
" I thought I told you to" kinako didn't let his finish " too late I already broke up with him"

" And after all that trouble I went through" tsurugi sighed. " You hardly did anything. So don't complain" kinako said while she walked side to side with him.

So um.... Since im single and all can we now... Like date each other


why isn't he saying anything.... Maybe like he told me to forget.... Did he deleted his memory too.

" Hey you... STOP!!!" the two teenagers turned to see the principal running towards them. " Oi.. what did you do?" Tsurugi suddenly asked. " Me ?... He was obviously calling you" kinako defended.

" You two, come to the chairman's office at once" the principal said as he turned and walked back. The two followed him having no other choice while giving each other death glares saying ' you obviously did something wrong' ' I am a honour student. I never do anything wrong' ' then why did he call us' ' how should I know'.

. . . . . . . .

" A model?" Tsurugi asked rather to make clear if he heard right. " Yes it would be nice if the ace striker of rimon show up at the photo shoot. " The man said as he took a sip from the tea.

" Sorry but I don't do modeling" tsurugi stood up to leave but was pulled by kinako to again sit. " That's a yes for you" kinako said as the man stood in joy. " That is wonderful. I'll email you the time at the date" the man said and kinako nodded.

" Hey I never agreed to..." Tsurugi couldn't finish as kinako stepped on his foot.

" Then I better leave. Again thank you" the man left while kinako stood up and bowed. " Have a safe drive"

After tsurugi and kinako left the office. " Why did you agree?" Tsurugi asked a little anger in his voice. " Because I felt it would be good for your future" kinako said having no regret of what she did.

Tsurugi: " What are you my mom?"

Kinako: " I better be from how things are going. I think it would be good for your mom too. She did work for them"

Tsurugi had no come backs. He was helpless for a word of his family. " Fine...." He agreed.

" Great then I'll see you at the" " wow wow hold still. You're not coming to my photo shoot" tsurugi cut kinako's words. " Why?" Kinako cried. " Because I don't like you being there"

In kinako's mind.

I don't like you being there = I don't like= I hate you

She turned to stone from the shock. Tsurugi suddenly stopped and waved his hand infront of the girl " hey you still alive?.." he didn't get to finish as kinako suddenly grabbed him in the shoulder and pulled him. " Why do you hate me? " She asked.

" What?" Tsurugi asked confused. " He's confused.... That's right. No way he meant it as a I hate you. I'm just over thinking" kinako got lost in her thoughts as a sentence from the boy brought her to reality.

" What are you saying? I don't really like you or hate you"

Kinako felt her stone body cracking.
" Didn't he just confessed to me the other day..... Or was he just lying."

Don't really like you or hate you = don't like me= hates me

Suddenly kinako turned and ran while anime crying. " TSURUGI YOU IDIOT!"

.  .  .  .   .  .  .

Kinako lied on her bed after building up some determination. " Ahhh what a jerk. Why did I end up falling for him. Kinako you idiot" she yelled at herself. " But I won't give up so easily. I need to make him like me back. First I need to search about him. " Kinako stood up and ran through her cabernet and found a pink wig. " Tomorrow I'm going to go whether he likes it or not"

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

He alarm rang waking her up. She got up brushed her teeth and got dressed. She wore a t shirt with long sleeves and a denim. While at it she wore a scarf that covers her up to her mouth while wearing a pink wig. Lastly some makeup and sunglasses to finish the disguise. " Alright. Now no one will recognise me" she smiled but soon faded after hearing her little brothers scream " MOM! SISTER IS WEARING A LAME DISGUISE "

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

She entered the photo studio. Models and photographers everywhere though it wasn't hard finding tsurugi. Girls screaming in love ?..... That's where he was. Dame he was so super hot. Kinako blushed as she didn't dare to took her eyes off him.

Soon their eyes met. " Did he saw me.? Deos he know who I am?" Kinako panicked. While on this other hand " wow she looks suspicious" he thought.
Suddenly the girl ran away probably noticing him stairing at her.

" What's wrong?" The Camara man asked as it got back tsurugi's attention. " No it's nothing" he said as he went back to work.

He didn't care about the girl but sooner he figured out that she was following him around it got annoying. For example..

Next day

Tsurugi went out of the changing room after changing only to find that suspicious girl holding a soda. She reached her scarf and was trying to pull it down to drink but soon she saw him and gave up on the idea. Tsurugi staired at the soda as she gave realized it. " If you want you can have it" she said in a panicked voice and shakes it.

You don't normally shake soda because....... She opened it directing it towards tsurugi as the soda covered his wet.

Next day

Tsurugi sat on a bench at the park not caring who was sitting next to him. So did the other until both looked at the middle at the same time. The girl suddenly stood up and ran while her juice bottle splashed all over tsurugi. He was wet thanks to her.... AGAIN

Next day

Tsurugi was walking along the road annoyed while kinako followed him. " You know..." He said as he turned and kinako turned to run but no use. He had already grabbed her hand. He sunglasses fell off revealing her eyes. It took Tsurugi a second to realise who those eyes belong to.

" K-kinako" he asked while loosening the grip. Kinako took this chance to run away. Tsurugi stood there suprised. " Was that kianko?... But she's ..."

Next day

The managers and temma, tsurugi, hayami, hamato, Hilary were eating in a small Raman shop. While eating tsurugi couldn't help but to look at kinako.

" So how was your work?" Hikaru asked. " Oh it was fine.... I guess" tsurugi said as he finished his Raman. " I guess? Did something happen?" Hayami asked.

" Well there is this annoying girl who keeps on stalking me but she really looks so familiar" tsurugi said as he looked towards kinako from the corner of his eyes.

" What does she look like?" Temma asked. " Pink hair and fair skin. That's all I know. She covers everything else. Also her eyes look like kinako's" tsurugi said as all went towards kinako.

" Kinako do you know anything about this?" Mayu asked. " No. How could I possibly know?" Kinako said as mayu continued eating " good point"

" Well at any case. Good luck finding who she is" midori too finished her bowl.

    " Oh don't worry. I will" tsurugi thought as he smirked at kinako.

New chapter done. Hope you liked it. I released a chapter at my new book ' be my princess' hope you check it out. Don't forget to vote and comment on both books.
