Another Last Goodbye

There was a tense silence as Sam and Dean loaded my Dad's body into the trunk. Bobby and Ellen said they would go back to Bobby's and get a head start on hunting down the escaped demons. The three of us would go to Spokane to bury my dad. 

Once he was secure in the trunk, I moved to the side of the car to get in. Sam stayed planted by the trunk. Dean turned and walked toward the driver's door but stopped when he saw my confused look.

"You know, when Jake saw's like he saw a ghost." My palms grew sweaty as Sam scoffed. "I mean, hell, you heard him, Dean. He said he killed me."

"Glad he was wrong." Dean looked at us in the rearview mirror.

"That's what I thought, too, until Azazel started talking," Sam said.


"No, Melanie," Sam cut me off. "You're not innocent in this either. I know you know something."

"We just killed the demon, Sam. Can we celebrate for a minute?" Dean's voice trembled.

Sam met his brother's eyes in the mirror. "Did I die, Dean?"

"Oh, come on." Dean shifted in his seat.

I watched Sam's nostrils flare. His body tensed. "Did you sell your soul for me, like Dad did for you?"

"Oh, come on. No!" Dean was breaking. I could feel it.

"Tell me the truth." Sam's jaw tensed. Dean sniffled. "Dean, tell me the truth."


"How long did you get?" Sam's voice broke and everything inside me shattered like glass.

"One year." Dean leaned against the trunk. "I got one year."

Sam drew in a long breath and shook his head. "Yous houldn't've done that. How could you do that?"

"Don't get mad at me." Dean stood up. Instead of looking angry, he looked tired. "Don't you do that. I had to. I had to look out for you. That's my job."

"And what do you think my job is?" Sam asked.

"What?" Dean asked.

"You've saved my life over and over. I mean, you sacrifice everything for me. Don't you think I'd do the same for you?" Dean slowly nodded as if Sam saying it was the first time he thought about it. "You're my big brother. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. And I don't care what it takes, I'm gonna get you out of this." Sam briefly looked at me before looking back to Dean. "Guess I gotta save your ass for a change."

"Yeah." Dean fought back a smile.

Dean walked around to the driver's side and opened the door. I opened the door, too, but didn't climb in because two hands spun me and pressed me against the car. 

Sam leaned over me. I stared into his hazel eyes, unsure of what was going to happen. His fingers skimmed across my jawline. Goosebumps rose on my skin but not at the same intensity as before. This was a bearable pleasure. He gently pressed his lips to mine. Fireworks erupted inside me. I felt like I was home.

Hooooonk! I jumped as Dean sounded the horn.

"Quit making kissy face and get in the car!" Dean shouted. 

Sam smiled as he leaned over me. "Just had to make sure."

I couldn't stop my growing smile as I climbed into the backseat with Sam. With a grin, Sam patted the seat next to him. I slammed the Impala door shut and slid over to him. He wrapped his arm around me, running his thumb over my bicep.

"I'm sorry for everything I put you through today," Sam said. "I shouldn't have treated you that way."

I looked up at him. "You're sorry? I'm the one who should be apologizing. Just a few hours ago, I was..."

Sam kissed my temple. "Truce?"

"Truce." I pecked his cheek before resting my head on his shoulder.

"I'm glad you two kissed and made up." Dean winked and then started the car. "We've got work to do."


The drive to Spokane seemed to fly by. It probably helped that I slept most of the way. Once, I woke up and Sam was reading from that same book about demons that Bobby had the day after I sold my soul.

If Bobby couldn't find an answer in it, I don't have much hope. Besides, I read it twice before. Our answer isn't in there...if there even is an answer.

Sam shook me gently. "Melanie. We made it to Spokane."

I sat up, rubbing sleep from my eyes. The city was exactly how I remembered it. A shudder ran down my spine as I took in the familiar sights. Sam's arm wrapped tighter around me.

"We don't have to do this. We can turn around and—"

"No, he deserves to be with my mom." I stared out the window.

"Okay." Sam kissed my temple. "Let me know if it gets to be too much."

I nodded. 

Dean maneuvered us into the cemetery, and I directed him to my mother's plot. We'd been lucky—if that's what you'd say to two newly orphaned kids, which the funeral home director did choose to say—and got four plots close together. The Goodwins were in the two plots above my mom. We took them so Bee and I could visit them together.

I didn't even realize the tears streaming down my cheeks until Sam pulled me into a hug, breaking me out of my thoughts. The car slowly came to a stop on the gravel drive.

"We got the plots together." I sniffled. "Bee and I were going to come back and visit them together."'

Dean adjusted the mirror, so he could meet my eyes. "Stay in the car. Sam and I will get his grave prepared."

"Thank you," I said.

As the sun sunk lower in the sky, the two men worked on digging out a grave. Once it was a suitable depth, I stepped out of the car.

"You ready?" Dean asked.

I opened the trunk and looked at my dad's body. If you didn't know any better, it'd look like he was sleeping. He is at peace.

Sam's hand fell on my shoulder. "Do you want a moment?"

"No," I said. Then I pulled my anti-possession bracelet off. "But I want to put this on him." 

I hesitated as I reached for his wrist fearing at any moment that he might spring to life again. He didn't. After swallowing hard, I fastened the bracelet around his wrist. 

"It belongs to him anyway." Fresh tears sprang to my eyes. "He gave it up to keep Bee and me safe. We found it when we cleaned up."

"Is there anything you want to say?" Sam asked.

"I know you guys only had bad encounters with him, so I am beyond grateful that you were willing to do this for me. My dad wasn't the kind and sentimental type, but he knew how to tell you he loved you without saying it. I remember him getting me out of bed in the mornings to watch deer eat off the trees at our house near Indianapolis." I smiled at the memory as more tears slipped from my eyes. "We clicked most when we were hunting. It was a dance for us. He didn't say it often, but I saw it in his face. He was proud of me. Even though he was complicated and intense, I loved him with all my heart." I fought back a sob. Sam reflexively grabbed my hand and swiped his thumb over my knuckles. "I know he went down fighting. He saved Bee and me. I'll never forget the sacrifice he made for us. I love you, Dad."

When I stepped away from the trunk, I turned my back as the dam holding back my tears split wide open. From the sounds of shovels on dirt, I knew Sam and Dean had gotten him into the grave and started covering him. Before long, two strong arms wrapped around me from behind. I turned and cried into Sam's chest. He rubbed my back as my tears soaked his shirt.

It took me a while to control my sobs. Blame it on the trauma I experienced the last few days or the lack of food and sleep, I let loose. Dean even joined in the hug, trying to help soothe me. 

The sobs transitioned to crying, which faded to sniffles and the occasional tear. I pushed away from Sam and wiped my lingering tears away. 

"Thank you for doing this," I said.

"That's what families do. They show up for each other despite whatever issues they had," Dean said.

I smiled weakly at Dean. "I really appreciate it."

"Where's a good place to get food around here?" Dean asked. "You haven't eaten all day."

"I'm fine." I shook my head and walked toward the car.

Before I could get far, Sam caught my hand. "No, you're not. We're getting you food if that means driving down every sidestreet in Spokane."

"My dad loved a place called 'The Swinging Doors'. It's not far from here. Right up your alley." I shot Dean a look.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Dean narrowed his eyes.

I giggled as I walked to the passenger door. "Beer and burgers. Just get in the car."

After a good meal—which I mostly picked at long enough for Sam and Dean to quit taking side glances at me—we were all set to head back to Bobby's. An idea struck me as headed south to get on I-90.

"Take a left at that next light," I said.

"Why?" Dean asked.

"I had an idea." When Dean made no indication of turning, I sighed. "Just humor me, will you?"

Dean rolled his eyes but made a left at the light. 

"After US-2, you'll make a right into a strip center," I said.

"Where are you taking us?" Sam asked.

I looked up at him. "You'll see when we get there."

Without another protest, Dean pulled into the parking lot of the little strip center. Lights shined out into the darkening night from the gray building in front of us with the a red anarchy "A" on the top of it.

Sam looked out the windshield. "A tattoo parlor?"

"What idea did you have?" Dean visibly looked ill.

I hit his shoulder gently. "Relax. You don't have to get anything. I didn't want to go all the way back to Bobby's unprotected. You'll need to sleep at some point."

"Sam can drive," Dean said.

"We all could use a night in a bed." I raised a brow at him.

Dean grinned. "We're all gonna share."

This time I whacked his shoulder hard. "Seriously?"

"What do you mean 'unprotected'?" Sam asked.

"Well, I gave my dad back his anti-possession bracelet, so I thought I'd get an anti-possession tattoo. I don't know about you two, but that's the last time I want to have a demon poking around in my head. Why not make it permanent?" I shrugged.

Sam looked convinced. "I'm in. How bad could it really be?"

When Dean didn't say anything we stepped out of the car and made our way toward the building. He stuck his head out the window.

"Am I the only one objecting to this?" Dean asked. "Come on, guys. This is a joke, right?"

I shook my head. "I'm not joking. Stay in the car if you want, wuss."

"That's a good one. I give him ten seconds before he caves." Sam smirked.

"Three, tops." I held the door open for Sam. 

As he went to step inside the door to the Impala popped open, and Dean walked out. 

"Glad you decided to join us." I smiled. "Need me to hold your hand?"

"Shut up." Dean growled.

I stepped in after him and let the door swing shut behind me. Well, this is going to be fun.

A/N: Sorry for the break in publishing. I moved to a new apartment and it's been a process to say the least. But, I'm back and hoping to publish these semi-regularly again. Enjoy!
