
42 BBY
Attack of the clones

Her hands played uneasily with the sapphire coloured fabric of her loose two piece which swallowed her hair and face in a concealed collection of material which hung over her hair. It wasn't something she would normally wear the need and urgency to lay low, outlining any significant prospects of fashion. She hated this version of her, a version which reeked of innocence and virtue, her olive toned face being cleared from any heavy coloured makeup.

Anakin however thanked the stars that he could hardly see her face, the awkward interaction yesterday leaving an unsaid tension between the two. He couldn't control himself, especially around her, and he knew that was a problem.

"Be safe my lady, your majesty." Captain Typho spoke up

Odessa looked up, smiling slightly when Padme began "Thank you, Captain. Take care of Dorme, the threats on you two now."

"He'll be safe with me." Dorme secured

Padme pulled her right hand woman into a strong hug, the two laughing whilst Dorme began to get visible upset. Odessa liked Dorme, she was a strong willed woman, one that the galaxy needed, she wasn't afraid to make sacrifices for the people she loved nor held at high regards.

"You're be fine." The senator comforted her handmaiden

Dorme shock her head "It's not me, my lady. I worry about you. What if they realise I'm not?"

"Then she will be completely fine." Odessa spoke up "I will not let anything happen to the Senator, Dorme, trust me."

"Thank you your majesty." The women replied gratefully

She smiled "And of cause we have Anakin with us."

Odessa's gaze did not distance from the females face although Anakin's gaze instantly did. She could feel his presence and eyes on her but decided to ignore it nonetheless. They both had to stay on track.

"I will get to the bottom of this plot quickly, my lady, your majesty." Obi-Wan began "You'll be back here in no time."

"I will be the most grateful for your speed, Master Kenobi." Padme replied making the older man's attention turn to the familiar brunette

"Please be careful." She muttered with deep concern. She would always have a place in her heart persevered for Obi-Wan in a completely platonic nature. He was the closest thing she had to her father since he passed.

"I should be the one telling you that." He dismissed "Don't do anything too dangerous, I know what you're like Odessa."

She smiled "I can't promise you anything."

Turning around to grab her bags, the brunette allowed to Anakin to have a conversation with his master, Odessa waiting quietly in the corner for the conversation to end.

"May the force be with you." Obi-Wan called to him

"May the force be with you, Master." Anakin replied


Odessa and Padme were chatting orderly, the two strong headed and obstinate women talking to each in hushed voices to enable Anakin was not woken up. Although the attention was on her cousin, the brunette couldn't help her gaze trail to the young Jedi whose eyes were closed, his face relaxed and neural.

"God I miss those times." Padme reminisced happily "When we had nothing to worry about other than escaping from our rooms at night."

She smiled fondly "I loved the summers in Naboo."

"Me too." The senate agreed "I do wonder what ever happened to that boy who was complete and utterly infatuated with you, what was his name again Jacob? Jakob?"

"Jakob Ozo." Odessa answered with a small laugh as Padme notched her playfully

Jakob Ozo was Odessa Tove's first and last ever boyfriend, an older man who worked as a solider for Padme's family. She was fifteen, youthful and immature, fighting against the restraints of royalty and her mother's health, whilst he was an eighteen year old with a simple and peaceful life. He was the first person she had ever loved, the relationship lasting for two years of long distance and her mitigating going back and force Eris and Naboo.

She ultimately was the one to end it, finalising a goodbye as she realised juggling her job and love life was too hard to uphold.

"He was quick to quit his job once you left him." Padme told her "I think he was scared you would be bringing your new lovers to mine in secret once you became Queen."

"There was no new lovers after that anyways, you know that Padme." Odessa hissed with a bright smile

The brunette took a sip of her soup "Well.."


Odessa missed speaking to someone with a lack of formality, it was something she rarely did as Queen. She lacked friends and lacked even more family, only having connections on the people that worked with her, or right hand lady's that stayed with her most of the time. But that was different, very different from having a friend and being able to finally be herself.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom." Her cousin announced, standing up and leaving the queen alone with an unconscious Anakin.

She couldn't help herself from looking at the blonde who had began to mutter unrecognisable things in his slump, his breath hitching and being further fragmented. She didn't know whether to wake him, her hands clenching slightly as she anticipated what to do.

"No, no, mum, no." He groaned, making the brunette frown and reach her hand out for a piece of tissue on the side.

His forehead had formed a layer of sweat, her body moving forward as she placed one hand under his chin and the other on his forehead, wiping it softly. She done so for a few seconds before he began to rattle in her grasp.

"What?" His eyes opened tiredly and confused

She leaned back "You seemed to be having a nightmare, I didn't want to disturb you but-"

"No." He injected softly "It's fine"

She looked down in her lap awkwardly before passing him a bowl "Here, you must be hungry."

Anakin took it greatfully "Thank you."

"We seemed to go in light speed a while ago." She informed him as an attempt to diffuse the tension "It shouldn't be long now."

He nodded "Are you exited to go back to Naboo?"

His question caught her off guard "Not as much as Padme is of course, but I am exited. I used to visit often as a child, I don't really go as commonly anymore."

"Why not?"

She sighed "It's for a lot of reasons really, it reminds me of my old life before my duty's and I guess I'm far too busy nowadays."

"Do you miss that life?" He questioned deeper

"Sometimes." She nodded, wanting to draw the attention away from her "It must be difficult, having sworn your life to the Jedi. Not being able to visit the places you like .. or do the things you like-"

"Or be with the people I love."

Odessa looked at the padawan with a puzzled expression, his deep blue eyes yet again making a chill push up down her spine "Love is forbidden for Jedi, you know that Anakin."

"Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is central to a Jedi's life, so you might say we're encouraged to love."

"You sound like my father when he was with my mother." Odessa hummed "The Jedi council never classed love as compassion, but attachment, he however used to argue the exact same thing."

"Love is every persons natural instinct." Anakin encouraged firmly "Everyone loves someone."

She laughed slightly "You have changed so much."

"You haven't changed a bit." Anakin replied "You're exactly the way I remember you in my dreams. I doubt if Naboo has changed much either."

"It hasn't." She struggled to find words as his gaze never left her face, his words warming her heart "You were dreaming about your mother earlier, weren't you?"

"Yes." Anakin admitted, leaning back into his chair "I left Tatooine so long ago, my memory of her is fading and I don't want to loose it. Recently I've been seeing her in my dreams ... vivid dreams ... scary dreams. I worry about her."

"Don't let it bother you too much Anakin." She replied softly, the two completely unaware on how their hands had somehow met in the middle.


"If I grew up here, I don't think I'd ever leave." Anakin wondered

It was just the two of them now, strolling leisurely through the opulent halls of Naboo's central square by the lake country, Odessa looking out longingly as Anakin looked at her. She had pulled off the silk blue fabric from her neck, allowing the sunlight to beam onto her neck and hair. She adored the sunlight, especially as someone who lived on a planet who lacked the sun, the intensity of it being enough to brighten her mood significantly.

Her skin glowed beautifully, the Queen tensing slightly as she felt the young Jedi lean closer into her space, the two walking side to side as he offered her his hand.

She took is gratefully, locking onto his firm and strong arm as she turned to him softly "It never gets old, the beauty that this planet has to offer."

Whilst she looked out into the green beauty of the nature, he looked at her "No I guess it doesn't."

She smiled "I've always been somewhat jealous of Naboo. It's always warm and flourishing all year round whilst Eris remains in the shadows. Of course, it's beautiful, but in a completely different way."

"I would love to visit there one day." Anakin replied

The brunette laughed softly "I'm not sure you'd like it very much, not many people do. When Naboo and Eris line up, it's eclipses in totally darkness most of the time, standing behind the planet and hidden away from the sun."

She tightened her grip on his arm "You're have to come with me one day Anakin, I'll show exactly what my planet has to offer."

"I'd love that, your majesty."

Odessa ignored the loose strands of her hair trailing out of her messy bun, allowing the wind to hit her face and force it to turn to the Jedi's direction. When she turned, he was already looking at her, so deeply and intensely that it made her want to move away. She wasn't one to squirm under pressure and yet he made her feel nervous and a feeling she hadn't felt in a long time. But she still failed to put a finger on exactly what feeling that was.

"Tell me." Anakin began "Did you always dream of becoming Queen when you was a little girl?"

She scoffed "Please Anakin, you knew that nine year old girl for a short time and trust me, her attitude never changed much. I didn't really want to have all those responsibilities, I mean of course I loved my planet but ruling it seemed like suicide. You don't really get to be a person anymore, you're always having to be strong for everyone, there's no room for weakness."

"I feel like being a Jedi is similar, the republic forget we are people sometimes, people with needs and wants." He addressed with a hint of frustration

"Needs and wants that should be listened to." She nodded



"Aunt Padme?! Aunty Odessa!?"

Padme ran towards the two children, leaving her cousin and the dirty blonde Jedi to do a small stroll behind her "Ryoo! Pooja!"

Odessa smiled gleefully at the site of the pair of siblings, her nieces who were clutching happily onto her cousins arm. She glanced at Anakin, seeing his shift in attitude, his body becoming stiff and tense.

"Don't worry they're just children." She softly consoled with a smile "They shouldn't bite anymore."

He rolled his eyes, looking down and shaking his head as she laughed to herself "Anymore?"

She shrugged, going to reply before small footsteps ran in her direction, yelling her name "Odessa!"

The Jedi knight watched as the brunette kneeled down onto the ground, her dress creating a bundle of blue silk fabric that the children now were treading on. It was funny, a Queen on her knees for tiny humans who had hardly made a dent in the universe, her soft hands grazing their cheeks as she hummed sweet nothings into their ears. She kissed them both on their cheeks, moving her empty fingers through their soft styled hair.

She was good with children that was obvious and yet it made his heart swell further for the brunette.

"Oh how I've missed you both." She smiled

"You haven't visited us in forever" the younger of the two wined

Odessa smiled sadly whilst Padme spoke up softly "She's been very busy you two, you both know that."

The two nodded understandably whilst the brunette send her cousin a thankful look "I know my love's but I'm going to make it up to both of you soon, okay?"

"Okay." Poojo nodded excitedly "Can you do the thing?"

"Oh I don't know-"

"Please!" They both begged in unison, Odessa bowing her head as she admitted in defeat

She put her hand up signalling to the both of them to be quiet "Fine, but only because I really love you both."

Clutching to the back of her head, Odessa pulled out a decent sized jewelled clip out of her hair, allowing it to fall freely onto her back in a collection of dark and light browns. She held the accessory in the palm of her hand for a moment, focusing her gaze on their bright and juvenile faces as it began to levitate above her grasp.

Anakin crossed his brows, cursing at himself from not noticing that she was with the force earlier. Her father was a strong Jedi, there was no reason why the gene wouldn't have been inherited, trained or not she still was somewhat with the force.

It dropped down back into her palm as the children's marvelled faces diminished "If there is anyone you should be bothering about cool tricks, it should be Anakin over here."

Odessa turned her head as she raised from the floor, grabbing Anakin's hand softly as she walked closer to the smaller humans "Anakin Skywalker is a Jedi, and a very talented one with the force."

He muttered small hellos, whilst the two gazed at him in amazement, the interaction being cut short as Artoo zoomed into view.

"Artoo?" The Queen explained as she walked up to her droid, placing her hand on the lid of its metal as it beeped in recognition.

Padme smiled orderly, her smile growing as she shock to see her parents "Let's go and meet my parents."

Ushering the children inside, Odessa trailed up the stairs and into the main entrance of the highly detailed building with Anakin closely behind her. The house was one she sometimes considered home more then her own palace back on Eris, the warm and memory filled halls being the main reason she became the women she was.

"Padme! Odessa! Oh it's so good to see you both!" Sola, Padmes older sister announced, hugging them both tightly "Mom, they're here!"

Jobal Naberrie entered the bright lit kitchen, smiling brightly as she hugged her daughter and her late sister's child, kissing their heads as she gushed happily.

"You're just in time for dinner." Jobal said, putting down a plate "I hope you're hungry, Anakin."

"A little." Anakin replied

"He's being polite, mom." Padme spoke up "We're starving."

"You came to the right place at the right time." Ruwee said, appearing into the room, ushering for everyone to sit down at the large table "Sit down son."

Odessa moved intro the seat beside Anakin, sensing his awkwardness as he pulled out the chair which she thankfully sat onto.

"It's good to see the both of you safe." The older women replied, looking at the two females who turned to each other with mirroring gazes "We were so worried."


She huffed "I know, I know but I had to say it. Now it's done."

Sola smiled "Well this is exiting. Do you know Anakin? You're the first boyfriend Odessa has brought to us since she became Queen."

The brunette's eyes widened as she avoided the Jedis eyes, sensing his smirk as she shock her head quickly "No, no it's not like that at all. Anakin here is a Jedi assigned to myself and Padme for protection."

"Another bodyguard, you both didn't tell us it was that serious!"

Padme shock her head "It's not mom, I promise."

Odessa nodded her head in agreement "Plus Anakin is a good friend, I've known him since I was young. He was also that little boy who was with Padme and the Jedi's during the blockade crisis."

Anakin held the urge to wince at the sound of friends leaving her lips, turning his attention back to the family who seemed to still be immersing in deep conversation.

"When are you going to settle down?" Jobal asked his daughter "Haven't you had enough of that life? I certainly have! And what will happen when Odessa goes down with you, she's the last descendent of royal blood for Eris, the planet would immerse in a rebellion."

Odessa coughed "Don't worry Auntie, they simple caught us off guard last time, they are unable to kill me and-"

"You almost died?"

The dark haired female shuffled in her chair "Well yes, but I beat him to it."

"It is not a well yes moment Odessa Tove." Her auntie cursed "Oh the universe your mother, may  she rest in peace, will be rolling in her grave."

"Mom, we are not in danger." Padme assured, helping her cousin.

"Are they?" Ruwee asked Anakin

"Yes.. I'm afraid so..."

"But not much." Padme quickly added while Odessa shock her head, leaning into the ear of the Jedi as he moved closer to hear her

"Traitor." She hissed
