
{Unknown 3rd person POV}

"So Mr do you know where a girl named (Y/n) would be staying at?" The lady says with a hiss. "No I have no clue who you are talking about!! Just let me go and I can find someone! Plea-" The interpretation came from neck bone snapping throughout the empty bar. "Another useless person" She drops the body to the floor and walks out. "Master me and Airi are ready to finish out the mission that the other gang couldn't do."

"Good. Leave now and don't come back til you have her. I know you wont fail me Harumi and Airi" The leader says with a smirk as she pass by the two and stops at the door. "Remember girls don't fail me or it will be your corpse next to your parents." She says with an evil smirk as she walks out the door. "Yes Master"

{Harumi POV}

"Yes Master"

"Damn it!" Airi yells as her fist connects to the wall. Blood was dripping from her knuckles. "We will get revenge for our parents. We will find that girl and then kill the Master. Agree" I say with a calm voice as I get the bandages and started raping them around her knuckles. "Fine" Airi responds with a huff. "Know do you have the picture the Master gave us?" I question.

"Yes" Airi says as she pulls a small cut out of a girl from her pocket. "(Y/n) was her name? Well (y/n) can't wait to meet you!"

{Your POV}

I look up to the ceiling as I couldn't believe what I did last night with Zora. It was so amazing!! Now I'm just laying in his bed half naked only having a shirt and underwear on. I didnt even know the red head had shirts. His always shirtless which makes him hot. 'Shit my nose is bleedingggg!! But how am I supposed to get out of his room without being notice. Ughhh why meeeee!!!'

The door opens leaving me to try and hide under the covers without get blood everywhere. "Its me princess"

With a sign of relief I unhide myself and show him my bloody nose. "Good thing I have paper towels with me" He said with a smile. "Shut up!" I puff as I grab the paper towel and put one in my nose to stop the bleeding. "You know you look really hot with only underwear and a shirt on." He says with a smirk. "Stop getting turned on!!!!!" I pulled the covers over my head and body. I then feel someone on top me. I uncovered my face and saw Zora inches away from my face. "Princess~"


"I love you~"


I was a blushing hot mess and he found it cute. With are faces getting closer and closer I wait for our kiss but it never came. He rolls off of me and stood up. "You bitch!" I yelled. "You tricked meeeee"

"You should have seen your face! It was practical!!" He said as he laughed. I stood up in front of him still laughing. "Find this funny!" I then kicked him in the balls and walked out of the room and to my room not caring if anyone saw me. I made it to my room surprisingly without getting caught. I throw the blooding paper towel in the trash. I then take off the shirt and put my own clothes on along with my black bull robe.

I walk out my room as I calmed down a little.

"Princess I'm sorryyyyy" I heard him from behind. "Nope" I huff. "Fine then you leave me with no choice."

He pulled me to his chest and put his hands on my cheeks. His hand were so warm. We make eye contact and then he pulls my face toward him and our lips smash together. 3 minutes pass by and we pull back trying to catch our breath. "Fine apologize accepted" I say walking towards were everyone else is. "Hey Riko and Rin. How do you guys like this place so far?"

"Its okay I guess"

"Yea and who is this? Is this your boyfriend~!" Rin sounds a little mad.

"Yes it is. Meet Zora my boyfriend" I say with a smile. "Nice to meet you two"

"These two are like my brothers. We've known each other sense we were kids. Now I'll be right back. You guys try to get to know each other"

'Please God make sure nothing bad will happen'

{Third person POV}

"So your the boyfriend dating (Y/n)!"

"You know she's like a sister to us"

"And if you hurt our sister! It will be your body!"

"So be a good boyfriend and don't break her heart!"

"I know. You two can calm down and put the knifes down. And if you think I'm gonna break her heart then you're dead wrong. She is the best thing that has happened to me ever. She's fixed me. She made me feel happy which I never knew I could when my dad passed but she is everything to me. I would die for her. I will protect her. She completes me." Zora said looking to the ground as the twins standed there shocked.

"I think I like you!" Rin says with a smile. "We wont kill you just yet!" Riko adds on.

"You make our sister happy, so thank you for that" Rin says with a calming voice looking at Zora.

"Thank you" Zora says looking up and smiling.

{Your POV}

I walk back to where the boys are and I'm suprised no one is dead. "Well I'm guessing everything went smoothly"

"Yep. Everything's great!"

[Sorry I didn't do a lemon. I'm just not comfortable writing that kinda stuff.]
