
42 BBY
Attack of the clones

"Eris remains in harmony, your majesty. The people miss you dearly and are preparing for the eclipse to pass, everyone is hoping you will be able to return in time for the celebration of Helios."

Odessa rapped her hands behind her back, staring up at the flicking hologram which switched continuously from clear and transparent, to hazy and obscure "I hope too that everything will be resolved by then, is there anything else to report General?"

He shock his head "No my Queen, everything is as you left it."

She smiled softly "Thank you General, your hard work is greatly appreciated."

The image was quick to finished as Artoo returned the small transmitter back into his armour with a simple beep. She was secluded into a hushed and private room were she could finish off confidential arrangements, once's which made her heart swell from appreciation, once's that finalised that Eris was doing fine on its own.

Her mood was diminished slightly, after waking up without a certain someone beside her and a pounding headache which left her bitter and sullen. She hadn't seen Anakin all day, the long hours of being propped and pocked by her handmaidens to get into her formal wear and meetings filled with matters of business, taking up any chances of seeing the young Jedi.

"Come Artoo." She spoke softly, as she walked towards the doors, allowing them to open automatically as she walked through them

It was clamorous now, dark and dusk as she now moved through the dimly lighted halls, sending a few of the workers in the home, a simple smile as she navigated her way back to her room. Odessa continued up the stairs, holding the black and silver crested material of her skirt, as she moved up towards the higher floor. She turned a corner sharply, letting out a small deep breath as she bumped into a towering figure.

"Anakin." She commented, her eyes widening with her hands on his shoulder, and his hand on her waist to stabilise the abrupt contact.

He hesitated for a moment "May we speak?"

Odessa nodded moving into the comfort of her chambers as he and Artoo followed closely behind "Open the windows and balcony door for me please, Artoo."

As the droid rolled orderly away from the two, Odessa trailed around the living centre of her room, picking objects up as she attempted to straighten and put things back into their rightful place.

Anakin only watched her for a moment, staring down at the framed photographs on the table in the centre, the pictures clearly showing an even younger looking Odessa with her father, Qui-Gon Jinn. She was on his shoulder, pointing happily at something unknown in the distance, whilst the older man smiled awkwardly for the photograph.  Another was off herself and Padme, mostly submerged by the ocean blue waters, her heads and clear smiles being the only indication of the two, as they smiled gleefully.

His eyes caught to the small necklace spread alongside the table, Anakin grabbing it as he turned to her "You kept it?"

She turned, her eyes trialing to the makeshift piece of jewellery, he had gifted her when they were simple children "I had no reason to throw it away."

Odessa moved closer to him, grabbing it from his hands as they looked each other in the eyes, her eyes trailing from his to her hands, were she smiled fondly at the handcrafted block of metal "Little Anakin Skywalker really was a charmer."

His hand trailed to her cheek yet again, the familiar warmth and comfort from his touch being something she had grown a custom too "He knew what he wanted, what I want."

She hitched her breath, moving her hands to pull his away "Anakin we can't-"

He moved his hands to cup her own "From the moment I met you, all those years ago, a day hasn't gone by when I haven't thought about you. And now that I'm close to you again, I'm in agony. The closer I get to you, the worst it gets. The thought of not being with you makes my stomach turn over - my mouth goes dry. I feel dizzy. I can't breathe. Im haunted by the kiss you should never have given me. My heart is beating, hoping that kiss will not become a scar. You are in my very soul, tormenting me. What can I do? I will do anything you ask ..."

Odessa knew he would do anything for her, and that scared her, the idea of someone being so deeply in love with her that it effected how he saw the world. He was in completely and utterly in love with her, and she, was falling faster than she ever intended too. But she was scared, fearful of what love could drive her to do. Anakin Skywalker made her feel something she had never felt before.

"If you are suffering as much as I am, tell me." He pleaded, touching her soft and smooth skin.

She moved out of his grasp, placing her hand onto his neck desperately "I can't Anakin, we can't, it's simple not possible."

He shock his head "Anything is possible Odessa, listen to me."

She sighed, turning around and walking towards the fire place before crossing her arms and pointing at him shakily "No you listen to me, we live in the real world, come back to it. You're starting to become a Jedi, and I'm- I'm a Queen. If you follow your thoughts through to conclusions, it'll take us to a place we cannot go, regardless of the way we feel about each other."

"Then you do feel something!" He explained, pleading to the women who was staring down at him with a headed gaze

"Anakin, I care about you, I really do but-" She paused "..it doesn't make a difference. I will not let you give up your future for me."

Anakin strides towards her "You are asking me to be rational. That is something I know I cannot do, believe me I wish that I could just wish away my feeling but I - can't."

"I will not get into this." She stated strongly, making the young Jedi pace even further.

"Well you know it wouldn't have to be that way, we could keep it a secret."

"We'd be living a lie, a lie where we can never claim each other as our own. One that we couldn't even keep, even if we wanted too, I couldn't do that." Odessa sighed "Could you Anakin? Could you live like that?"

Anakin looked down at the ground "No you're right, it would destroy us."

"It would."


Her head was muddled and troubled after last nights conversation with Anakin, her sleep being filled with endless torment and deep regret of the decision she had been made to make. Love was a loose end and yet the sounds of Anakin calling out for his mother in his sleep, sent a deep sense of discomfort to the Queen. She wanted to comfort him and console him about his worries, but that would mean dismissing everything that she had spent so long convincing herself was the right thing to do.

Naboo's morning sun was warm and temperate, the bright emitting beams hitting her body through the thin light green night dress. She had her bundle of hair into a messy bun, kept up by two sharp looking sticks which twisted and tightened the hair to her head. She needed to recollect herself, the large emerging balcony being one of the places where the mountains were in clear view.

Everything was perfect here, still and calm without a worry or concern in the world. It was a place where time stood still and trails and tribulations melted seamlessly away.

Odessa paused at the sight of Anakin standing motionless, his eyes closed as he breathed in heavily the fresh air. He could sense her presence, her strong and potent rich smelling perfume, hitting his nostrils as she stepped slowly closer to him.

She didn't wish to disturb him, turning away to leave before her actions were interrupted "Don't go."

"I don't want to disturb you." She spoke softly

"Your presence is soothing."

Odessa approached him, staying a decent amount of space away from him "Did you have a nightmare again last night?"

He remained still and eyes closed "Jedi don't have nightmares."

"They don't?" She twitched her jaw, instantly recognising his lie "I heard you, Anakin."

Anakin opened his eyes, turning to her as he looked her up and down. If she was cold, she wasn't letting it known, the short night ware revealing her tanned olive toned legs and arms. Its diamond loose straps looked chilling against her skin, the light green being a beautiful colour against her dark complexion. It was a complete contrast from her outfit yesterday, this one illustrating a strong sense of innocence and purity. Only yesterday she was declaring the need for them to be apart, emotionless and stern, and now here she stood soft and kind.  

She was stunning nonetheless, truly the most beautiful woman he would ever lie eyes on.

"I saw my mother. I saw her as clearly as I see you now. She's suffering, Odessa. She's in pain ..... they're killing her!" He paused for a second, taking a deep breath from the anger and frustration which was consuming him "I know I'm disobeying my mandate to protect you and Padme. I know I will be punished and possible thrown out of the Jedi order, but I must go. I have to help her! I'm sorry, Odessa but I don't have a choice."

"Hey." She called out to him, placing her hand on to his shoulder comfortably "It's okay Anakin, I get it. You have to do what you have to do, I'll tell them to ready the ship."

Anakin's head snapped to the left "No you can't-"

"Yes I can Anakin Skywalker, I'm going whether you like it or not. As my protector it's your duty to keep your eye on me, how are you going to do that exactly in Tatooine?"


"Be quiet." She explained sharply "That's an order."


"I can't believe you tried to leave without me."

Odessa and Anakin were sat at the front of the ship, Anakin taking charge on the controls as they both glanced at each other, the brunette rolling her leaden eyes before looking back at Padme.

"I didn't think you would want to come." Odessa shrugged "I thought you said Tatooine was too hot for your liking."

"It is." Padme replied "But that doesn't mean you don't at least ask me. We're a team Odessa, and as much as you don't want to admit it, you need me."

She smirked "My deepest apologies senator, I will be sure to ask you next time."

The older female perked her head up "Good."

The Naboo spaceship had began to land on the outskirts of Mos Espa, a small and distinct area of Tatooine, full of lively and lived in market places. It was completely surrounded in sand, the dense and suffocating hot air, hitting the three immediately after stepping of the vehicle. They had decided to travel to Anakin's needed location on a rickshaw, the young Jedi knight riding his own whilst Odessa rode one for herself and Padme, who was clinging strongly onto her back.

Watto's shop brought back deep reminiscence for Anakin and Padme, mostly Anakin who had seemed to grow silent in the company of his old home. It was just as he remembered it, the scenery being nothing other than lunacy.

"Excuse me, Watto." Anakin approached the creature whilst the two females stood close to each other, only watching closely from the sidelines.

"Let me help you with that." He picked up the screwdriver, taking the small things tool as he easily fixed the object with an ease.

He spoke in a language neither of the two understood, his words visible causing Watto to pause and look up at Anakin with a newfound shock and wonder "Ani? Little Ani? Naahhh!"

Watto clapped his hands whilst Anakin remained with a neutral expression "You are Ani! It's you, you little wimp rat! You sure sprouted, weehoo! A Jedi! Wadda know? Hey, maybe you couldda help me wit some deadbeats who owe me-"

"My mother." Anakin interrupted sternly

"Oh yeah, Shmi ... she's not mine no more, I sold her." His response was hesitant.

"Sold her?" Anakin repeated

He nodded awkwardly, stumbling with his words "Years ago. Sorry, Ani, but you know business is business. Sold her to a moisture farmer named Lars. Least i think it was Lars. Believe it or not, I heard he freed her and married her. Can you beat that?"

"Do you know where they are?"

"Long away from here ... someplace over on the other side of Mos Eisley, I think."

Anakin clenched his jaw, his anger getting the best of him as he uttered a worryingly calm response, so calm it send chills of fear through everyone that heard it "I'd like to know."

"Yeah .... sure .... absolutely." Watto rambled "Let's go look in my records."


"I don't have a good feeling about this." Odessa mumbled to Padme whilst Anakin walked towards the trivial home, saturated in the emptiness of the desert.

"Neither do I." Padme linked arms with her cousin, leaning into her ear "But whatever happens we have to be there for him, you have to be there for him."

That was the problem, the worry and concern that she couldn't help herself from going against her words. The group were instantly greeted by a uncased droid, his fragmented and robotic movement, ushering towards them.

"Good evening. May I help you?" He asked

Anakin stared at the droid with familiarity "Threepio?"

"Oh, my .... oh, my! Master Anakin! My goodness, I can hardly believe it! And this must be Miss Padme." His head turned to Odessa, the droid pausing for a moment "And you are Queen Odessa, if my database is correct, your majesty.

She smiled simple "It seems it is."

"Hello Threepio." Padme said kindly, giving the droid too a warm smile

"I've come to see my mother." Anakin told the droid

"Oh dear! I'm so terrible sorry, Master Ani." Threepio's words sent shivers down Odessa's spine, her eyes instantly falling to Anakin who attempted to keep a calm front. But she could read him, like pages on an open book.

"Threepio, what has happened?" Padme asked carefully

"I think we better go inside."

Odessa picked up her speed slightly to catch Anakin as they began to walk inside the house, her arm trailing to his with a comforting smile. She didn't say anything, but nodded her head as he looked down at her with a sense of fear and discomfort.

As they entered a larger courtyard, two people came to their welcome, a young man and women who were dressed similarly in beige, loose clothing. They had a kind and caring nature, their presence being slightly hesitant but soft.

"I'm Anakin Skywalker." Anakin introduced "I'm here looking for my mother."

"Owen Lars ..." They shock each other's hands "I guess I'm your step-brother, this is my girlfriend, Beru."

Beru smiled softly "Hello."

"I'm Padme and this is Odessa." Padme introduced, both the girls giving the couple a welcoming smiled

"Pleasure meeting you both." Odessa spoke, her arms rapped behind her back "You have a lovely home."

Anakin glanced at the brunette for a moment, before turning back at the couple "Is my mother here?"

"No, she's not."

An older man came from a concealed room within the building, his body being supported on a floating chair, where his leg was clearly missing and bandaged. He balanced awkwardly and put out a hand.

Anakin took his hand "Cliegg Lars. Shmi is my wife ... come on inside. We have a lot to talk about."


They all were sat around a table, listening intensely to the man who was beginning to explain "It was just before dawn. They came out of nowhere. A hunting party of Tusken Raiders. Your mother had gone out early, like she always did, to pick mushrooms that grow on the vaporatos. From the tracks, she was about halfway when they took her. Those Tuskens wall like men, but they're vicious, mindless and monsters. Thirty of us went out after her. Four of us came back. Three more are still out there looking. I'd be with them, only .... I just couldn't ride any more .... until I heal."

Cliegg grimaced, motioning to his throbbing leg "This isn't the way I wanted to meet you, son. This isn't how your mother and I planned it. I don't want to give up on her, but she's been gone for a month. There's little hope she's lasted this long.."

Odessa felt the grip on her hand underneath the table tighten, before completing disappearing all together. The warmth instantly diminished, the emptiness being replaced with a cold and chilling air which struck a new found feeling in the atmosphere.

"Anakin." She called out "Where are you going?"

He turned "To find my mother."

She put her elbow onto the table, covering her mouth as she could feel her head aching for what he was about to do.

Cliegg sighed "She's dead son. Accept it."

"I can feel her pain." Anakin snapped "and I will find her. I know she's alive."

He turned abruptly, making his way outside without uttering a single word. Odessa looked to Padme, the older female sending her cousin an encouraging nod, which she gladly listened too. She stood up, smoothing down her ruby red coloured skirt and pulling up her tight fitted black boots.

"Excuse me." She stated politely before scurrying up to follow the young Jedi.

"Anakin.." Odessa began, pausing as he turned to her with an unreadable expression "Please be careful, use your anger for the right purpose, don't let it blind you."

His eyes flickered to the necklace around her neck, playing with it beneath his fingers before looking up "I'll be fine, I promise."

She sighed, latching her arms to rap around his neck as he embraced her into a hug "Don't make promises you can't keep, genius."

"I wouldn't dream of it, princess."
