Take it on the Run

My chest felt like someone sat on it. Not sure how to move on from that, I leaned against the mirror. It was cold against my hot skin. More tears leaked down my cheeks. I knew he was mad, but how could he do that? And to just say it so nonchalantly...was he trying to make me hate him?

Shaking my head, I hopped off the counter and walked to the room I once shared with Bianca. Not wanting to get caught up in my emotions again, I quickly changed my clothes and walked downstairs.

"Bobby and Sam are preparing her." Dean's eyes fell to my left arm. "How's your arm?"

I smacked him. Tears burned in my eyes. "How could you?"

Dean touched his face. A red mark was already forming. "I'm not sure I deserved that."

"You're a complete ass, Dean Winchester." I shoved him. 

"What the hell, Melanie?" Dean grabbed my upper arms to keep me from attacking him again.

"After all the shit you gave me. You made a deal. You didn't want me to know, but I figured it out." Dean's eyes fell at my words. "How long did you get?"

"One year." Tears swam in his eyes. "At least we'll go out together, right?" I pulled him close. He cried into my shoulder. "I tried to get them both back."

"Shh," I said as I rubbed his back. "She's in a better place. She didn't suffer. That's all we can ask for in this line of work."

Sam cleared his throat. "We're ready." I couldn't help but notice he wouldn't look me in the eye.

Dean brushed past his brother and walked outside. Sam stared at the floor next to me for a long minute before turning and following. With a deep breath, I willed my feet to move forward.

Outside, Bobby and Sam had fashioned a wooden platform for Bee's body to rest on. They covered her in a sheet as well. The sky was gray to match our emotions. However, no precipitation fell. 

"I thought you might like to say something about her." Bobby took his hat off as I walked around the wooden pyre.

Taking a deep breath, I collected myself enough to give a eulogy. "Bianca Elaine Goodwin was one of the strongest people I knew. She was my rock when I needed her most. Without her, I wouldn't be here today." I wiped my nose on my sleeve. "She was a twin I never had. We worked so well as hunters because we were always on the same wavelength. She knew everything about me. I knew I could tell her anything. Even though she might've had a snarky response every now and again, she never judged me. 

"I remember one time when we were kids, she piled all our savings together and convinced me to go to an arcade with her. When we weren't as good at the games as we thought we were, she broke into one of the machines and stole a bunch of tickets out of it." I chuckled. "We bought their big prize, which was a PlayStation one. We were halfway through Spyro before my parents confiscated it and made us return it.

"Bianca was always coming up with crazy schemes that got us in trouble. Without her, we never would've hustled these two big lugs almost a year ago now. Maybe we wouldn't have even met." I pressed my nails into my palm as I fought back sobs. "There was no one like Bee, and there never will be. She was confident, funny, witty, and so full of life. She always pushed me to get out of my comfort zone. My life may have been safer without her, but it definitely would've been way more boring."

I walked forward and squeezed her hand through the cloth. "Until we meet again." When I stepped back, Bobby handed me a box of matches. "We should all throw one. We all loved her."

Once everyone had a lit match, we all tossed them onto the pyre. Flames roared up around it as we watched. Dean wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I leaned my head against him. We both quietly cried, mourning a beautiful life.


None of us stayed outside too long. Even though you loved the person on the pyre, the smell of burning flesh was not a pleasant one. Everyone had a glass of Johnnie Walker Blue in memory of Bianca. Shortly after, Bobby called it a night.

"You've been up for more than twenty-four hours, Melanie. You should get some rest," Dean said.

I looked at him as I poured myself another glass. "Last time I checked, you weren't my dad, and unless you somehow took a nap while you drove yourself to the store, I think you have, too."

"Do whatever you want." Sam pushed his chair out and stood up. "I'm going to bed. We need to leave early tomorrow to get to Wyoming. That's where Bobby said all the demonic omens are happening."

As soon as Sam was up the stairs, I turned to Dean. "He told me he slept with someone else. Is it true?"

Dean's face fell and a thought slipped out. He was pissed about Mel's deal. "Melanie—"

"That bastard." I shoved the chair back with all my might. It fell over as I marched upstairs.

The door to Sam's room was closed. I threw it open so hard it banged against the wall. 

Sam turned around. "What the—"

"How could you?" I slammed the door shut behind me.

"What are you talking about?" Sam asked.

"You slept with someone else because you were pissed that I made a deal to bring back Bee?" I crossed my arms.

"It really isn't that simple, and I don't want to do this right now," Sam said.

He tried to move me, but I shoved his hands off. "We're doing this now. And you're not just going to hate fuck me again either."

"That's not what that was." Sam held up a finger.

"You sure? Because that's what it's beginning to feel like." I moved to make sure I was out of arm's length. "Here I was worried that you'd never forgive me for doing what I needed to do while you're out sleeping with some random girl then casually dropping it into a conversation. Was it to get back at me? It worked, Sam. I'm pissed."

"What about you and Dean? Did you hook up the minute my bed was empty? Were you even concerned about me at all? And don't lie to me. I've seen the way you two are acting. Quiet conversations when I'm not around. All the touching when you think I'm not watching." Sam looked me up and down then looked away.

"I can't even believe you think I'd do that. I didn't leave that chair all day and night. Sleeping with Dean didn't even cross my mind while I was drinking myself to death keeping vigil over two people I loved!" I screamed. "Did you ever stop to think that we're bonding over the loss of someone we loved deeply? Because he loved her, Sam. He never got a chance to tell her, but he loved her. Do you think he was thinking about sleeping with me while you lay on the brink of death and the love of his life was gone?"

Sam sighed as he sank onto his bed. "If it makes you feel any better, she's dead. Madison was a werewolf, and she didn't know she was turning. We couldn't cure her, and she couldn't live with hurting people." 

"Why'd you do it?" I asked.

"You're right. I wanted to hurt you. I wasn't sure if I could get over the fact that you sold your soul. Maybe I couldn't deal with the thought of you dying," Sam said. "Seeing your face in the bathroom when I told you...I wish I could take it back. I wasn't thinking."

"Fuck you, Sam." Tears spilled onto my cheeks.

I stormed out of Sam's room and across the hall. I packed everything I could into both Bee's duffle and mine. Once I had everything, I stomped down the stairs. 

"Where are you going?" Dean asked.

"Anywhere but here." I wiped the tears off my cheeks.

Dean blocked the door.

I smacked him again. "You knew, didn't you? And you didn't tell me."

"You need to refocus right now." Dean's jaw was tight. "Bianca would want you to kill Azazel. That's what we all need to be focused on."

I stared him down for a long time. Both our chests heaved. Finally, I said, "Fine. I'm leaving as soon as we kill that son of a bitch."

"Sam didn't sleep with her," Dean said.

"What?" I asked. "He told me he did."

"What did he say?" Dean asked.

"He said he wanted to hurt me and if he could, he'd take it back," I said.

Dean shook his head. "He kissed her because he wanted to hurt you. Then he stopped. He couldn't betray you like that no matter how mad he was."

Some of my rage melted away. "He wasn't talking about sleeping with her when he said he wished he could take it back."

"I wish I could take back saying that to you," Sam said. "I wanted to hurt you again when I said it. I thought you slept with Dean."

"Dude." Dean held up his arms.

Dropping my bags on the floor, I walked over to Sam and stopped in front of him. "Show me."

With tearful eyes, Sam met my gaze. I saw a stunning brunette woman. Sam kissed her. I felt her arms untucking his shirt, but Sam pulled away. I can't. It's nothing about you. You're very beautiful. I'm still in love with someone else. The woman nodded. I understand. She's very lucky. His memories whirled around me until they spit me out in the car with Dean. It doesn't matter how mad I am that she felt like she couldn't talk to us. I love her, Dean. I think I'll always love her. We have to find a way out of that deal.

I gripped Sam's arms as I came back to the present. 

"Do you believe me now?" His cheeks were wet with tears.

I nodded as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm so sorry."

"Everything I said is true," he whispered. "I just needed some space to figure it out."

A knock on the door caused me to break away from Sam. Dean furrowed his brows. Bobby popped out of one of the rooms in the back with the same confused look. We all pulled various weapons out as Dean opened the door.

Ellen stood on the porch.
