
My mind was buzzing and my head start to hurt. Here and there I would get a migraine. I never got any before but after that arrow in my shoulder thats all that has happened. I told Vanessa, Zora and The Captain. Vannessa looked into it and told me she would get back to me when she had answers. It had been two days and all I could feel was pain. Zora tried to help as much as he could but nothing worked. No pills or liquid would help.

I walked into my room as I grabbed my empty plate on the table. I was about to walk out before I saw a rock with a paper strapt to it. I gave a confused look. I sat the plate back down and open the window. I grabbed the paper and closed the window back up. I examined the paper. I open it as I plopped on the bed.

Hey colored eyes its been long since we've seen you. Wonder how those migraines are going for ya. We didn't think it would be that bad but seeing your state you looks horrible. We could help you know. We saw what happened in the woods that day with the arrow. The Gang that was there we know who they are. Will give you the info. Just be a good girl and meet up with us. Remember 22.

You finished the letter still reading the last words over and over. 22?

Whats that supposed to mean? And who is we? Sitting there puzzled I finally get up after about a minute or so. I laid the letter under my pillow and grabbed the plate and walk out my room. I put the plate on the Kitchen table. Walking down the hallway towards my room I get pulled into another room. I gave a yelp suprised at the persons actions. They shut the door and I see who it is. "Zora? What are you doing?" I snorted as he walkes over to me. He kept walking closer and closer. Before I knew it I was pinned to the wall. He gripped my wrists tighter and tighter. I groaned a little. "That hu-"

I get interpreted as he kissed me. He pushed his lips onto mine. My eyes widen but I soon relax and kissed back. I then stop as he bits down on my bottom lip. I feel blood he pulled away and walked back. "What the hell" I snapped as I felt my lip and look at the blood. "I-"

I looked up and say he was confused and worried. "What did I just do?" He questioned. "You just pinned me to wall, kissed me and then bit my lip. Now its bleeding" I signed. "I did?"

"Yes you did.."

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. Is your lip okay!" He asked walking to me and examined me. He stopped and his eyes laid on my wrist. I tilt my head as he just stared. His eyes started to water. I look at my wrists and saw them bruised badly. "Fuck" He whispered under his breath. "Its fine" I gave a smile but he shakes his head. "No. I hurt you. The person I love" He sat on the bed and laid his head on his hands. I sat down beside his and buried my head in his shoulder.

"Its not your fault. You didnt have control" I say rubbing his back. "I lov-"

{3rd POV}

You stopped speaking as you felt a present pulling you. Sitting up you excused yourself from the red heads room. Quickly grabbing the letter from under the pillow you open the window. Closing it back you ran into the forest following whoever it was. Your feet were controlling your movements and your mind wouldn't stop wanting to follow the stranger.

It seemed to be 4 miles from the Black Bulls hideout. You stop to catch your breath. Looking up to sees two boys. Twins.

"22" says the white haired twin. They both eyed you and waited for your response. "She can't seem to remember brother. Shall we force it?" The other boy said giving a smirk. With a nod the black hair twin started towards you. Backing up my body froze.

Whats going on? Before you could question anymore the boy touched your head making you fall unconscious.


You shivered in the mental bed as you couldnt stop crying. Your eyes were blood shot red. You looked at your name tag, 22. This place was a nightmare. Over and over there was experiments. You called them Monsters. "67 and 68 its your turn" A women yelled as her eyes glued to the clip bored. You watch as two twins walked into that room. Screaming felling your ears you wanted it to stop. You wanted everything to stop. Alarms then started going off. Red flashes filled the room. The screams gone. You watch as the lady ran to see what was going on. Leaving the room door wide open. You ran over and open the door to see the two twins. You helped them up and you guys started to run for an exit. You then get knocked down as you had ran into someone. Looking up you see a women with blue hair. She held out a hand to me and gave a smile. "Names Kiko" Her voice was gentle and warm. You take the hand. "The Twins" You said she looked behind you and nodded. All running towards a bright light. It was freedom.

{Your POV}

I wake up giving a groan as I held onto my head. It was buzzing and ringing. "Up finally" I look up to see a boy handing you some water. "Names Rin and over here is my brother Riko. Do you remember?" He questioned. I looked at the water thinking on whether to drink it or not. You gave a shrug and drank the whole thing in one gulp. "Riko your power is to brainwash so how do I not know if its a game?" I questioned as I ignored Rin and his question. "My brainwash does let me control someones mind and making something fake but in a certain way I can unlock ones memories and force them to remember" He said as his hoodie covered most of his face now.

So thats how I remember Kiko and everything with that. "Lying?" I said as I raised a eye brow. The black haired boy gave a small laugh. Rin then pulled out his grimoire. "Are you telling the truth Riko?" He said looking at his brother. "Yes" He responded. "Now how do you know are magic if Riko only made you see a little part of us in the past? Before you truly knew us"

I give a shrug. He was about to use his magic on me but I stop him controlling his magic. Both forcing he gives up finally and puts his grimoire away. "Why did you let me remember everything about Kiko and about the first time I meet you two?" I say glaring at the both of them. "Because we missed our dear friend"
