night camp

Mayu was in a  super conservation about her phone whitch kinako found pretty hard to ignore. She took a small peek only to find her reading a blog about Reo. " Mayu, what are you doing?" Kinako asked.

"Kinako look at this, that Reo creep who hit tsurugi. He was responsible for a death of a former popular boy" mayu said as kinako looked at the pic.  " Wow, he's good looking" kinako said. " I know. It said that Reo guy kept bullying him and he committed suicide at building 4 " mayu said taking her eyes off the phone.

" Isn't building 4 abandoned" temma joined the conversation. " Yeah. They say it's hunted by the ghost of Mattel" kariya said in a creepy voice. " Who's Mattel?" Everyone asked. " That's the boy who died" kariya explained.

" I've seen the building. It's not scary at all" kurama said manly as shindou smiled. " Yeah right"

" It was scary and really old" hayami said showing fear. Then at last tsurugi came out of the building changed with the teacher.
" Ok children. You can continue this tomorrow so leave" she said as she clapped her hands. Everyone started to leave.

" Hey everyone, I almost forgot" endou said as everyone stopped walking and looked behind. " Tomorrow your going to have a night camp. Come to school at 4.00pm."

" What!!! But tomorrow is Saturday" hayami complained. " Endou couch why do you have

"Sunday is also a day off so I don't want to hear you complain" othonashi sensei scolded as all went silent and left.

As for kinako and tsurugi they headed for tsurugi's house. "I'm home mom" tsurugi said entering a normal house. "ah kyousuke, welcome home" Mrs. tsurugi welcomed him and saw kinako "is this your friend?"

"no just a classmate" tsurugi said as kinako interdiuced herself. After kinako and tsurugi went tsurugi's room while Mrs. tsurugi went to the kitchen to make something for the guest.

"so, that's your mom huh. She's pretty just like I heard" kinako said but tsurugi showed no interest. "so...... make it quick. I have work to do" tsurugi said coldly.

Kinako: right, first we should interdiuce ourselves. I'll go first, I'm nanubane kinako so as you already know I like shindou. Now you go

Tsurugi: this is so annoying. We already know each other so why bother.

"kids, I got your hot chocolate. Please enjoy" tsurugi's mom said while entering with two cup of hot chocolate. "ah, this is nice" kinako said taking a sip.

"thank you kinako-chan. Ok then I'll take my leave" tsurugi's mom left the room while giving a wink at her son.

"so, um... how about we share our numbers. So, we can call each other when we want" kinako said grabbing her phone.

"huh, why?" tsurugi asked.

"believe me, this is the last thing I want to do as well but there's no choice" kinako said as tsurugi grabbed his phone and they exchanged numbers.

"ok. That went well. So, I think that the night camp will be a big opportunity. So, I need your help to get to my target. What should I do?" kinako asked while taking another sip out of the cup.

"confess to him" tsurugi gave a direct answer as kinako suddenly spit out the hot chocolate in her mouth. Tsurugi was covered in hot chocolate.

"are you...... you crazy? I can't do-o that" kinako yelled. "yeah,....I can see that" tsurugi said standing up in irritation. "sorry" kinako apologized. "whatever, I'll take a shower and come" tsurugi left.

Time skip

Kinako: maybe I should wear a black dress or should it be the red one.

Tsurugi: ............

Kinako: the red on is ok and I'll wear this cute pijama too.

Tsurugi: ..........

Kinako: also....... hey, you aren't helping

Tsurugi: ..........

Kinako: at least choose the hat

Tsurugi: this isn't a vacation. It's a night camp.

Kinako: (glare)

Tsurugi: wha...... what's the difference. There both the same aren't they.

Kinako: (glare even harder)

Tsurugi: (sigh) fine. The one on the right

Kinako: thanks.

Then kinako's phone started ringing. She picked it up "mom, what's wrong". "I'm at the shop. Is something wrong?" kinako asked as tsurugi looked at her. Then suddenly she closed the phone and went to the counter and paid.

"hey, mister ponytail. I'm going home so we'll meet tomorrow." Kinako said as she went out of the shop. "mister ponytail? Why that little...." Tsurugi mumbled as he too went out of the shop only to bump in to the least person he wanted to.

"ahhhhhhhhhhh I knew it. You didn't go to the infirmary after all" nathsu yelled. "could this day get any worse" tsurugi thought.

Next day (around 5.00pm)

All rimon eleven players were waiting at the entrance (outside) of the soccer club. The building was locked and endou was late.

"he told us to be here sharp 4.00pm but where the hell is HE" kurama screamed. "now, now kurama I'm sure he has a reason to be this late" hayami tried to calm down kurama. "he better has one or the next thing he'll be seeing is he's own grave" mayu said angrily while hamano was looking at kinako. "what?" kinako asked. "nothing really, it's just I thought you weren't in the club" hamano said not making eye contact.

"I weren't, I just came here because mayu asked me" kinako said as shindou smiled at her. Kinako blushed at his prince's smile and turned to the back to hid it but ended up turning to tsurugi and temma. Though they weren't looking at her. They were having their own talk. Tsurugi always showed a different face to temma. It's like they were real brothers who opened up to each other.

"nanubane, I love your dress. You look nice in it." Kinako heard a voice from behind and turned only to see shindou. "th-thank you, shindou-san. And please call me kinako." She somehow managed to say.

"ok then kinako" shindou said as kinako's head exploded. "he called me by my first name. yeah!!!!!!!!" kinako was jumping up and down on her head.

"everyone, sorry I'm late" endou said while running towards the players. "I couldn't find my car keys"

"so, did you find them?" sangoku asked.

"yeah I found them but I kind of...... forgot the building keys instead" endou answered like a silly little girl.

"what" all screamed in anger as they all transformed in to wolfs using moon light and attacked endou.

Just kidding, like that could happen.

"but don't worry, I've found another building we could use" endou said as the rest imagined them packed inside the old football club.

"let me guess. The old football club" mayu said boldly.

"no, even better

Building 4" endou gave a thumb up as everyone turned white.

 Time skip

"ok, everyone follow me" endou said leading the club members in to the old building. "mayu, I'm getting a little uneasy" aoi said hugging mayu and mayu hugged back terrified. "it's ok girls I...I'm with don't wo...worry right......right... kinako" midori said making a 'someone get me out of this place' kind of face. "Hai...I" kinako answered hugging midori's hand. Then they heard a stick break right behind them. In a blink of an eye the four girls were hugging each other crying.

Then they heard laughing sounds only to see kariya rolling on the floor laughing while holding two broken stikes on his hand.

"KARIYA!!!!!!!!!" mayu screamed as he started beating him up saying "die, die. Go to hell"

"hey mayu, he'll really die so..." hamano swept drop as mayu stopped.

"ahhhhh I have a bad felling about this" sangoku said while looking around. Temma was hugging tsurugi's arm and tsurugi had no problem with it.........yet.

It was shorter than a second but temma saw something move. "ahhhhhhhhhh something just moved" temma screamed as the whole team started to panic. "temma, calm down. You're just imagining it" tsurugi said but temma didn't even bother to listen. "I'm going to sleep outside. Outside is better than here in so many ways" temma said as he started running towards the door but the door closed before he could make it outside.

"it ...............must be the wind" shindou tried to convince himself. Then temma walked towards the door and tried to open it but it was locked. "it's locked"

"I KNEW IT, THIS PLACE IS HUNTED" everyone except endou and tsurugi started running the way their heads turned.

"everyone calm down" endou showed as everyone stopped running and stood where they are. "I know your scared and all but panicking won't do anything and besides as long as my heart is still beating, I won't let anyone lay a single finger on you. As long as I'm here you're safe" endou said as everyone smiled having a few tears on their eyes. They were proud to have such a man as their couch. "those words hit right through my heart" nishiki said pointing towards his heart. But the moment didn't last long.

'ok now everyone follow me" endou said as he turned as took a step............. the floor broke under the couches feet and he fell to the bottom floor.

The club members went silent.

"I didn't know this building had a basement" mayu said as everyone nodded in agreement. "mayu, you forgot the part we are dead" kinako added.

Again, everyone started running and panicking while tsurugi was enjoying his time watching his teammates run everywhere.

"everyone, remember what endou couch told us. We must be calm and think this through. First we have to find couch and then we can think about a way to leave" shindou gave a speech as it gave courage to everyone but their fear for ghost did not disappear.

"so are we like going to jump from here" tsurugi said looking down the big hole. "tsurugi, don't get too close" temma pulled the ace striker.

"if there is a basement then there should be a way to get there" shindou said. "like stairs" kinako pointed out. "I see. So, if we can find the stairs then we can find endou couch" mayu said looking around.

"but we never been to this building before. How do you except us to find it.?" Temma asked. "and the fact that this place is not a place to roam around freely." Kurama added.

"hey guys, if you're looking for a stair that goes down, I think I found it" kariya said grabbing everyone's attention. "great job kariya" shindou said as they all started running towards the boy. They all had happy faces until they looked down the stairs.

It was dark and the stairs looked like they were about to break any second.

"Anyone having second thoughts because I'm having fourth ones." hayami said he started to back down as a lightning stroke scaring everyone. Then it started to rain outside. "We have to or else we might get stuck here forever" shindou said  " um we can always breakthrough  door" tsurugi said but the others didn't seem like they heard him. Kinako stepped on the top stair. "Im going to go even if it means that I have to go there alone. Who knows what might be happening down there to Endou-couch when we are fooling around like this" kinako said proudly as tsurugi smirked. "Nice speech but you and I both know that you don't mean a single word" tsurugi pointed to her legs. They were shaking.

"Shut up Mr. Ponytail" kinako shouted. "But I wish there was at least a lift in this building. It would be so much easier" midori said crossing her arms. "I don't think there is one but even if there is it won't work because this place is way old" sangoku answered. "And not to mention ghost always appear when the lift's door opens" kageyama said getting chills. "They appear on the inside" kariya corrected.

"Well in any case, we can't go down there without a flash light" tsurugi said bending down and touched the stairs. "I think I got one" tenma said as he pulled a torch out of the bag and gave it to tsurugi. Tsurugi turned it on and took a look at the stairs. They were a mess. "Will it even hold" tsurugi thought as shindou came next to him. "I'll go first" shindou said as he took the torch from tsurugi and took the first step.
