
[ O B I T U A R Y ]
The clone wars

All beauty has a little tragedy
Bridgett Vance 

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And in my dreams
I will always find
My way back
To you

Odessa Annika Skywalker relished
in married life, the responsibility and
atmosphere of being completely and
utterly consumed by someone. With
the whole universe being in the middle
of a savage and menacing war, her duty
of Queen has never been so significant.
Threats are looming and old enemies are
rising in power yet again, however this time something is different, Odessa has
everything to loose.

Anakin Jefferson Skywalker despised
rules. Rules were the things keeping
him from his wife for long and
substantial amounts of times, rules making
their relationship a deep and dark secret,
and rules that meant the person he loved
also was working in the firing line.
He relished with the thrill of danger,
however when the girl who holds his
heart with two hands is also along side him, everything changes.

[ O D E S S A    A N N I K A   
S K Y W A L K E R ]
• Dangerously beautiful • 

"Pain shapes a women into a warrior."

[ A N A K I N   J E F F E R S O N   
S K Y W A L K E R ]
Dangerously powerful • 

"I can loose everything, but not you."
