
42 BBY
Attack of the clones

"Don't touch me, I know how to walk."

Shrugging off wandering and harsh hands, Odessa wandered into a corpulent sized room with vast ceilings formed from wilted sand, dry and outdated. It was dire, lacking any source of natural sunlight but the reflection emitted from a small lit lantern in the corner. She tried to contain her nerves, keeping a neutral and unreadable expression that people usually were unable to read.

Padme and herself were still side to side, remaining close, despite the shackles now rapped around their compact wrists. She could feel instantly when Anakin was brought into the room, hearing his shouts of protest before she could actually see him.

He was shoved forward, his eyes widening once they fell on the brunette "Odessa-"

"It's okay." She shushed quietly "We're both completely fine."

"For how long that stays however.." Padme interrupted "I'm not sure."

Odessa kept her eyes glued to Anakin who was staring back at her nervously. They all were surrounded by armed soldiers, their weapons being already taken from them, rendering them useless. It was no purpose fighting, they were simple outnumbered and throwing themselves into a battle out of their depth.

"Young Skywalker, what a pleasure it is to finally be gifted with your presence."

Everyone's eyes turned to Count Dooku, who finally made his presence known "Count Dooku."

Anakin kept his heated gaze onto the man as Padme stepped forward "You are holding a Jedi knight, Obi-Wan Kenobi. I am formally requesting you to turn him over to me, now."

He shock his head, replying calmly "He has been convicted of espionage, Senator, and will be executed. In just a few hours, I believe."

The brunettes anger intensified, turning to Anakin, who simple nodded his head at her.

"He is an officer of the republic." Padme stated "You can't do that."

"We don't recognise the Republic here, Senator." Dooku spoke

Odessa huffed, looking up at the familiar man her father once mentored "I think that is fairly obvious, Count."

She watched as the man switched his attention to the younger female, a smirk growing on his lips as he stepped forward slightly "Oh your majesty, I was beginning to believe people had it wrong about you, that you weren't the strong headed, stubborn women everyone praised about."

She smirked "Don't tempt me."

Count Dooku let out an unsettling laugh, motioning towards his men to step forward "Take Skywalker and Senator Amidala to be prepared with Master Kenobi, the Queen stays with me."

Anakin's eyes widened "Don't you dare, she has nothing to do with this-"

"Oh but she does." The count interrupted "Take them away."

As the creature's began to grab onto the three, Anakin attempted to run to Odessa, the two making it a grip away, before they were rudely separated. She elbowed a few, kicking another, as they tried to drag her harshly away, she needed to get to him, get to Padme, she couldn't let them die and if they were to die, she wished to die with them.

"Anakin!" She shouted, pushing her body forwards as she looked for his eyes "Be careful please I-"

"Wait!" Anakin shouted, tumbling with more guards to get to her.

But it was too late, Odessa watching as they were dragged in separate directions, Padme and Anakin disappearing into a complete different room, leaving her alone and angry, angry that she may possible never get the chance to tell him, how she really feels.

"Now we are alone your majesty, I hope we can become civil with each other." The count voiced, making Odessa turn to him with an outraged expression "Odessa, isn't it, Odessa Tove?"

"You have no right to call me that." She raised her head "Your a traitor to the republic, an embarrassment to the Jedi name, you should be ashamed off yourself."

He stepped down from the podium, coming down a few steps before stopping directly in front of her face "So young and yet so brave. Your father would be proud."

"Don't speak about my father." She spat with fury

He laughed, trailing his hand along her cheek, before roughly grabbing her face "I sense great anger in you, I can see why the republic are fearful for what you could become. In the right hands, the right side, my side, you will become a powerful leader Odessa, only if-"

"I will never join you." She hissed "I am already a powerful leader, you cannot tempt me to join your twisted organisation."

He let go off her face with a sigh, turning around as he stepped away again "A little push, that is all you need, your majesty."

She scoffed "Do you truly believe you are going to win? Your weak Count Dooku, you always have been, even as a little girl I remember you clearly, you were always scared."

She seemed to hit a nerve, the man pausing slightly before turning back to her "Take her away."

Odessa snarled at him as his soldiers now began dragging her away, her smile never altering as she continued to shout "You won't get away with this!"


Evil. This was pure evil, and Odessa knew it. She couldn't help but grimace as she was pushed into an open balcony of some sort, over looking Anakin, Padme and Obi-Wan, who were strapped mercilessly onto a concrete pillar. She gazed down, not wanting her fear to show for her friends who were being set down on like animals, animals in a cage who were being forced to fight for survival.

She did not want to be standing next to the group of men who recited against everything she was against, however not having much of a choice as a strong bounty hunter was clutching onto her arm, tightly. She knew exactly who he was, the man being a well known bounty hunter in his line of work.

He had a gun tucked into her back, knowing the Queen had a tendency of attempting to escape. She had already successfully disarmed multiple men with her combat training, so he wasn't taking any risks.

She coughed "I think I would rather be down there, then listen to you fool's blabber about senseless nothing."

Jango Fett's grip on her tightened, making her wince slightly as he pulled her body closer to his "If you know what's good for you, your majesty, you'd shut up."

"Jango Fett." Odessa scoffed, staring down at the man with the mask on his face with a deep sense of mocking and hatred "I didn't take you as the following type, who would of thought you would become Dooku's little-"

"Ignore her Jango." Dooku interrupted calmly, making the brunette smirk at the bounty hunters obvious hatred towards her, she had gotten under his skin.

At his leaders words, Jango's grip loosened slightly, Odessa retracing her attention back to the stadium, where her friends were being held. Anakin was already looking at her, her eyes meeting his as he let out a sigh of relief. She send him a reassuring smile despite the struggle, she couldn't watch him die, she would not allow it.

Sun Fac emerged from the podium, the crowd beginning to cheer endlessly at the appearance of their leader "The felons before you have been convicted of espionage against the sovereign system of Geonosis. Their sentence of death is to be carried out in this public arena henceforth.."

"Let the executions begin!"

Odessa watched with worried eyes as three dangerous looking creatures were lured towards her friends, their physical appearances being enough to illustrate that they were in fact not friendly. The crowd was roaring, whilst she began to squirm in her shoes, wanting nothing more than to help them.

The monsters tossed their heads, moving towards the two Jedi and Senator as they began to attack. Padme had pushed herself onto the top of the podium, whilst Anakin and Obi-Wan attempted to fight the creatures on the floor, using nothing other than their body and wit. Odessa kept a watchful eye, the three managing to handle themselves pretty well, despite the circumstances.

Nute Gunray fumed as Padme swung toward the feline looking creature, knocking it down with her body "Foul! She can't do that .... Shoot her or something!"

Odessa wipped her head towards the viceroy "You wouldn't dare."

It silenced him, Jango however pulling her harshly backwards again "They weren't lying when they said you had a big mouth."

"And they aren't lying when they say, I usually get what I want." She turned to him "And you know what I want?"

Jango shock his head "Enlighten me, your majesty."

"As much as I want to say dead, you have a child." She mussed "So locked away for the rest of your life will do."

He laughed at her, digging the gun so harsh into her skin, that she could feel it punishing against her spine "Well I wanted you down there with the rest of them beautiful, guess we don't always get what we want."

She shoved him back slightly "I guess so."

Drawing her eyes back to the rising action unfolding in front of her eyes, Odessa caught Padme jumped onto the Nexu, landing comfortably behind Anakin who lightened her landing. She let out a sigh of relief at the sight of the people she cared about still being alive, Obi-Wan still juggling the Reek attempting to impale him with its long and sharp legs.

She made sure to keep her head straight and body relaxed as her fingers played with a small, insignificant badge, which she had managed to steal from Jango whilst he was spitting hateful threats. He was stupid for getting so close, close enough that it enabled her sneaky and gently hands to unlock the pendent from his belt, using the needle of it, as she began to hack away at the lock.

She was cursing to herself, feeling the time speed up and adrenaline pump as Anakin disappeared from her vision, Padme and Obi-Wan alone with him. Odessa heard the click, catching  the chains in her hands as the tension was released, both on her wrist and her back.

The gun once pointed at her back was thrown in front of her, her body turning quickly as her eyes widened slightly at the familiar man in front of her "Master Windu, how pleasant of you to join us. You're just in time for the moment of truth. I would think these two new boys of yours could use a little more training."

"Sorry to disappoint you, Dooku." Mace's voice dripped with venom, his eyes moving to Odessa's for a moment before moving back "This party is over."

"Now gentlemen, if you're excuse me-" Odessa dropped the chains around her wrist, everyone turning to her in surprise as she raised her elbow, jamming it violently in to Jango Fetts helmet

The bounty hunter went to attack, before a purple lightsaber was placed inches away from his throat. Odessa shock her sore wrists, turning to the master Jedi with a thankful expression "Thank you Master Windu."

He nodded "Your welcome, you majesty. Now go, find the others, find Obi-Wan."


Trudging through fallen and injured droids and body's, Odessa was quick to grab a pistol scattered on the floor, beginning to shoot with it as she ran through the heap of the battlefield. She had recognised a few familiar faces, mostly Jedi's who were fighting relentlessly, but none of whom she was searching for.

The once black and completely clamorous suit was now slightly covered in dirt and gravel, her appearance beginning to match the severe situation she was in. Her hair was twisted and knotty, the baby stands of thin soft locks now sticking to her shiny forehead, glazed in sweat.  

Anakin Skywalker was fighting only a few metres away from her location when he felt her presence, his mind instantly being set to ease once they locked onto the brunette shooting down droids precisely as she ran. It seemed his instincts set in as he realised although she was away from Count Dooku, she was now in the middle of a battle, a battle which was beginning to get harsher and harsher by the minute.

Her eyes met with his, blue to hazel as she trudged through the gravel, running toward him with an urge to let the words of her chest. She didn't know what she was going to do, or say, but all she knew is that she needed to tell him, that ultimately, she was wrong.

"Hey, you alright, did he hurt you? Come here let me see you-"

Their body's collided as Odessa cut him off, pushing her lips passionately onto his without even thinking, it was rash but soft, his hands quickly moving to snake around the back of her head.

"Anakin, I was wrong." She gasped for breath, pulling away from the kiss as she moved her head to lay on his shoulder "I don't care how complicated things get, I still want you, to be with you.

He pulled her face softly into his embrace, clutching her cheek as he stared at her passionately. Her red lipstick was smudged and small traces of dirt stained yet skin, and yet she looked beautiful "I am truly, madly and deeply in love with you, Odessa."

"I love you too Skywalker." She smiled, laughing sadly as she nodded her head "Whatever happens just know that I'm sorry-"

He shushed softly "Don't speak like that, you're not going anywhere."

She traced her fingers along a slight cut on his cheek "I hope so."

The two remained in each others comfort for a moment, probably a moment too long, considering their threatening and vicious surroundings. If Odessa Tove had learnt one thing, she would say that it would be to seize and grab what you want without hesitation, because not everything lasts forever and time does not have mercy for anyone, when it decides to speed up the clock.


The women turned towards the familiar voice, her hands leaving Anakin's smoothly as she quickly rapped her arms around the familiar face, with a comforting hug "Obi-Wan, what a surprise seeing you here."

She felt the master Jedi chuckled slightly "I'm glad to see you alive too, thank you,  your majesty."

She smiled fondly "It's good to see you."

The fighting was beginning to escalate even further, the short reunion being cut into small fragmented pieces once further shots were fired.   Padme and Odessa were now side by side, continuously shooting down droids with tired arms and sore limbs.

They were all starting to feel the impact of the ponderous attack, one that unfortunately in their eyes, they were hugely out numbered. Odessa groaned as she spun around, hitting three droids as her back slammed into Anakin's who was now behind her, his lightsaber spinning rapidly. They were surrounded now, and there was no denying that.

She looked at Anakin, their hands secretly touching each others, as they breathed hurriedly.

"Master Windu, you have fought gallantly, worthy of recognition in the archives of the Jedi order. Now it is finished, surrender, and your lives will be spared." Count Dooku bargained from his position on the high rise balcony, another row of endless droids behind him

Mace Windu shock his head "We will not be hostages to be bartered Dooku!"

"Then, I'm sorry, old friend."

Everyone raised their weapons again, readying to fight a battle which inevitably they were written to loose "Look!"

Odessa and everyone's eyes shot to the sky at the sound of the young senator, their eyes instantly being blessed with the sight of multiple trade federation starships, swarming towards them. They landed with a gush of strong and heavy wind, Odessa having to raise her hand to see the vehicle landing through the striking sun.

Yoda appeared, opening the doors of one of the gunships "Circle the Jedi. A perimeter, create around the survivors."

Anakin tugged at Odessa's arm, leading herself and Padme, who were likened arm to arm on to one of the gunships. They, along with many others dashed to the safety of the ships, were the group clung on to the ceiling as the it began to rise. It rose above the arena and over the topmost rim of the stadium, giving a clear and central view to the mass lines of trade federation star ships and droids, surrounding the area.

They circled the towering stalagmites as they head towards the assemble point, Odessa, Anakin, Padme and Obi-Wan watching eagerly from the open doors of the vehicle.

The gunship flew towards the Techno Union starships, Anakin looking towards the collection of troops "Aim right above the fuel cells, they're too big master, the ground troops will have to take them out."

The gunship slowed down, circling over a droid gun emplacement before blasting it. But the Gunship was rocked by a close scratching shot, making everyone lunge violently forwards. Odessa clutched onto Padme's arm the two holding on to each other, as they attempted to secure their smaller figures.

"It's Dooku, shoot him down!"

Odessa gazed at the Geonosain speeder racing past, the figure in the open cockpit clearly being the Sith Lord. She shook her head, shouting over the engine as she echoed the words of the Captain "We are out of ordinance!"

"Then follow him!"

Padme looked between them all worryingly "We're going to need some help."

"No." Obi-Wan shook his head "There's no time. Anakin and I can handle this."

Odessa swallowed harshly, looking back at her lover before back at Obi-Wan "Your both exhausted, this is suicide!"

She watched as he began to answer, her eyes instantly widening as their fighter ship was hit with a sustainable impact. Padme lunged forwards, her grip complete disappearing as her fingers brushed Odessa's, the two fighting to keep each other aboard. Her hands scrambled to keep her cousin on the gunship, her attempt being unsuccessful as she watched the older brunette plummet into the sand.

"Both of you better not die."

Obi-Wan's and Anakin's eyes met Odessa's horrified ones, the padawan and master instantly reading her thoughts as she sent them a knowing look "Odessa don't you dare-"

But it was too late, Odessa jumping off the ship before they could even reach her, her body rolling harshly into the sand, only metres away from her blood relative. Odessa wasn't one for leaving people behind, especially when that person was Padme Amidala. They were a single soul dwelling in one body, sisters and friends, no matter what. Odessa Tove and Padme Amidala went down together, always.



Hello everyone! I'm so sorry this is my first announcement on this story as the author, but I've honestly just been so exited to post and write it, that I haven't got the chance to write to you all in the end.

I honestly was just doing this Fanfic as a bit of fun, since I love Anakin Skywalker so much and really wanted to make my own twist on his story and romance, but now it seems I'm actually getting views and votes. So exiting, and thanks to all of you who have been doing that. Odessa is such an exiting character to write, probably one of my favourite Oc's in my fanfics so far, along side Gwen Stilinski of course (go check out my Derek Hale fanfic), because she really is such a strong and independent female, who isn't scared to voice her opinion or make her presence known.

So far I've been using some of the dialogue from the actual movies and some from my own scenes, but as we move on slightly, your going to see a lot more of my stuff which is separate and different from the real life relationship of Padme and Anakin in the films.

I do really love Odessa and Padme's relationship, so I really decided to highlight that in the ending scene of this chapter, because in the end they really are like sisters. I also love Odessa and Obi-Wan as a more natural brother and sister relationship, especially after he promised her father to protect her and keep her from trailing to the dark side ...... about that (jk)

Anyways, please let me know if you have any suggestions because I would love to hear them! Please remember to vote and comment, I love hearing you all in the comments. Have an amazing day and feel free to check out my other fanfics!

- Mercedes
