someone to talk and to worry about

Tsurugi and kinako was heading to their house after done with the job.

" and so I was like 'did he just ask me out' and he was like ' will she accept me' and I jumped at him saying yes and we began to go out and then we got married and had two kids" kinako stopped speaking so she could breath. She took a few long breath. " Are you done? " Tsurugi asked.

" Just a few more. I was playing with my kids and I went near a cliff and fell of it waking on my bed only to find out it was a dream. Ok now I'm done" kinako said as she smiled but the smiled faded after realising that tsurugi was ignoring her last part of the story. " Hey did you even heard a single word I said?"

Tsurugi was texting his brother. " I told him my private dream and this is how he responded. What awful boy... wait, why am I telling this stuff to him anyway" kinako thought as she looked at tsurugi with the corner of her eyes. He was smiling looking at his phone.

" He smiled 😶 not that I care 😒 . Why do he always show that smile only to his family and temna" kinako thought as tsurugi closed the phone.

Tsurugi: hey, how long are you going to keep this up? Coming to my work place and staying till I finished my work.

Kinako: till you stop working of cause. You still have to make me close to shindou-san.

Tsurugi: that's why I said we will talk about it at school.

Kinako: you always say that but you never really come and talk.

This time tsurugi had nothing to say. More like he couldn't come up with a excuse.

Tsurugi: you know lately you've been hanging around me more that shindou. In fact all you do is hang around me. Do you think hanging around another man could get you close to another?

Kinako: I don't hang around you that much

Tsurugi: do you want me to prove it to you?

Silent spread.

Kinako looked down a bit sad " is it that bad? For me to have a person to talk to about these things... And it's not like I've been waiting for you to get off work just to ask advice. I'm just a little worried about you "

Tsurugi looked at kinako suprise.

Kinako: " You have been kind of out recently. You have been working non stop and I think this is clearly too much for a 13 year old to handle"

Tsurugi: 13 and a half

Kinako : as I was saying, at first when I saw you enter the restaurant I thought you were actually wasting your parents money but I was wrong. And I really feel awful for lying to your mother. And maybe I just feel the need to help a friend even though you don't consider me as one

Tsurugi : of course I don't. I'm just stuck with you because of a stupid deal.

" Why this brat" kinako thought as tsurugi pulled kinako close to him. A truck passed barley hitting them.

"These days the drivers are very careless. That guy almost hit her" tsurugi mumbled as he let her go and continued walking. Kinako stayed where she was frozen. " You coming?" Tsurugi asked turning around.

Kinako held her heart and nod. " Why Is my heart beating so fast. My face feels like it's burning. Is this because I was almost hit by a truck" kinako questioned herself while walking besides tsurugi.

" You ok? Did you get hurt?" Tsurugi asked noticing kinako's red face. " Yeah I think it just scared me" kinako answered as tsurugi stopped.

He pointed to the right " your house is Thai way right?" He asked. Kinako looked to the right. " Yeah it is. What about it?" Kinako asked while thinking " could it be that he's planning to walk me home"

" Then walk home safely" tsurugi said as he turned and started walking towards his house.

" Wha..... You really are a .... IDIOT!!!!" kinako screamed as she stomped her way through the road in anger.

" That guy is really the worst." Kinako stopped and jumped on the street once. " Ahhhhhhhhh he's driving me crazy!!" Kinako pulled her hair.

A person at a top of a building smiled watching kinako's childish behaviour.

" Ah wait until I meet him tomorrow and I'll make barbeque out of him" kinako thought as her phone started to ring. She answered with out checking who is was.

" WHAT IS IT!! " She yelled as the person who ranged her hanged up.

" Did he hang up on me. What was it? A prank call? Who was it anyway?" Kinako checked the number.

" Unknown?" She mumbled as a massage came from the same number.

" Are you ok? Did something happen?" The massage said as kinako texted back. " Who are you?"

" Ah sorry, I'm shindou"
"Shindou-san!, No way. How did he know my number?" Kinako thought

Kinako: oh hi. Sorry for yelling.

Shindou: were you sleeping. I'm sorry. It's only natural for you to get mad at me for disturbing you.

Kinako : not at all. I was just walking home.

Shindou: home? At this hour?

Kinako: dogs home. To my dogs house we have

Shindou: I see. Makes sense

" Thank god he bought that" kinako thought.

Shindou: do you like dogs?

Kinako: yes I do

Shindou: I like them too. Looks like we have the same taste.

Kinako: yeah we do XD

Then another massage from another number came. It was from tsurugi.
" What deos Mr. Ponytail wants ?" Kinako said as she opened the massage and read it.

" Don't stand there in the middle of road texting. Go home and do whatever you want" it says.

" How did he?" Kinako started looking around. Then a massage from shindou came

Shindou: kinako you still there?

Kinako: sorry but I have to go. Let's chat later ok

Kinako texted back as she put her phone back in the bag and started walking.

Hey guys. Long time no see right. Sorry I took so much time to update this story. I had exams.... Ok I'm lying. I did have exams but the truth is that I totally forgot about the storys I've been writing. So um thanks for reminding me that I have unfinished business. I hope you enjoyed and please vote and comment.

And thanks for reading.
