
I stared at him are eyes locking. Friends? Really? I finally force me glare away and look at my surroundings. I was in an old shack. It smell like mold and wet. As it was raining. "Why now?" I ask breaking the silence that raised over us. "Like I said we missed you"

"How do I know we really are friends? I didn't see much of may past with you two" I swing my legs to the edge of the bed as Riko looks at his brother before they nod and look back at me. I raise an eye brow. "Do you want to remember everything?" Riko asked as he makes his way over towards me and sits in a spare chair by the bed. "Well why in the first place do I not remember my past? Did you block it out?" I say as he signs and responds. "I blocked it out and gave you....fake....memories. I'm sorry (Y/n) but it would have been hard on you but sense your older you have a choice if you want to remember or not" He said as he voice was a little worried. His serious. Should I do it?

After thinking about it for 5 minutes I finally nod. "I'll make food so after you won't feel weak and that the emotions won't get to you." Rin says as he walks away and starts to the kitchen. Riko moves the chair to in front of me. "Its gonna put a lot of you remembering all of this stuff. Just be okay when you wake up. Okay?" He said with concern and I nod. They sounds like we are really friends. I close my eyes and take a deep breath in then out. I feel hands on mine. Once I know it my body falls and it goes black.

{Lost Memories}

My body was shaking and I felt weak in my arms and legs. I was panting hard and my head was getting fuzzy. "Come on (Y/n)! You cant past out now!" Kiko yelled as she stood by me. She was forcing me to us my blue eye on a shop keeper. I finally make his body not move as Kiko starts feeling the bag with food and money. She gets and full and we both start running as we hear the keeper yelling from behind. Kiko was laughing but I wasn't. I thought Kiko was nice when she helped us escape but it was just an act. She was really there to get me because of my powers. I didn't have my grimoire yet but I was still so powerful.

The Twins laid low in an old cabin in the woods. When Kiko was out getting drunk I wood sneak out with food and give it to the twins. "Rin, Riko. Its me (y/n). I have food with me" I say knocking on the door. I hear a happy 'yea!' as one of them opens the door. It was Riko and I gave a smile. I walk in and lay the food on the old wooden kitchen table. Rin runs over and grabs and apple and bits into it. "Thanks (y/n)!" He said as you chewed on the apple. "No problem. He guys are my best friends. You're like my family. Im happy we escaped that place a couple of years ago."

I plopped onto the ripped up couch next to Rin. "Yea. How is everything going with Kiko?" I give a sign as I look out the window. "She used me again to steal. And when she gets back she's gonna hit me for not trying my hard enough" I say as I tried not to cry for everything she's put me through. "You can stay here" Riko said ditting next to me and try comforting. "Remember what happened last time. She locked me up in the basement til I listens to her. She's so evil!" I start whipping as tears rolled down me cheeks. Riko suddenly pulls me to his chest as he gentle rolls his finger through my hair. I started calming down. "Its okay. If anything bad happens to our little sis again from Kiko we will make sure she is gone."

I look up and smile as I give a nod. "Thank you"

"Hey stupid did you get my food that I liked??" Rin said from the kitchen. "Yes I did idiot! Its in the bag still!!" I stick out my tonguage. Rin the walk over to me. "Who you calling idiot? Stupid" He says but before I could respond he starts tickling me. "Nooooo....stoppppo" I say through crying laughs and giggles. He was about to stop finally but the Riko joins in. "You..two......suck!!!"

"Aaawww don't go hurting our feelings" Riko said sarcastically.


I start gaining consciousness. When I finally could move I sat up as I held onto my head from what I jysted remembered. "Are you okay? Are you gonna start crying?" Riko said with worry as he walks over towards me and looks over my body. "Why would I cry? Because Kiko used me and everything was a lie. Was the the memory of Kiko in the dress and the dog and forest real?" I question as I start crying. He shakes his head no. "The only real part from that was the Magic Kights. The ones in the forest and the ones that killed Kiko." He said as he looks over to me. A sorry look was all over his face.

"Its okay" I say wiping my tears away. "Thank you for letting me remember" I say as I pulled him into a hug. He hugs back. "We finally have you back little sis." He whispered into my ear and I nod. "Come on you two stupid losers. The food is getting called" Rin yelled over to us and we both started laughing.

"Oh shut up idiot!" I mockingly say sticking my tongue out as we walked over to the kitchen table. "Oh yea, so about that Gang that shot me in the woods, what info do you guys have?" I asked as I take a bit of food.
