
42 BBY
Attack of the clones

"Captain Typho has more than enough men downstairs to scare anymore assassins away." Obi-Wan announced, entering the main rooms quarters "Any activity up here?"

Anakin remained stationary, his eyes glued to the small machine in his hand that switched back and forth between the two girls rooms. The senator was getting ready for bed whilst Odessa was stripping away the ponderous and substantial sized jewels from her body, the crown being the fist to go before her necklace and earrings. He forced his eyes to tear away from the portable screen as he noticed her hands move down to her piffling sized waist, her fingers taunting him as she pulled the zip steadily down to reveal her bare skin. She was increasingly bewitching however he moved his gaze out of respect for the female.

"Quiet as a tomb, Padme is asleep and Odessa is doing her own thing" He replied "I don't like just waiting here for something to happen to them."

A beep came from the communicator device, Anakin peering at it again as his master moved alongside him, curiously "What's going on?"

"Ah. She's covering the cameras." He quickly recognised as Padme's camera turned completely black "I don't think she likes the idea of us watching her-"

"What is she thinking? Surely she knows better from her training." Obi-won spoke as he wondered the halls

"They have both programmed their drodes to warn us, if there's an intruders." Anakin answered

"There are many other ways to kill a senator and Queen." His master lectured as he walked towards Odessa's door, easily hearing that she was in fact still awake and moving about

"I know, but we also want to catch this assassin don't we, master."

Obi-Won turned, heading towards his padawan with his arms crossed "You're using her as bait."

"It was her idea." He confessed "Don't worry, no harm will come to her. I can sense everything going on in that room, trust me."

"It's too risky." Obi-won sighed, looking at the young man as an idea popped into his head "Would you have agreed if Odessa had been the one to ask you this?"

"No of course not-"

"Then it's definitely too risky." He continued "Besides, your senses aren't that attuned, my young apprentice."

Anakin huffed as he turned "And yours are?"



Odessa adored the tranquility of silence, the greeting emptiness being one of the only times when she was permitted to be alone with her thoughts in complete and utter solitude. Silence and darkness worked hand in hand at night, many embracing the dark void of shadows with sleep whilst Odessa Tove hid away from it. She was the Queen of a twilight zone and yet in the long months that which Eris was overcome with darkness, the young female would travel to Naboo, chasing the sunlight.

Even as a child, she feared the empty night sky's, always forcing her hand maidens to ultimate her room with hundreds of candles and light, in fear that the darkness would engulf her.

She liked the fact that the city never switched off, her window revealing the sharp and glistening nature of the beaming buildings, the light ultimately seeping through her window. Nonetheless she kept the lights on and multiple candles lit, her mood quickly relaxing with the slight reminiscence of home. She missed her planet, her people and mostly her duty's as Queen. It was a responsibility she thrived in and enjoyed as the adrenaline of working frontline, pushed her through the long and tedious days.

"Your majesty?"

Remaining on her position at her bed, she peered towards the door "Come in."

She gazed up, watching as Anakin stepped into the room hesitantly and with absolute caution, he took a moment to register to the surrounding before closing the door behind him and stepping forward.

"Master Obi-Won sent me in to question why you're not asleep yet." He explained awkwardly as he rubbed his neck with his hand "He said it's important you rest, your-"

"Anakin please." She interrupted "Enough with the formality, it's Odessa remember, the same Odessa Tove who had the worst manners towards you as a child."

He laughed softly, moving to sit down opposite her as she motioned for him to come closer "You don't seem the same."

"You think?" She queried, looking up from the book in her hands for the first time

He nodded "Your stronger now, more intelligent, softer, more sympathetic than before."

"That's what becoming Queen does to you, you quickly realise that the world you once held so much dignity for, isn't as profiling and fair as you think." She took a hitched breath "You don't realise how many people are suffering until you're unable to help them all."

"You're an amazing Queen." He admitted "Even the republic can recognise your power, the people adore you."

She smiled softly "Sometimes it doesn't feel like that, especially when people are trying to kill you."

"You scare them."

"They should be scared." She stated "They underestimate me because I'm young, because I'm a woman."

"And because you're beautiful." Anakin spat out, slightly catching the brunette of guard

She was beautiful, even more so close up and stripped away from the concepts of royalty, her face bear and hair tucked into a detailed braid running across her head. Never would have Skywalker expected for her to be as attractive as she actually was, her beauty being overwhelming and hard to draw his eyes away from. Her lips were plump, tempting and alluring whilst her eyes held a new found innocence and weakness that was hidden away before from her exaggerated makeup.

Odessa stared at the boy slightly older than her for a moment, a strange feeling forming in her chest at the way he was looking at her "Possible."

Anakin snapped himself out of his gaze "Struggling to sleep?"

"You could say that." She nodded

The young padawan peered around at the selection of objects emitting intense light "You probably should start by turning off all these lights, and blowing out the candles."

He went to rise from his seat to do it, before the brunette clutched softly onto his hand, sending chills through both of their body's "No don't."

"Afraid of the dark princess?" He teased unknowingly hitting the nail on the head

"Yes Anakin." She snapped "As a matter of fact I am."

Anakin went to reply before he felt a sudden urge to check on the bedroom next door, running hectically out the room as Odessa followed puzzled. Obi-Won ran too, feeling the same warning in the force, the two ushering into Padme room with just enough time to slice multiple slug like creatures in half.

"Padme!" Odessa ran into the room as she held onto her startled cousin, checking for any injuries before hugging her tightly

Obi-Won however peered at the droid attempting to escape, the Jedi master crashing and jumping through the window without a second thought. Anakin clipped his lightsabour to his belt, turning to the two females before rushing out the building after his master.

"Stay here."


The two Jedi's dragged the changeling across the cold cobbled floor, dropping her body in front of them as they both stared down at the bounty hunter who was squirming in pain in front of them. She clutched pitifully onto her dismembered limp that Obi-Won had taken off with one clean swipe of his lightsaber.

"Do you know who it was you were going to kill?" Obi-Won questioned

The bounty hunter groaned "The Senator from Naboo."

"Who hired you?" He continued calmly making the female glare at him

"It was just a job."

"Tell us!" Anakin explained unable to contain his anger

"The senators going to die soon anyways. The next one won't make the same mistake I did." She chuckled "And that precious Queen of Eris will wish she was dead when they are done with her."

Anakin felt his heart drop slightly at the mention of Odessa, the threat alone being something to bloom a deep concern and anger in his pit. The two males turned to each other, with questionable expression, not really understanding what the bounty Hunter meant.

"Who hired you?" Obi-Won spoke up yet again, more demanding now

"It was a bounty hunter called .."

There was a sound of a fast moving object before a cut off breath, the small dart connecting with the women's neck before she began to shrivel away into her true from. It only took a few seconds and then she was dead, the two Jedi knights turning to catch a glimpse of a person flying away.

"Toxic dart."


"Track down this bounty hunter you must, Obi-Won." Yoda nodded solemnly in response

Master Windu nodded "Most importantly, find out who he's working for."

"And what of Senator Amidala and the Queen? They will still need protecting." Obi-Wan pointed out

Yoda raised his hands slightly from his cane "Handle that, the padawan will."

The Jedi's eyes flickered to the younger padawan "Anakin, escort them both to the senators home planet of Naboo. They will be safer there. And don't use registered transport, travel as refugees."

"As the leader of the opposition and the Queen not being in the favour of hiding, it will be very difficult to get them both to leave the capital." Anakin spoke up

Yoda nodded "Respect our decision, they must."

Anakin was ready to leave, feeling as if the conversation and plan was finalised before he heard his master begin in conversation again.

"If I may ask master Yoda" Obi-Won began "The bounty hunter last night spoke strangely regarding her majesty, it seems who ever is behind this organisation does not wish to kill the Queen."

Their was silence for a moment before everyone turned to the small green Jedi was was looking up towards the sky in deep thought "Powerful she is, although not trained with the force, she is not, her connection is strong."

Obi-Won's face twisted unintentionally in surprise "Master, do you mean to suggest that her powers are being seek upon to be exploited?"

"Exactly that Master Kenobi, in the wrong hands it seems, her future is unclear."


Young Skywalker observed silently from the corner of Odessa's room, watching as she tacitly and rhythmically moved her belongs into a bag spread out across her bed. She was softly giving small words to her right hand women, urging them were to put things and what to grab. It was clear she was frustrated, the mellow and soft women he spoke to last night, being a complete contrast to the hot headed female refusing to meet his gaze.

It was like she clocked into a professional persona, her outfit similarly to when he had saw her yesterday being full of opulence and gold. However this time her dark locks were pulled up into a detailed bun, that this time did not hold her diadem but a simple jewelled chain which sunk down to her forehead.

After the revaluation that Odessa Tove maybe more valuable than anyone could ever of expected, Anakin felt the instant need to be by her side and the instant urge to get to know her more. She was complicated and that interested him, she had always interested him. Anakin Skywalker had promised himself from a young age that one day he would marry the girl, and he couldn't do that if power hungry rebels were attempted to use her for their one benefit.

"I do not like this idea of hiding." She spoke up, speaking her truth as she felt the fabric of her clothes beneath her fingers.

Hiding was not in her nature, she didn't like the concepts of it in any truths, to her it was cowardly. If someone wanted to kill her, which they did, she would simple have to wait for them to make their move, and outsmart them when they did.

"Don't worry. Now that the councils ordered an investigation, it won't take Master Obi-Wan long to find that bounty hunter." Anakin assured

"That won't necessarily solve anything, this is all just a cover up for a bigger problem waiting to arise." She shock her head "Padme hasn't worked for a year to defeat the Military creation act to not be there when fate is decided, and I shouldn't be a Queen who has abandoned her planet."

Anakin's words were soft but authoritative "Sometimes we have to let go of our pride and do what is requested of us."

That caused for Odessa to stop, whispering for her handmaidens to leave before looking at the Jedi in the corner "Sometimes I forget how much you've grown Anakin."

He smirked "And something I think you forget your majesty that I'm actually older than you."

"Only by a few months." She smirked

"A year and 2 months, actually your majesty." He corrected, making her roll her eyes to hide the small blush which was forming under her cheeks. How did he remember that?

Now that it was only the two of them, Odessa was handing Anakin stuff to hold, the two communicating in comfortable conversation whilst the brunette finished packing her bag. They even began to joke around with each other, Anakin holding up her dresses in amusement whilst she hit him lightly.

"Don't get me wrong, Obi-Wan is a great mentor. He's as wise as Master Yoda and as powerful as Master Windu." He spoke, his blue eyes stuck to a metal orb now in his hand "I am truly thankful to be his apprentice."

He caught it again "Only, In some ways ... a lot of ways, I'm really ahead of him. I'm ready for the trials. But he feels that I'm too unpredictable ... he won't let me move on."

She listened carefully "That does sound like Obi-Wan."

"And it's even worst." He huffed "He's over critical! He never listens! He just doesn't understand! It's not fair!"

Odessa couldn't find back her smirk, moving closer to the frustrated man with a shake of her head "Careful Anakin, you almost sound like that little boy I once knew, when he didn't get his way"

"I'm not whining."

"Are you sure?" She questioned "It sure seems like it."

He nodded "I know."

"Anakin." She called out softly "Try not to grow up too fast, I wish someone had told me that when I accept my position as Queen."

He was awfully close to her now, so close she could feel his breath above her head as he looked down at her and she looked up at him. She adored those blue eyes and yet at the same time she wanted him to look away, at fear of what she would do if he stayed there long enough.

"I am grown up. You said it yourself." He replied, looking deeper into her hazel wide eyes and red painted lips which were tightly pursed

"Please don't look at me like that Anakin." She stated quiet but loud enough so he could hear

"Why not." He questioned, moving closer, his hand moving a strand of dark curled hair out of her face

"You know exactly why." Her heart was beating out of her chest "I have to go find Padme."

As she walked away, Anakin was yet again left watching from behind as she moved away from him at a fast pace, closing the door behind her and leaving him alone with his thoughts. His thoughts which completely and utterly surrounded by her.
