Come Hell or High Water

Meg knocked on the door in front of Bobby's house as we wrestled in my mind. I had had enough of her dragging me around to everyone I cared about.

"Melanie." Bobby looked around me. "Where's everyone else?"

"You have to help! They're all gone. It started with Sam. We thought we had a trail on him but then Dean and Bee disappeared, too." Meg panicked. 

"Alright, get in here. We'll put our heads together and see what we can do." Bobby opened the door and let me in.

I stumbled a bit as I briefly held control over Meg.

"You okay, Melanie?" Bobby asked. 

"I'm just so overwhelmed." Meg sat down at the kitchen table.

"Let me get you some water," Bobby said. He walked to the fridge and filled up a glass. Once it was full, he sat it in front of me. "Drink up."

Meg seemed hesitant. I slammed her to the ground and grabbed the cup. I guzzled it. Meg fell to the ground choking. "What'd you do?"

"I always add holy water to my drinks," Bobby said. "You can't be too careful. A normal human won't notice. But you aren't a normal human, are you? Don't try to con a con man."

The world went black around me as Bobby's fist collided with my head. 


When I came back, I was tied to a chair in front of the fireplace in the secondary sitting room that Bobby used as an office. Sam, Dean, and Bobby stood around me. Dean's eyes were bloodshot.

"Hey." If looks could kill, Sam would've struck me dead on the spot.

Meg looked up and noticed the devil's trap painted on the ceiling. "Where's Bianca? Is she still sleeping with the fishes?"

"How about I smack that smartass right out of your mouth?" Dean asked.

Meg smiled. "Oh, careful, now. You wouldn't want to bruise this fine packaging. What would Sammy say?"

"Don't worry, this isn't going to hurt Melanie." Sam hoisted a bucket up. "You on the other hand."

I felt nothing as Sam threw the water contents of the bucket over my head. Meg screamed and writhed with pain. 

"Feel like talking now?" Dean asked.

"Melanie's still my meat puppet." Meg smiled. "I'll make her bite off her tongue."

"No, you won't be in her long enough," Sam said. "Bobby."

"Exorcisamus te, omnes in mundus spiritus omnes satanica potestas, omnes incursio..." Bobby read.

"See, whatever bitch-boy master plan you demons are cooking up? You're not getting Melanie. Do you understand me? I'm gonna kill every one of you first," Sam said.

Meg thrashed in the ropes keeping us stuck to the chair. I thought we were going to be able to do it. My joy was short-lived. Meg threw her head back and started laughing manically. Bobby stopped reading.

"You really think that's what this is about? The master plan? I don't give a rat's ass about the master plan," Meg said.

Bobby started reading again. "Humiliares sub potente magnu dei—"

"Oops, doesn't seem to be working." Meg smiled. "I've learned a few new tricks." She lowered my head and finished started a new chant.

The flames roared behind us and the whole room shook.

"This isn't going like I pictured!" Dean yelled over the noise. "What's going on Bobby?"

While Meg was distracted by the incantation, I nodded my head gently at my arm.

"She's got a binding link! It's like a lock!" Bobby yelled. "She's locked herself in Mel's body."

"What do we do?" Sam asked.

"I don't know," Bobby said.

As she finished the incantation, my world went black. Somehow, Meg subdued me and blocked my senses. I was suspended in limbo waiting to see what would happen to me.

I woke up on the floor. The walls and ceiling were all cracked. My arm stung. Sitting up, I touched the raw burn on my arm and looked around at the concerned faces around me.

"Melanie?" Sam asked, kneeling beside me.

"Is she really gone?" I asked, tears welling in my eyes.

Sam pulled me into a hug. I sobbed into his chest. Dean sat down beside us and rubbed my back. I could hear his cries behind me.

"I saw it all." I hiccuped. "It wasn't like you, Sam. I tried t-to fight her."

"We know." Sam hugged me tighter.

"I failed her." I sobbed. "I failed all of you. I'm a monster."

"You're not," Dean said. "No one would've been able to fight it."

He's lying. Everyone around you dies. You're the common denominator.

"Melanie, are you okay?" Sam asked.

I shook my head, panic swelling in my chest

It'd be better if you weren't here. It's the only way to save them.

Bianca's vacant eyes. My parents' vacant eyes. Blood everywhere. Yellow eyes staring me down.

"Help." I wheezed fighting for air.

Sam grabbed my hands. "Deep breaths. In and out. Slowly."

I tried to mimic his breathing, but it wasn't helping. My lips started to tingle like the blood was draining from them. I shook my head.

"Alright," Dean said. "Name five things you can see."

I looked at Dean. He raised his brows, waiting.

"F-f-fireplace," I mumbled. "D-devil's t-t-trap. Ch-chair. Bu-bucket. Computer."

"Good," Dean said. "Name four things you can touch."

"Sam, Dean, floor, necklace." My hand instinctively touched each one.

"Three things you can hear," Dean said.

"Birds, cars on the highway, my heartbeat."

"Two things you can smell," Dean said.

"Firewood and that terrible onion sandwich you must've had for lunch," I said.

"She's back," Sam said.

I continued to look at Dean. "Where'd you learn that?"

"Bianca told me she would do it when you were really overwhelmed. It's grounding, right?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, it is," I said. I turned to Sam. "Where is she?"

Sam looked up at Dean and then back to me. "We thought you might want to have a funeral for her when you're ready. We made sure we brought her body back."

"Can I see her?" I asked.

Sam nodded and stood up. I followed him back to a room near the back of Bobby's house. There, on a spare mattress, was Bianca. Her hair still appeared wet from when she fell into the water. Someone had closed her eyes. If I didn't know better, I'd think she was sleeping.

I touched her cold hand as tears sprang to my eyes. "I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault." Sam put his hand on my shoulder. "It's the demons. They want to kill as many of us as they can."

"You can't make it easy for them." Dean squeezed my arm. "Keep fighting them."

"It's so hard." I fought back sobs.

"We're here for you," Sam said. "We love you, so we'll fight when you can't."

"I love you, too." I wrapped my arms around their necks and hugged them both.

"Come on. We can take care of her tomorrow." Sam turned me and led me out of the room. I cast one last glance at the girl who might as well have been my sister.

Bobby met us in the kitchen. "I want each of you to take one of these charms. It'll keep those bastards out of you. I'm going to look for a long-term solution, in the meantime."

I rummaged in my bag as the guys both accepted charms. "I have one. I slipped it off to get that bitch out of Sam." I pulled out my woven bracelet with an anti-possession charm on it.

"Well, I'm beat," Sam said. "I think we should all try to get some rest."

"You go ahead," I said. "I need some time yet."

"Me, too." Dean rummaged in Bobby's cabinet until he pulled out a bottle of whiskey.

Sam kissed my temple as I sat down at the counter. "Don't drink too much."

"I'll be up in a bit," I said.

Dean poured us both a glass of whiskey. Sam vanished up the stairs. The voices continued in my head. Alcohol seemed like a good way to drown my sorrows. We were each three glasses in before either of us spoke.

"I never got to tell her." There were tears in Dean's eyes.

"You didn't tell her what?" I poured myself another glass.

"I never told her I loved her." Dean sniffled as he stared into his empty glass. "I dragged my feet, now she'll never know."

I took Dean's hand. His eyes snapped to me. "She knew, Dean."

He pulled his hand out of mine and wiped his tears away. "Son of a bitch." He cleared his throat. "I think I've had enough. You should try to get some sleep, too."

"I'll go to bed when I finish this one." I sipped my whiskey.

Dean got to the door to the stairs and sighed. Instead, he walked to the couch and slumped down on it. Soon, gentle snores were rolling out of him. 

Well, there are two choices I can make now. I don't think Bee would want me to leave this world just yet. I need to finish what we started. I looked over at the couch. But I can't be the reason they die, too.

I set my glass down and climbed upstairs. The moonlight from the window illuminated Sam's slumbering figure. I felt tears trickle down my cheeks as I looked at him. There is only one option to keep them safe. I grabbed everything I left in his room. With a snap decision, I picked up his Stanford sweatshirt as well and placed all my stuff in it.

Heart shattering, I leaned down and kissed his cheek. As I turned to walk away from the Winchester brothers, Sam grabbed my hand.

"Where are you going?" Sam asked. "Why do you have all your stuff? Are you leaving?"

My mouth couldn't form words. I nodded.

Sam tightened his grip on my hand. His voice trembled as he spoke. "Please, don't leave us."

"I'm trying to keep you safe." Tears spilled out of my eyes.

Sam stood up and took my face in his hands. "This profession isn't safe. If you leave, Dean and I won't stop looking until we find you. I love you, Melanie Drake, and I'm not going to let you hunt alone come hell or high water."

The next thing I knew, Sam's lips were pressed to mine. I don't remember who kissed whom. It felt like time stopped spinning around us. Eventually, I pulled away.

"I won't leave." I rested my head against his. "But I need some air. I'll be back in a bit."

Sam kissed my forehead. "Leave everything but the sweatshirt. I don't want you to get cold."

I nodded as I set everything on the desk in Sam's room. After slipping the sweatshirt over my head, I walked back downstairs. Dean didn't stir on the couch. I slipped into Bobby's office and grabbed a few items. Then, I left the house.

Several miles from Bobby's house, I found the spot I was looking for. A gravel crossroads lay in front of me. I spotted it on my run the night Dean got arrested. I didn't know I'd need it someday. 

A chill ran down my spine as I slipped a photo of me into the tin I carried out of the house. I buried it in the dirt and waited for the summons to happen. A handsome man appeared in front of me. He would've been very attractive if his eyes weren't a red color.

"Well, well, well," he said. "What do we have here? Azazel would be upset to know you met with me."

"I don't care what he thinks," I said.

"Do your new hunting buddies know you're here? I don't think the Winchesters would take kindly to know you're making a deal behind their back." The demon picked at his nails.

"Are you going to ask what I summoned you for or not?" Blood boiled in my veins but only because I knew he was right.

The demon smirked. "I know what you want. Every demon is aware when a soul like Bianca's arrives at our door. The question is, what are you willing to give up to get her back?"

I gave him a hard look. "Anything you want."

"Now, Melanie, let's not get hasty." The demon circled me. "The typical deal is a life for a life. What would the Winchesters say about that?"

I grit my teeth. "This doesn't involve them. It's my soul, therefore it's mine to bargin with. I'll die right now to get Bianca back." I turned to face the demon. "Do we have a deal or not."

The demon frowned. "Unfortunately, Azazel has his own plans for you. I can't take your soul right now, even though it would make me the most envied demon in hell." He sighed. "I'll give you a year and a quarter. If Azazel hasn't done what he wants to with you by then, that's his loss."

A tear slipped from my eye. "I accept."

"No need to cry dear. It's only a kiss," the demon said. I glared before the demon leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. "Pleasure doing business with you. See you in fifteen months."
