
{3rd POV/ (Y/n) Past}

(Y/n) was raised in a small town in the forsaken realm. A women took care of her alone as she help to make (Y/n) stronger. (Y/n) looked up to her like it was her mother, but a turn of events something bad happened. (Y/n) came home to find the women dead on the ground. Standing right next to her body was Magic Knights. "Finally found the women we'd been tracking" One laughed. "Its a shame. Bothering us Magic Knight for your desire. It's time you'd shut up" The other said kicking her side. "We better clean this up bef-"

The door makes a noise and they look over to see (Y/n) in front looking in. "You didnt see anything kid" The black haired dude said before he started walking over to you. "Why'd you kill Kiko. What did she do to you?" You say as you fought back. "She needed to shut her trap. We warned her it would kill her some day" He scowled. "You'll pay" (Y/n) responded as she took off her bandages around her eye. "You got a differnet colored eye, so what" He said pointing at you and laughing as he struck an attack.

He had control of steal but he was much weak for a Magic Knight. You smirk as you take control of it and reflect it back at him. He dogged as it destroyed the wall behind him. "Know it's time for you two to go" You say as you take control over their body's. They both stand in front of each other. Both grimoires out. "What is she doing!!" "I dont know!" "Damn it you stupid commoner!!!"

In a split second they both struck to the ground. Dead.

You then put your bandage back on and then snapped out of your dark side. "I did it again" You whisper as you run to Kiko's side. "Wake up Kiko! You cant be gone. You cant!" You cry out as tears roll down your face like a water fall. "Someone help!!!! Anyone!"

{Present Day/ (Y/n) POV}

"(Y/n) it's time to get up! Breakfast is down stairs" I heard Finral call as he knocked on the door. "I hear yea" I respond yawning and stretching my arms in the air. I got out of bed and pulled some clothes on including my black bulls robe. I open the door and make my way down to see everyone at the table chewing at their food. "Good morning (y/n)" Vanessa said smiling as I smile back and take my sit. "I have a mission for you (y/n)" Yami said as he smoked on his cigarette. I look up at him and shake my head as I chewed on my pancakes.

"There's this boy running around killing off Magic Knights or hurting them really bad they cant do their job. I want you to find him and bring him back to me" Yaim demand as you shake your head and get up.

"Dead or alive" You smirk.


As you walk around town you hear a scream from a near by building. You run to the sound as it came from a bar. You open the door bar to see a guy wearing some kinda mask and shirtless.

He was attacking a Magic Knight from the Coral Peacock's. "Yea bud you mind letting him go" You say looking at him as he laughed. "Why would I do that? You Magic Knights are useless and kill innocent people or leave them behind cause of their rank. I'll kill him!" He yelled. You got angry as you remembered your past and you agreed with this guy. You only became a Magic Knight so you could show everyone should be equal and show how powerful you are for being a commoner.

"Yes I agree with you but just spare his life already" I say with a sign. "Yea right!" He said as the Coral Peacok Magic Knight stood up. "Leave Black Bull. Your group is weak I dont need you here" He said as I laughed at his words. He then struck an attack but the mask guy used his magic to reflect it.

I jumped in front of the Magic Knight and reflected the attack back at the mask guy. He dodged it. "You need my help now" You grinned. "How?" The mask dude said. "Tell me your magic first then I'll tell mine" You respond as you crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow. "Funny love but you'll have to figure it out yourself"

I step forward to be stuck in a trap. "Trap magic" I say as he smiled. "Well then. I'm sorry to do this" (Y/n) says as she takes off her bandage. "What do yo-" He paused as he realized he couldnt move. "Why cant I move!"

"We are even" I yawned as he starred right into my eyes. "What the hell are you yawning for!" He screamed as you cover your ears. "Can you not scream mask dude. I'm tired as I didnt get much sleep last night." You put your arm down to your feet as the trap disappears. He looked at you shocked. You smirked as you walk over to him. "Now let's go"


I got back to the hideout with the guy behind me. I open the door and walk in. "I see you got him" Yami said standing up and walking over to the both of you. "As you request Captain" You say with a chilled back tone. "(Y/n) where is your bandge" He said with concern. "Oh right, sorry" I said pulling it out of my pocket then I wrap it around my eye. "Why the hell am I here"

The mask guy said glaring at me as I stick out my tongue to him. Yami throwing a black bulls robe at him as the I guess Zora guy catches it. "You want me to be a Magic Knight. You have to be joking" He scowled as he looked straight at Yami. "Either take it or not, I dont really care. Just get this one thing. The Black Bulls dont care about the past and what you've done. We are all reckless idiots." He began, "We dont kill members on this team. Like those other Magic Knights did to your father. We care for one another. Plus you'll connect with (Y/n) a lot. You guys have been through the same thing." Yami says look over to me.

"Captain please dont bring that up. Well not around me, now please excuse me" I say as I walk away to go talk to Asta and Noelle.

{Yami POV}

As (Y/n) walked away I look back at Zora still puzzled. "(Y/n) was adopted by a commoner in a village in the forsaken realm. She came home one day to find the lady who raised her dead by the hands of two Magic Knights. She is the strongest on the squad. So Zora I'll let you decide. Come back tomorrow with the robe on and I'll know you've joined and if you dont then you aren't. Know you can leave." I say and he just shakes his head and walks out the door.

{You POV}

The next morning we stuffed our faces with food. The door opens and I see Zora.
