
"Zora!! Zora! Wake up!!!" I groaned and rolled over not giving a shit. "Its (Y/n)!!"

"What!" I jolt up. Eyes wide and run to (y/n) room. Standing in the door frame now, I see everyone in the room. I push my way passed and was shocked. "(Y/n) stop it!" Vannessa commands at her andΒ Luck trying to pin (Y/n) down. "Filthy humans!" It started to change (y/n). Her eyes became red and horns start to grow out of her head. Black lines appears on her body. "Holy shit! This is just like Asta!" Yami says. "She's cursed too Captain?" A cofused Asta says.

"Curse?! Dont make me laugh! IM (Y/N)! THE REAL (Y/N)! Get off me human! Before I slit your throats!" It barked. The Captain nodded and Vannessas and Luck back off. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY PRINCESS!" I yelled at it. It looks over to me and gives a smirk. It stands up and we all back away.

It walks over to me. "Back of!" I said blood boiling. "You must be himm~ The one she wouldnt shut up about." It whipered in my ear. "GIVE HER BACK!" I make a swing at it but its gone in a flash back to the bed. You piece of shit!

{3rd POV}

As all of the confused Black Bulls members looked at it, Zora was getting more and more pissed. "What do you mean the Real (Y/n)?" Yami asked. It looks over intrigued but also annoyed. It signs and starts "Im part of the demon race. My Father a demon and my mother, well she was a cursed human. They then had me. I can change from demon to human, but for some reason my human side has some kinda mind of its own. She doesn't know shes me. She thinks I'm her evil self"

She looks at them most of them confused but some kind of getting it. "What..??" Asta said as smoke came out of his brain. "She's human and demon but her human side as it own mind. Human meaning the (Y/n) we know." Noelle said trying to help.

"Can you two combine minds?!" Zora says walking up to her. "I dont know. Why don't you just marry me not the weak human~" She smirks. Zora doesn't stop looking at her and finally she gives in. "Ill try for you my darling~" She says smiling at Zora.

"I need help though. Riko the one who gave the human her memories back. Can you make her know my side of the story to show I'm her and she it me. Okay?"

"Sure, but we need peace and quiet. So can everyone leave please" Riko ask. The Captain orders everyone to leave and they do, but Zora. "Can I please stay" Zora plead and Riko nodded.Β  "Lay back please" As Riko was about to touch her head she hisses. "Dont worry" He reassures. She then agreed and closed her eyes.

A couple of hours had passed and still nothing. "Well is it working?!" Zora says getting impatient. "Almost there!"

(Y/n) starts screaming and she was going back to human. "ALMOST THERE!!" Riko yelled and then with that the screaming stops. "She should be back to her normal self. Well with the demon" Riko says. (Y/n) then opens her eyes and sits up. "So Im a demon?" She questions. Zora rushs to her side and hugs her. "You idiot" He whispers as he starts to cry. "Ill leave you two be" Riko says as he shut the door behind him.

"Im sorry Zora. I failed you again. I got my self killed and I dead in your arms. I cant do anything right"

{Your POV}

I start crying in his arms. "Dont say that. You did nothing wrong its my fault for not protecting you. Im sorry my princess." He says which made me cry even more. He then let go and kneels down by the bed. I looked at him confused until he pulls a ring out. "(Y/n) (L/n) will you make me the happiest person and marry me" He said with tears rolling down. "YES!" I scream and leap into his arms. We fall over and he puts the ring on as we both laugh.

"I love you red head"

"I love you more princess"

We kiss and it felt amazing because I've missed this. Being in his arms. Being with him. We break off as we get interpreted as the door opens and everyone runs in. "You guys are married!!!!" Vannessa said with excitement. "Congratulations!" Asta and Noelle say at the same time. "Congrates! I'm happy for the both of you." Yami says with a smile.

Later that night we had a party and enjoyed the time.

"Drinking challenge" Vannessa says already drunk.

"Sure" I said as I pick up the beer. I change into my demon for to hopefully getting an advantage. "Well you count down darling" I ask and he nods.

"3, 2, 1!"

We start drink and Vannessa then passed out after 5 drinks. I kept going and got 50 drinks in before I start feeling dizzy. "Wow" I said going back to my normal self. "Let me help you up Princess" Zora says as he picks me up. As he start walking I thought we were going to my room or his be he turns to the door. "Where are we going?" I ask. "See you later Captain" Zora yells to the Captain and he nods as the door shuts. "We are going to our house"

"House!" I screamed and he gives a smirk.

I know I'm drunk but did he really just say house.

We make our way to a beautiful scenery. A house sitting next to a lake that had flowers around it. "Its beautiful" I whisper and Zora gives a laugh. "I knew you would like it. So princess I have to ask you. How many children do you want?"


{ Years later}

"Lulu don't do that to your brother!" I said as Lulu puts down Nao. "Yes mommy. Can I go flying with big sister now?"

"Maiko! Lulu wants to go flying with you today. So please watch her!" I yelled up to her and she nods. "Okay mom. We are gonna go to the flower field. I think Uncle Riko and Aunt Airi are other there. Also cousin Kira. So will be over there!" She yells. "Okay just remind them that we have everyone coming over today!" I yell back.

"Okay!" She says as her and Lulu fly away. "Momma I want to have wing andΒ  horns too!" Nao cried as he pull on my dress. "Dont worry Nao you will get them. Okay" Zora says picking him up and putting him on his shoulders. "Yeaa!" Nao giggles. "Hey (Y/n)!" I look over to see Harumi. "Auntie Harumi and Uncle Rin!" Nao says and Zora and him walk over to Rin as Harumi comes over to me. "Your pregnant again!!" She says yelling. "Yep and I have a feeling its gonna be twins so I'm gonna have 5 kids. I've had demon ones so far so I hope these two are gonna be human because demon children are hard to take care of. Plus I want them to take after their father" I say with a puff as I rub my stomach.

"Well I have good news too. I'm pregnant and its gonna be twins as well!" We both scream at the same time.

"Princess everyones here!!" Zora yells from across the yard. "Okay" I yell back. "So lets have some fun today"

Β  Β  Β Β Β  Β  Β  Β Β  ꧁꧁The End꧂꧂
