
{Your POV}

Is this what death is?


I dont wanna leave him yet!

I watch as I see Zora's face screaming out my name. It starts fading as I sink in deeper into the darkness.

I reach out to the white rope of life but I can't reach it.

I dont wanna die.

I cant die! Not yet!

Is that so?
A voice echoed throughout the cold air

Who is that?

Who? I'm you


Your dark side. Remember?

What do you want?

I'll let you see him again. I'll give you life. Just make this one deal..


Let me in

{Zora's POV}

2 days had passed. Kiko dead. And (y/n) de..

I screamed thoughout the forest as I standed in the flower field. "WHY DOES THE WORLD HATE ME! WHY ME!!! FUCK!!!!" I fall to my knees and pound my fist on the ground. Tears rolling down my face as her smiles feld my head.


"Same, its kinda weird but I like it that we can get to understand each other. So can we be friends?"

"Sure" She said joyfully as she shaked it only to see some kinda stink bug with some weird nasty smell in my hand. "Eeewwww what is that thing!!" She yelled as she rushed past me out the doorΒ I start laughing my ass off.


"Oh lighten up red head. It was just a joke"

"Red head really" I said as I calmed down a bit. "Yep thats your new nickname" She gave a giggle and I rolled my eyes playfully. "Well then your princess"

"Wait! Why princess! I'm not royalty!!!" She said getting flustered. "What? I like princess plus with your beauty"


"I- I like you Zora Ideale!!"

I pull my mask down. Then grab her face and smashe our lips together.


"Sshh, its okay. I'm here for you. Whatever it is. I'm here for you my princess"


"Stop running off you stupid"

"Never again"


"Now princess let me show you how much I've missed you"


"I love you~"


She was a blushing hot mess and I found it cute. With are faces getting closer and closer she waited for our kiss but it never came. I roll off of her and stood up. "You bitch!" She yelled. "You tricked meeeee"



{End of Memories}

"STOP THE PAIN! ANYONE!! LET ME SEE HER AGAIN!! SOMEONE KILL ME!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. My eyes blood shot from the tears. "I dont wanna be alive if it isn't with her!"

I rip my mask off and throw it on the ground. I reach in my pocket and pull the ring out. "This is useless now" About to throw it I get stopped from Finral.


"Why? Its useless! I dont need it no more!" I screamed as I turned around and look at him. "Just dont! There is still hope. She might come ba-"

"SHUT UP! YOU CANT BRING BACK THE DEAD! SHES GONE! (Y/N) IS GONE!!" Tears rolling down my cheeks as I looked at a broken Finral. "I hate seeing you like this." Was the last thing he said before teleporting away.

I screamed and screamed until I lost my voice. I then pass out from not eatting or drinking anything for the passed 2 days.
