend?" Mr. Nanubane joined as well.

" I can't believe this. Guess I just have to tell them. Well I guess he's breaking his promise all the time so what happens if I broke it" kinako thought.

" It's not like that. It's a long story" kinako looked down as her father took a call out of nowhere. " Hello. Me and my wife are going to arrive there a little late so please park the car somewhere and wait"

Kinako swept drop. " Well I have this guy I like and um he's a second year and a really popular boy. So he's kind of hard to get but for my luck his friend was at the same class as me. I asked asked him for help"

" And he agreed?" Mr. Nanubane asked. " Not at first. You see I really hate this guy so it was so hard just to ask him for help. So we made a deal. If he helps me with my part I'll be his servent for 3 weeks" kinako said .

" Servent?" Her parents chuckeld.

" Anyway we changed deals when he started working part-time. I saw it and he didn't want me to tell that to his family so he made a change of deals. So I don't have to be his servent" kinako said as she suddenly realised what she said and closed her mouth. " Dame it I accidentally told them" kinako thought.

" He's working? Why?" Mrs. Nanubane asked.

" Huh work. Did I say that?. I think you heard me wrong" kinako faked laugh as she saw her parents making a ' we can see right through you ' kind of face.

Kinako: I don't know. If it's working then it must be money problems right? But more importantly you can't tell anyone.

Mrs nanubane: ok sweetie but what a kind person. Working in order to help his parents.

Kinako: but he's going overboard. He's a student and a football player. He's tired but acting like nothing but I know...  I know yet...  I told him to stop but he won't listen to me either. He's sick and yet still.....

" Wait why am I talking about him anyway" kinako thought as she didn't say another word.

Mrs. Nanubane smiled.  She could understand the situation more or less but what she understood the most was what her daughter was feeling.

" So who's this gentleman who stole my sweethearts heart?" Mrs. Nanubane asked as kinako blushed. " He's name is shindou takuto."

" Shindou? A noble huh. Then no problems. We can arrange a engagement" Mr. Nanubane said happily as Mrs. Nanubane glared at him.

" Well I like the other one better. So who's he?" Mrs. Nanubane questioned.

" Tsurugi kyousuke. He's the son of the singer Mrs. Tsurugi" kinako said as her parents looked at each other.

" What ? Could it be you guys are fans too?" Kinako asked.

" Well you could say that. We knew her back in the past" Mrs. Nanubane smiled.

" Me and your mom where best friends with her and her husband. It's been so long since we talked but I wonder if they are doing well?" Mr. Nanubane looked up.

" I did mention they had money problems 5 minutes ago didn't I? " Kinako thought.

" Last time we met she had only one child. Yuichi was it? He was so cute and adorable. So she has another son huh? I want to see him. Is he handsome?" Mrs. Nanubane asked.

" Well he is popular. Most girls says they like him for he's kindness though I don't sense any but I have to admit he is good looking and cute from time to time. " Kinako said but blushed after realising what she said. " Well anyway I'm going to go get changed. Bye"

Time skip

Kinako: * on the phone* I'm already here. Where are you?

Tsurugi: he should be there by so just wait.

Kinako: he?

Tsurugi : yeah shindou-san

Kinako: what..... What.... What did you?

Tsurugi: ok then bye. Have fun at the date.

Kinako: hey wait I'm not finished...

She didn't get to finish. Tsurugi hangout with out no second thought. " That heartless guy" kinako thought as she heard a familiar voice behind.

" Kinako-chan sorry did you wait long?"

Hey guys another chapter out for you to enjoy. ( If you that is) hope im not updating too fast. Well enjoy and vote and comment
