Born Under a Bad Sign

By the time I woke up, I had recovered from my brush with death. And it was a good thing, too, since we had another case lined up already. We attended a bank robbery by a shifter where Sam and Dean almost got caught by the police again, so they had to sneak out in the feds' gear. Then, we performed a seance to get rid of a deceased priest murdering in the name of God.

The biggest scare happened the morning after the seance. Sam was gone again. Only this time, there hadn't been any talk about having to kill him the night before. There was no indication of where he went or when he left.

"We have to track his phone." Bee grabbed her computer.

"No, I've called him a thousand times, there's nothing but voicemail. I don't know where he went, or why. Sam's just gone." Dean paced, on the phone with Ellen.

As the website to track Sam's phone loaded, Dean pulled the phone away from his ear. "It's him. Ellen, I gotta go."

I ran over to him and pressed my ear to the other side of his phone. "Sammy? Where the hell are you? Are you okay?"

"Dean, you have to come and get me. I don't know what happened," Sam's voice quivered.

"Hey, hey, hey! Calm down. Where are you?" Dean asked.

"Twin Lakes, Wisconsin. There's only one motel. Room 109," Sam said.

"Don't move, we're on our way." Dean hung up.

Though we had just driven fourteen hours from Providence, Rhode Island to Gary Indiana—where we stopped on our way to Bobby's—we were happy to hop back in the car to drive almost one hundred miles to get Sam back. The ride was silent as Dean drove at speeds that could kill us. At that moment, I didn't care. I would give anything to know that Sam was safe.

As soon as the car was parked in the motel parking lot, I jumped out and ran inside searching for room 109. Once I found it, I pounded on the door.

"Sam! It's me. Let me in." When he didn't answer, I tried the handle. It was unlocked. I shrieked as I caught sight of Sam sitting on the bed. His entire midsection was covered in blood. "Are you bleeding?"

"I tried to wash it off." His voice was far off.

"Oh my God." I kneeled in front of him and tried to find the wound as Dean and Bee appeared at the door.

The same despondent voice said, "I don't think it's my blood."

"Whose is it?" Dean asked.

"I don't know." Tears welled in his eyes

"What the hell happened?" Bee asked. 

Sam finally looked up. "I don't remember anything."

I glanced at Dean for help, but he looked as concerned as I did. We needed to look for clues. I helped Sam to his feet and led him to the bathroom to shower. Dean and Bee went to ask some questions.

After piecing things together, we learned that Sam had killed another hunter. That's where the blood came from. We cleaned up the hunter's house, destroying all evidence, and Bee wiped his computer's hard drive and infected it with a virus so no one could ever access his security camera footage.

On the way back to the motel, Sam started to get jumpy. He paced relentlessly when we got back.

"I'm telling you, Dean. I've been different the past few weeks. Rage. Hatred. It just keeps getting worse," Sam said.

"Why didn't you tell us?" I asked. 

It didn't make sense. Why wouldn't Sam talk to me? He would at least want to know if I felt the same.

"I didn't want to scare you." Sam frowned.

Lies. I needed him to look at me. Maybe then I could figure out what was going on.

"A hell of a job you did," Bee said.

"I'm scared." Sam looked at Bee. No, look at me. "I'm just like the others. Slowly but surely, I'm becoming what he wants me to become."

"Who?" Bee asked.

"Yellow eyes," Sam and I said in unison.

There it was. Sam locked eyes with me for the briefest moment. I didn't hear what he said next because what I heard in that tiny nanosecond was all I needed to send myself into a full panic. Sam's voice wasn't what I heard. I heard a woman's voice

"Dad warned you. This is what he wanted." Sam's eyes welled.

"It's not Sam!" I shouted.

It was too late. Sam had grabbed a gun off the bed. He looked at us with a sickening smile before pistol-whipping Dean. He slumped to the ground, unconscious. Bee rushed him with a knife, but Sam easily disarmed her and dropped her, too.

Mustering all the courage I could, I asked, "Who are you?"

"I should've known you'd catch me. I tried not to make eye contact, but alas instincts..." Sam smiled. 

Trying to catch me off guard, Sam punched at me. I jumped backward, moving out of Sam's reach. There's no way out of this without hurting Sam.

"Please!" I held my arms up in surrender, tears welling in my eyes. "Leave him out of this. Take me instead."

"Wow, I wasn't expecting that one." Sam pursed his lips. "You're an intriguing little thing, aren't you? I can see why Sammy's so smitten with you."

I gritted my teeth. "Get this over with."

"What? You don't like me poking around in your lover's head?" Sam winked.

"Not particularly." I balled my fists.

"It's a shame I didn't get to use this body any longer." Sam grinned. "That's all right. You seem like more fun anyway."

Having a demon take control is an uncomfortable process. Sam collapsed to the floor as black smoke coiled out of his mouth. My throat burned slightly as the demon sank into my body. My bones felt jittery as the demon settled into place.

"He'll be fine." The demon dug around in Sam's pocket to fetch the key to the car he stole. "We have someone else to see." The demon walked me to the door before stopping. "I almost forgot." Pain seared through my arm as a Q-shaped mark appeared below my elbow. "Stop whining. That barely hurt."

She shut the door to the room and walked out to the car. I fought her as we drove south. We stopped at a run-down bar, but I couldn't think what we were doing. As soon as we walked in, my heart plummeted.

Don't bring her into this. Jo Harvelle scrubbed the bar at the front of the room.

"Sorry, we're closing up." Jo didn't look up.

"How about just one for the road?" The demon asked.

Jo faced me. I don't know how to describe her face, but I wouldn't say it was welcoming. "Well, you're about the last person I'd expect to see."

The demon sauntered up to the bar. "I guess I'm just full of surprises. So can I get a beer?"

No! Turn and run! Maybe if I could read minds, I could plant thoughts, too.

Jo thought for a moment, and I thought it worked. "Sure. One beer." She disappeared into the kitchen and came back carrying a bottle of beer, which she cracked open on the counter before handing it to me. "So, how'd you find me?"

"It's kind of what we do." The demon took a long drink of the beer.

"Speaking of 'we', where's Bianca?" Jo went back to cleaning up the bar. "You still running around with those Winchester boys?"

"No, we haven't run with them for a while." I felt the demon poking around in my thoughts. I tried to close them off, but she was too strong. "Your mom may have told you Sam cut out on Bee when they were on a hunt together. We didn't trust them after that. You know how important trust is on a hunt. Bee's back at our hotel sleeping off her latest drinking endeavor. You know how she is."

I waved my hand around, and Jo noticed my burn. She came over to me and investigated it. "That looks like it hurts."

"Nah, I just had a run-in with a hot stove." The demon shrugged.

Jo shrugged and started scrubbing another table. "So, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I felt really bad about taking that hunt from you a few weeks ago. I know how much you wanted to get away from your mom and go on your own hunt." The demon walked over to the table she was cleaning. "I also know you wanted some alone time with Dean."

"How do you know that?" Jo blushed but narrowed her eyes at me.

"Come on, Jo. How long have we known each other?" The demon nudged her. "Besides, I can read minds, or did you forget?" The demon smiled sickly then frowned. "Jo, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but I care about you. Dean thinks of you as a, well, little sister. He's just not interested in you that way."

"That's real kind, Melanie." Jo fixed me with another glare.

"I'm not trying to hurt you." The demon followed her as she tried to walk away. "I just thought it would sound kinder coming from me than if you had asked Dean and gotten rejected."

"I think you should leave." Tears sprang to Jo's eyes.

"Okay," the demon said, heading toward the door. I tried to regain control and scream for Jo to run as the demon whirled around again. She pinned Jo to the bar.

"Melanie, get off me! Let me go!" Jo struggled against the demon's grip.

Jo tried to use my beer bottle to get the demon off her, but the demon slammed it out of her hand and pressed her face to the bar. 

"Jo, Jo, Jo." The demon tsked. The demon slammed her face off the bar, knocking her out cold.

Why are you doing this? 

Because I want to hurt as many people as I can, the demon said. And by hurting her, I hurt you, her mom, and those stupid boys.

The demon had tied Jo up and taunted her about John Winchester killing her dad while trialing a knife along her face before Sam barged into the bar. He trained a gun on me. The demon smiled as she pressed the knife to Jo's throat.

"Sam! Stop me, please. I'm begging you. I can't hold it off long." The demon brought tears to my eyes.

"I know it's you, Meg," Sam said. "Let them go."

Meg chuckled. It sounded deeper and more malicious than mine usually did. "Where's your backup, Sammy?"

"I didn't wait for them to wake up. Now, drop the knife." Sam inched closer.

"Ah, ah, ah." Meg pulled Jo's head back. "One more step, and she dies."

Meg tried to read Sam's mind, but I closed off my powers. I may be your meat puppet, but you can't use my powers.

That distraction had been enough. Dean crept up and doused me in water. Meg hissed as I felt my eyes flick black. 

"That's holy water, you demonic son of a bitch!" Dean shouted, flinging more holy water on Meg.

She dropped the knife and smashed through a window. Unluckily, the bar was positioned next to a bunch of warehouses. I could hear feet following us, but there were so many places to hide. We were cowering in one of the buildings with my .45 ready to use.

"So, what do you want with Melanie?" The one voice I hoped I wouldn't hear asked.

"I have big plans for her," Meg said.

"Why didn't you kill us?" Bee asked, her voice drawing nearer. "You've had a bunch of chances."

"That would've been too easy. Where's the fun in that?" Meg chuckled. "You see, this was a test. Wanted to see if I could push you far enough to waste one of them. I should've known none of you were brave enough. Fun's over now."

"Well, I hope you got your kicks. 'Cause you're gonna pay hell for this, I'm gonna make sure of that," Bee said.

"How? You can't hurt me. Not without hurting your little Melanie," Meg said. "See, I think you're gonna die, Bianca. You and every other hunter I can find. One look at Mel's dewy, sensitive eyes? They'll let me right in their door."

Creeping along the warehouse floor and staying out of sight, Meg got out of the warehouse. There was an open-air dock outside of it. Meg smiled. After tossing a large box into the water, Meg hid us behind a stack of boxes. Bee came to see what happened. As she leaned over the water looking for my body, Meg stepped out from behind the boxes.

No! I fought with all my might as Meg trained the gun on Bee. I couldn't stop her from pulling the trigger. The bullet connected. Bee fell into the water.

I didn't want to look, but Meg walked over to the edge of the dock and peered down at Bee's body.

She's dead. I would never lose the lifeless eyes staring back at me. Meg ran as Sam and Dean came to see what had happened.
