
21 BBY
The Clone Wars

"It's a civilised matter."

"Nothing is ever civilised in a war."

Odessa would have been lying if she thought there wasn't some truth in his weighty and cogent words, which almost pleaded to her in a frustrated and taxing tone. This was very Odessa and Anakin fashion, the concept of having small insignificant arguments over the fact he struggled to accept sometimes, that the brunette needed to get her hands dirty and not just sit back and speak with a deceiving and compelling smile. It was her part to play as a public and a political figure, which she wasn't willing to step down from anytime soon.

"It's simple going to be a political agreement Anakin." She spoke, her arms crossed as she kept her head high "The more separatists we can persuade and keep on our side, the better chance we have at ending this war."

He shock his head, the Jedi still facing the back of her neck, as he buckled and tightened the numerous straps of her separate tanned coloured shirt "They have many politicians who can shake hands just as easy as you can, why does it have to be you?"

She sighed as she pushed her hair to the side so Anakin could place a thick black device around her neck that allowed her to speak with certain other people if necessary "The chancellor said they specifically asked for me."

He scoffed, his cold fingers tracing her warm neck as he grew angrier by the minute "Doesn't that say enough? This is dodgy Odessa and you know it."

"Even if it is Anakin I can handle myself." She reassured sternly, turning to face him as she placed her hand onto his cheek "Hey- come on don't be like this."

He finally looked at her, those blue heated eyes instantly softening slightly once they fell on her hazel coloured ones "Don't go."

"That's not fair." She shock her head, loosing her grip on her husband as she stormed into the living area with Anakin hot on her heels "When you get called to a literal battle field where I hardly get to speak to you for weeks on end, how do you think I feel?"

He remained silent "I wait and wait for you like a nervous wreck, but do I ever tell you not to go? No. Because that's selfish Anakin, what you're doing right now is selfish."

It was true, the weeks on end she would spend as a constant body of anxiety and nerves for her man who was across the galaxy, never really knowing whether he was going to make it back home this time. He was a Jedi and she had enough trust and faith in him to know he could look after himself. And yet when the roles were reversed, he seemed to forget she wasn't a shattered ornament, that could break into thousands of pieces with a simple flick.

"If it's selfish wanting to keep you safe and alive then fine. I'll be selfish." Anakin argued back as his eyes followed the short female who was grabbing on to last minute belongings.

She huffed "It's not a battlefield, and I'm going whether you like it or not."

"At least let me come with you."

She shock her head "You have to report to the outskirts of Naboo with Obi-Won, it's important. And it would look strange with you accompanying me Anakin, you're not the most welcoming person to have by your side when you're trying to settle agreements either."

C3PO had entered the room before her husband could reply, Anakin's former droid which he had traded with Artoo over the years to look after Odessa, pausing for a moment before speaking in his monotone and polite voice.

"Your highness, the aircraft is ready for you, I suppose you would like to get on your way before the sun rises." He concluded, making the brunette politely smile

"Of course C3PO, I'll be there in a matter of seconds, just give me a moment."

"Of course."

Odessa turned back to the towering frame of Anakin once she heard the door shut, the two closing the distance between them as they despite their bickering allowed their faces to inch closer and closer together. She could see it in his eyes, the fierce and burning urge that sometimes heavily itched her. He was no longer juvenile and young and neither was she, he was a grown man, a possessive and protective man who had grown even more accustomed in his age.

She sometimes couldn't help from admitting that this was Anakin's deadly trait, being fiercely protective and vengeful toward those that wished who he loved harm, especially after the tragic death of his mother. They were similar in that aspect, slightly avenging, but when it came to the couple, Anakin took the trophy for retaliation.

His defined jaw was bear shaved as usual his growing hair, now being long enough she could put her fingers through it with an ease, darker, they were darker. Not as dark as hers but darker.

"I have to go." She mumbled quieter now, his hand ravelling down around her small waist as she felt her anger began to melt away

He was good at this "Odessa."

She rolled her eyes as she huffed, maintaining her burning body which was getting hotter with his touch, his fingers trailed to trace her shoulders "Anakin."

Anakin was kissing her now, kissing her neck as his soft yet possessive lips began to trial hungrily up her toned and bronzed skin "Don't do that."

"Do what?" He mumbled with a cocky tone which only made her blood boil further

She shock her head, allowing her head to fall on his shoulder only for a moment "You know what, you're trying to distract me."

"And is it working?"

She scoffed, finally pushing away from him as she pointed a harsh finger at his face "No it's not, so stop trying that's a low blow."

"My love-"

"No." She interrupted "Don't even try that either, I'm leaving Anakin and we can continue this later."

He groaned "Please-"

She shot around "And since you want to play that game, just wait until I see you tomorrow- you're going to be crying when I've finished with you."

Anakin couldn't help but smirk as he pulled her arm back as she began to walk away from him, guiding her softly so her body slapped into his chest. He kissed her, the two touching each other's lips passionately before Odessa pulled away "Is that a threat?"

"No it's a promise, my love."


Sitting impassively and plainly on the cool leather seats saturated at the front of the advanced and modern space ship, Odessa flicked a few switches here and there, whilst continuing to follow the database which was telling her she was growing close to the planet. Even as a child she wasn't a fan of space travel, going into light speed often giving the brunette a strong and uncomfortable sense of motion sickness, which made her head bang and throb and simple movements.

However what made her head bang further was her thoughts, ever so consuming and surprisingly anxious for someone who rarely lacked nerves. Anakin's words rang in her head, and her annoyance for him still slightly stained her mind, his inability to let her do things by herself was exhausted and yet pathetically she had a bad too, a bad feeling that she may be proving her husband bluff.

Space was cold, constantly cold, callous and lonely like a void of complete and utter emptiness . She never found it relaxing but rather chilling, Odessa always preferred her feet being on the ground and she didn't think that would ever change. She never understood how some republics and group of organisations could call their homes large outlandish space ships which only ever floated around the universe. A home needed an environment, a beautiful and flourishing environment, not a hollow and monotone structure.

"If I may your highness, I couldn't help but recognised you and Anakin's dispute early, is everything alright?" C3PO questioned, breaking the silencing which was swallowing the brunette whole

She smiled kindly, her eyes ravelling to the golden band around her finger "Yes everything's fine C3PO, thank you. You know Anakin, he can be quite stubborn sometimes."

The droid nodded "Of course- Anakin is my creator however it seems he can be quite impulsive, especially when it comes to you your highness. I'm sworn to secrecy and I would never repeat this- it's Artoo you need to watch- but I think Master Skywalker only worries because he cares so deeply about you, he fears loosing you, in fear he may loose himself."

Odessa listened carefully for a moment, her heavy eyes flicking for a moment as she felt her heart sink. She could never ever grasp how droids could be so intelligent because he had hit the nail on the head, directly. She didn't fear about them ever telling others about their relationship since they were mechanically and literally unable, but it did benefit when they gave advice like that. Advice she would struggle to get from a human now days, nonetheless.

"I suppose you're right." She hummed "He just worries to much, it's frustrating sometimes-"

A beeping noise stopped her mid sentence, the brunette instantly leaping up in action as she quickly recognised the problem. She buckled into her seat, cursing under her breath as her worries had been confirmed, it was a trap.

The supreme separatist had lied to the chancellor about making emends, or more precisely it was a greater problem beneath the republic. Either way someone had set her up, and who ever it was, she for some reason couldn't help but interlink with the intentions similar to Count Dooku. These people no longer wanted to kill her, but use her for their own personal gain.

"You have to be kidding me." She hissed, pulling down on the controls further, as she attempted to move the glider further away from the large battlefield "C-3PO, sit down and buckle up quickly, we need to move now."

"Your highness-"

"It was a trap." She explained angrily "There is no way they are actually pulling us in right now."

The bright blue beams were nothing they could fight against, the electrostatic forces dragging the space shit further backwards towards the entrance "Force- this was not the time to get proved wrong."

Odessa had started to take her buckles off when the comms of her ship went off with a familiar voice, a voice which she didn't know she was happy to hear or in horror.

"Cruiser, identify yourself." The voice of Ashoka Tano rang, the brunettes face dropping even further as their own hologram began to become even more clear. It was inevitable, but it was even more unnerving once her eyes locked onto the confused face of her husband, who only in a matter of seconds would most probably change in complete frustration.

She sighed, accepting the call as she crossed her arms "This is Odessa Tove, nice speaking to you again Ashoka."

As predicted, she watched as her husband's face twisted into one of confusion and vexation, his body moving forward as his eyes edged further to the hologram. She would have laughed if it wasn't a series problem because his expression was lethal, so much so Ashoka was staring up at him with shock.

"Odessa- you have got to be kidding me right now." He spoke worryingly low, her name leaving his lips in a way which also made the small young lings eyes light up. She thought he wasn't supposed to call her by her first name, or even speak to her in a unprofessional manner

The cruiser shakes again as she rolls her eyes, using her arms to steady herself "Oh yes Anakin, because I'm joking in a matter like this."

Anakin wanted to shout at her for proving him right, but he also wanted to shout at her for being so calm and at ease at a situation like that. A situation which could very easily turn nasty. "Get out of there now!"

She shock herself at the small voices which told her she found him attractive like this, angry and demanding "Don't you think I'm trying to do that?! They are pulling the ship in with electromagnetic lasers, there's no way of breaking them."

"Then I'll find a way!"

"There's no time!" She huffed, as she began to tighten blasters to her holder around her waist, and pull her hair into a ponytail "I'm going in."

Anakin from a republic cruiser was growing increasingly more concerned by the minute, his eyes singularly focusing on his wife's figure which was moving around hectically. He felt frustration that he couldn't get onto the ship and help her, but nonetheless he knew he wasn't going to let anything happen to her. There was no way in the universe.

"Like hell you are!" He argued back sternly "Stay put Odessa I mean it, I'm coming to you!"

"No I'm not being some bargaining chip!" She continued back "If you want to find me I'll be handling my self on that ship, it will be like a fun game of hide and seek."

She dreaded to think how the atmosphere switched next to him but Anakin's face went scarily blank "This isn't funny."

"No you're right it's not, but you know what is?" She explained spitefully "The fact that none of your ships have taken out that- planet sized mass of metal yet!"

"Well no one's going to be 'taking it out' since you've decided you're going to be having a nice stroll inside of it!"

"Whatever." She pulled down her short cropped top and pulled down her shorts "That ship needs to be destroyed, so by all means. Fire."

And with that the hologram flickered and completely shut off, leaving both the Skywalker 's marching in the same direction. Odessa walking off into the supreme separatists ship, and Anakin off to follow closely behind her with a helping and just as concerned helping hand.


"It does not look safe out here, your highness." C-3PO addressed to the brunette who was tightly up against a wall next to his mechanic body, a blaster in her hand as she peered carefully down the unknown hall way

"I'm afraid we don't have much of a choice." She whispered quietly "If we had stayed on our ship, they would have found us by now, at least now we have more time to keep them preoccupied."

"Oh my! We're doomed." C-3PO explained as it followed close behind Odessa who was running down the halls

She made sure to look and listen carefully after every corner but every section held a new surprise. The clicking and dragging sound of metal scraping across the floor was enough for her to cover the gold framed droids mouth, as she motioned for the two of them to crouch behind a set of boxes, still with a clear view of the ship they were once on, and flocks of solider droids walking towards it.

Her fingers clenched anxiously as General Grievous all stepped forwards, his famous exterior being enough to instantly recognise the cold hearted killer.

They all hardly made it a few steps before by glider exploded, her trap working as quite a few droids illuminated in flames and the General tumbled painfully to the floor. If they didn't want her died then, they sure as hell wanted her dead now, and by the sound of the siths booming voice, he was demanding for people to find her, quickly.

That was enough for her to bolt into an unknown direction, pumping her legs briskly as she started down at a machine around her wrist telling her roughly where to go. She had never been so thankful she had dressed for comfort, the cream co ord being a flexibly fanfic and detailed with leather belts which kept the material in place. Her big junky boots clicked tediously as she ran, but they stopped monumentally once she looked at a hidden door.

"Might I suggest we keep moving, I think I hear battle droids approaching."

She only quickened her actions at the words, C-3PO's voice and the sound of synchronised marching, urging her to work faster "We need to contact the fleet. Im not moving until I can get these panels to work."

"My lady." The golden robot perked up again, this time more urgently at the sight of General Grievous heading their way "I'm afraid I'm correct."

She stopped, pointing towards a small indent in the hall as she urged the robot to follow her inside, which she did. The two held their breath as the cloth of his clothing stopped right above them, where they once were only moments ago.

"I will inform Count Dooku of the Queens presence." General Grievous's old drained voice drawled "For now, I don't care how, but get here to me now! Alive!"

Odessa paused for a moment as he began to march away with his army following, the idea of them calling Count Dooku sending an uncomfortable pit in her stomach. He had made it clear last time what his intentions were with her, to set the prophecy straight and enable her to her full potential in the dark side. But she would never do it, and for her, she was guessing after that she would simple be killed, eliminated.

"Come on this has to work." She tapped the final button with a heavy push, needing to urge the Jedi council on the separatist's true intentions

"Identify yourself." The voice of Ashoka Tano spoke again, like music to her eye as she let out a almost laugh of disbelief

"Ashoka, it's Odessa-"

"Your majesty! I'm sending you through to Anakin now, Obi-Wans on the ship alongside him."

Not only was there one but two now who was most probably going to scream and her for not taking in accountability her own safety. But he couldn't bring it in that moment to care, only to sigh is relief as a beep echoed from the machine again.

"Anakin? You there?" She voiced, careful to glance yet again at the empty corridor behind her

"Odessa, thank the- where are you?" He asked hectically through the comms

"I'm on the lower level." She shrugged "And I'm fine, to be completely honest I'm doing perfectly by myself-"

"Ashoka how can I get to where she is?"

The padawan replied almost instantly "According to the scans, there seems to be a giant opening in the centre of the ship. It should be halfway between the two of you."

"Okay I'll leave now." Odessa nodded, about to switch off until she heard her husbands demanding voice yet now softened voice


She smiled, unable to help herself as she realised insanely what he was trying to get across despite Ashokas present ears. I love you, rang through her head. She liked the fact he was powerful enough to do that now days, but it almost came with its downfalls.

"I know." She nodded "I'll see you soon."

Once it was switched off, Odessa waisted no time, beginning to run towards her destination with the golden droid behind her. She found the edge of platform quickly, memories of images back when she, Anakin's me Padme were rescuing Obi-Won being similar to this one.

She sighed, blaster in her hand as she heard the battle droids come up behind her and begin to shoot "Jump C-3PO!"

She shot most of them down with an ease bit before she knew it there was lines of them, and they were edging closer and closer. It got to the point where her bullets were out and the droid behind her was still stationary and still. There was no time for that.

"Suit yourself." She pushed the droid down, taking one last glance behind her as she jumped herself.

The impact of landing on the train took some of the breath out of her, her hair being ripped aggressively from the ponytail by the sheer force of the vehicle. She balanced and quickly stood up, walking on top of it carefully as she searched for the familiar presence she was sensing in the room.

Anakin had seen her before he saw her, the Jedi who was on the opposite train, letting out a heavy sigh of relief at the sight of his wife alive and breathing. Only her would look absolutely fine whilst climbing a train and completely unbothered. Her brown eyes met his blue, a smile falling on her red coated lips as she saw him a slight distance away.

It almost seemed too easily, when a large force almost send the brunette flying, her sharp eyes widening in alarm for the first time at the sigh of smoke and flames. She turned back to Anakin whose expression was just as panicked as hers.

"The bridge is out!" Panic swelled in her chest as she shouted towards him

"Jump to me now, I've got you I promise!" Anakin pleaded whilst also demanding as he held out his hand, as an encouraging more her to take the leap of faith "Do you trust me?!"

"Of course!" She responded easily

"Then jump!"

There was no part of her which didn't trust the fact he wasn't going to catch her, there was no denying it. She just enjoyed watching him squirm, waiting to the last minute before running up and leaping in his direction. Odessa felt him use to force, her body connecting to his and Anakin's tense muscular arms wrapped around her waist in support, so tight it was almost as if he was scared she was going to disappear.

She gazed up at him with a teasing smile "Hey honey."

"Nice catch." Obi-Wan announced from above, making the brunette lock her eye with the older man "Odessa I think you want me to have a heart attack, I'll fetch the droid."

She laughed, sending the Jedi knight a thankful look before the couple were surrounded and hidden under a bridge of some sort.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Anakin waisted no time, looking the brunette up and down, his eyes filled with worry and his hand cupped her cheek

"No." She started bluntly as she looked back at him with harsh eyes "Me? I'm completely fine, it's quite fun actually."

She allowed her self to laugh as her husbands expression changed, his hands still staying on her waist as she wrapped hers around his neck, despite his extended frame "plus I'm still mad."

He sighed "Your right Odessa I shouldn't have been such a controlling freak and I'm sorry for that, but at the end of the day everything I do is to protect you, I will always protect you, that will never change."

She paused for a momen, remembering C-3PO's words before speaking "Fine, apology accepted. Now kiss me genius."

As Anakin began to lean in, a familiar voice came from one of the communicators on Anakin's wrist. The pair looking down at it with hatred as their moment was rudely disturbed. It would have to wait until they were home.

"Anakin, I got separated from your droid."

"3PO." Odessa gasped, allowing her hands to leave Anakin's body despite his protest. He was even more desperate to leave now "Oh no I pushed him, it's my fault."

"I'll take care of it." Anakin sighed before looking back at his wife who was still his main priority "But for now, I'm getting you out of here."
